Sherifs @ the Door

SO I am in Nola Checking out today so I will say hotel info.
I paid 368 buck one night including parking no microwave and lighting is HORRIBLE in the rooms and bathroom for men that might not matter for make up IT MATTERS. Thank goodness it is Mardi Gra and your face can look like a damn clown.

AT check in the lady asks how many in room I always say two she asks for name so I make up a mans name up so she slaps on the silver braclet and said NO ONE can enter the hotel with out one... Im looking at all the traffick and figure i have a braclet on as long as i walk in with them its cool.. so I go un pack get ready for the 530 parade walk out everything is still good i go to parade grab a dry burger at Allabys The fries where great burger was tasty but so damn dry. I decide to go back to room for a bit it is now 8 p.m. female Sherrif at the door checked my arm then the girl beside me had a guy friend with her he did not have one he could not come in the hotel. The front desk lady said he had to be added to the room. So if I got in a feeling good mode and wanted a one night stand he would have to go on my hotel log know my real name I would have to know his cause they look at your fucking ID...
SO by this time I am mad cause the 2 appointments I did have lined up probably won't happened and i spent almost 400 for this fucking room and I cant just walk in with a guest YEAH NO! so I take a few asprins lay it down I wake up and get ready to leave to go to Daisy Dukes and the same braud is there now with another dude sherif. I have to ask valet about my car etc they were both just right there being nosey I go eat, trample bourbon for a bit come back at 230 shes sitting still right there WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE to bring anyone in with out knowing each others full ID Name. Maybe in the Morning she'll be gone,,
BUT IT SUCKS BIG DONKEY DICKS WHEN you can't recoup some of a $400 hotel bill..
Guess we all know where I WILL NEVER EVER EVER STAY IN LIFE again...
I understand holding down traffic during pardi gras how ever if one has a braclet you should be able to have a guest .. THEY WON'T LET YOU BE A SLUT AT THE AC HOTEL BY MARRIOTT
gimme_that's Avatar
This is why I do only outcalls. But it is mardi gras time. Id make a formal complaint with corporate. Those rules seems ridiculous. I don't feel that a welcomed environment for a guest.
Yep, that's Mardi-Gras rules for ya...
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
It's why I freakin' hate Mardi Gras--it's just a giant PITA more than it is fun. I know a lot of the locals from here love it, but for me, I don't like crowds, huge numbers of drunk people puking on my sidewalk, or traffic; I stay away from downtown for a week until Wednesday. Sorry. Bah humbug--oh wait, wrong holiday. I've been called a Scrooge before though.
It's why I freakin' hate Mardi Gras--it's just a giant PITA more than it is fun. I know a lot of the locals from here love it, but for me, I don't like crowds, huge numbers of drunk people puking on my sidewalk, or traffic; I stay away from downtown for a week until Wednesday. Sorry. Bah humbug--oh wait, wrong holiday. I've been called a Scrooge before though. Originally Posted by Old Horn Dog
Most New Orleanians that I know go out of town this time of year.
LA Man's Avatar
At this rate the only way to have sex in New Orleans during Mardi Gras will be on the street! Any takers????
gimme_that's Avatar
Not all hotels will do this. I would highly resent being branded like cattle during a hotel stay. Hopefully this is just a mostly Canal Street hotel rule and not so much the ones further away walking distance from that location.
so when i contact corporate I say.. In case I wanted to be a slutt I couldnt.? I tried my nephew or cousin is at another hotel and they are coming up for drinks well it should be no problem with showing id for family? IM a premium hotel member ship at all the higher end hotels i stay in hotels 300 days out of the year ..I am highly upset about this. Most girls dont get appointments on this weekend I had 3 lined up... Did zero because of this bull shit well im doing an out call this afternoon but im mad for real about it ,, However the breakfast was for a KING I TELL YOU A FREAKING KING A healthy king but a king none the less
so when i contact corporate I say.. In case I wanted to be a slutt I couldnt.? I tried my nephew or cousin is at another hotel and they are coming up for drinks well it should be no problem with showing id for family? IM a premium hotel member ship at all the higher end hotels i stay in hotels 300 days out of the year ..I am highly upset about this. Most girls dont get appointments on this weekend I had 3 lined up... Did zero because of this bull shit well im doing an out call this afternoon but im mad for real about it ,, However the breakfast was for a KING I TELL YOU A FREAKING KING A healthy king but a king none the less Originally Posted by Majichands
No, tell them the rules were not clear when you booked and you were meeting friends. They should make that policy clear up front. Not that you wanted "extra" in the room.

That is why they make this rule. Some kids will pack 20 people in a room - keep everyone up - and ruin the room.

Regardless, if they have special rules, they should let you know in advance. Not when you arrive to pay for a room in s totally booked city....
No, tell them the rules were not clear when you booked and you were meeting friends. They should make that policy clear up front. Not that you wanted "extra" in the room.

That is why they make this rule. Some kids will pack 20 people in a room - keep everyone up - and ruin the room.

Regardless, if they have special rules, they should let you know in advance. Not when you arrive to pay for a room in s totally booked city.... Originally Posted by Longdongstrong
I brought the paper that was left on my bed for me to read AFTER CHECK IN ON MY BED.. I also am going to send corprate all my hotel stays for the next 30 days to other hotels hilton hawthorn BW and boycott them for 30 days if I can let their pockets feel what my pockets felt... Not that it henders them at all but makes me feel better I refuse to give them my money when they cost me money how ever I can't tell them they cost me money... I mean I could I do another business on the side they know about and its on my email address they have ...
I am just frustraighted about it.. When I travel to most cities I WORK and play when not busy most times in Nola I come TO PLAY and work when not busy playing. My work pays for my play in Nola I come for Saints Games Easter Parade Mardi Gra Blues AT the Rockn bowl I am very clear when I am in that town I am there to Party then work LOL all other Citys I work then play if I can and that means visit local attractions like museums, etc tec

Thank yall for all the help and input. I LOVE THIS BOARD.. i almost wanted to put it in the alert section
Just HOT HEADED I guess
Thanks a million
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Most New Orleanians that I know go out of town this time of year. Originally Posted by David-Louisiana
I live in mid-city. I've been to Endymion twice & liked it--I live very close to the parade route--but this year was gone by 9:30 am Saturday & got back Monday night around 10:00 pm. I'll be honest w/y'all--I'm often a TERRIBLE decision-maker, but I got this one right: most relaxing weekend I've had in forever.