Go ObamaCare (DumbamaCare) - UPS to Drop 15,000 Spouses from Health Insurance


Didn't Dumbama say that if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance?

How can you tell when Obama is lying? His lips are moving!!!!

United Parcel Service Inc. plans to remove thousands of spouses from its medical plan because they are eligible for coverage elsewhere. The Atlanta-based logistics company points to the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as a big reason for the decision, reports Kaiser Health News.

The decision comes as many analysts are downplaying the Affordable Care Act's effect on companies such as UPS, noting that the move reflects a long-term trend of shrinking corporate medical benefits, Kaiser Health News reports. But UPS repeatedly cites Obamacare to explain the decision, adding fuel to the debate over whether it erodes traditional employer coverage, Kaiser says.

Rising medical costs, “combined with the costs associated with the Affordable Care Act, have made it increasingly difficult to continue providing the same level of health care benefits to our employees at an affordable cost,” UPS said in a memo to employees.

According to Kaiser, UPS (NYSE: UPS) told white-collar workers two months ago that 15,000 working spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers would be excluded from the UPS plan in 2014.

UPS expects the move, which applies to non-union U.S. workers only, to save about $60 million a year, company spokesman Andy McGowan said.

The health law requires large employers to cover employees and dependent children, but not spouses or domestic partners, Kaiser adds.

Kaiser said the Obama administration would not respond directly to UPS' statements, but said that employer coverage increased when Massachusetts implemented its own version of the health overhaul.

"The health care law will make health insurance more affordable, strengthen small businesses and make it easier for employers to provide coverage to their workers," said Joanne Peters, spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Earlier this week, Forever 21 Inc. became the latest national company to cut employee hours to counter the impact of Obamacare, according to Policymic.com.

Atlanta-based AAA Parking, a parking garage operator that employs more than 1,600 companywide, moved about half of its 500 full-time hourly employees to part-time status on April 15, in response to the law.
thisguy23's Avatar
He didn't say anything about keeping your job. He thinks the American dream is out there for everyone, and it is. What he doesn't realize and most of America doesn't get is that before you get to live that dream you have to build it, with hard work and sacrifice.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-21-2013, 11:03 PM

According to Kaiser, UPS (NYSE: UPS) told white-collar workers two months ago that 15,000 working spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers would be excluded from the UPS plan in 2014.

. Originally Posted by therock18
So UPS is cutting healthcare to spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers!

Shocking, they already have coverage so UPS does not want to cover them. Makes sense to me but go ahead blame Obama.
chefnerd's Avatar
It's also part of a growing trend among companies to not insure working spouses with access to insurance through their own employers. What the ACA gives them is a convenient scapegoat.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Let's see, 15,000 employees an get better coverage through ACA. UPS doesn't have to cover them anymore.

Ohhhh the shame!

You rectal swab era have forgotten what it was all about.

Better, easier, cheaper. If that ain't enough to blow up the government, I guess it's them homosectional weddings,


Stupid scum!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hard work and sacrifice is alien to most libtards. They see what others have achieved and actually believe they got screwed over because every time opportunity came knocking they were to fucking lazy and ignorant to answer the door.

I am sure this is something that the Teamsters have agreed to in order to offset the rising cost of health insurance or be forced into a lesser coverage. Normally within the unions, since unions are inherently a socialist organization, the members that lose the coverage for their spouse will want additional compensation so as to remain equal with their "brothers" that are getting a greater benefit.

The fact that health insurance cost has risen dramatically since Obamacare was passed remains and is directly related to the "ACT".
lostincypress's Avatar
Does anyone read the article before commenting? This has nothing to do with UNION spouses. The only spouses dropped are the ones with coverage available through their employment. Stay at home spouses, self employed, contract employees, spouses with no healthcare offered at their current employer will still be covered.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So UPS is cutting healthcare to spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers!

Shocking, they already have coverage so UPS does not want to cover them. Makes sense to me but go ahead blame Obama. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm pretty sure you don't offer health care benefits to your employees, do you?
The article need s deeper read to get away from the typical silliness . . .

UPS isn't directly making this decision due to "Obamacare". It is a trend that has been in place for several years to try to minimize "duplicate" coverage for eligible spouses. The core issue is about costs -- not about "Obamacare" issues.

Don't you just hate facts? LOL
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-22-2013, 07:48 AM
I'm pretty sure you don't offer health care benefits to your employees, do you? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I do not have any employee's, so you would be partially right for once , if only by accident.

I heard you offer your Asian immigrant lovers insurance.....Plan B birth control, is that true?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-22-2013, 07:52 AM

The fact that health insurance cost has risen dramatically since Obamacare was passed remains and is directly related to the "ACT". Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Another small fact is they were rising dramatically before Obamacare. Of course that does not fit your narrative so you leave it out and spout half truths. Sara Palin, LLiar, JDipshit and now you!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I do not have any employee's, so you would be partially right for once , if only by accident.

I heard you offer your Asian immigrant lovers insurance.....Plan B birth control, is that true?

Originally Posted by WTF
Asian immigrant lovers - very well put, thanks. Yes, the insurance is of the latex variety.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-22-2013, 09:00 AM
Asian immigrant lovers - very well put, thanks. Yes, the insurance is of the neoprene variety. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
So is plan b, Plan B is the rubber breaks or in your case slips off?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-22-2013, 09:23 AM
The article need s deeper read to get away from the typical silliness . . .

UPS isn't directly making this decision due to "Obamacare". It is a trend that has been in place for several years to try to minimize "duplicate" coverage for eligible spouses. The core issue is about costs -- not about "Obamacare" issues.

Don't you just hate facts? LOL Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer

big words like duplicate" throw morons for a loop