
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
The forest shudders and flocks of birds flutter to the sky. The still air is startled by the long lost sound of his footsteps. He stretches and the heavens rumble with thunder. The long sleep is at an end. He clenches his hands and the mist fades. The sun shines on all creation. The small ones do not fear but scurry away to give space. Destiny. Fate. Small words but immense meaning. If only. If only the young one knew. To give is to take. Nothing is free. Breath in the vapor of want. Feel it's intoxicating lust. You know you want it. Need it. You must have what will be your destruction. She looks to and fro and tries to think to clear her mind. The little voice screams “RUN” but she wants to give into the wet. The consuming want. The what if? Choices. The piper must be paid. Her dreams then. So much safer they are. Imagine little one. Imagine and be comforted. Be fulfilled. Even as sweat coats her palms she smiles at the thought of his embrace. She can feel her heart pressing, pushing her ribs to the point of pain. Momma never told me about this. Run. She runs and tries not to close her eyes. To lower her head and fall to her knees. To give in.