The Obama economy is destroying hope............

Ronald Reagan’s economic plan saw GDP surge at a 3.5% clip – 4.9% after the recession. That’s a 32% bump.

During the Obama years, thanks to his big government policies, the US economy has stalled. Today the quarterly GDP was announced. The GDP for the first quarter of 2015 braked more sharply than expected at only a .2% pace. The US economy has grown an anemic 9.6% during the Obama years (excluding today’s dismal number).

Read more: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015...#ixzz3Yj8JyIUL
Black voters need to ask themselves these questions.

Since the institution of the Great Society Programs out of the '60's, and their overwhelming support for the Democrat Party, what has it got them?

And, what has the policies of The a Obama Administration got them.

Highest unemployment per capita of any racial group.
Highest out of wedlock birth rate of any racial group.
Highest incarceration percentage of any racial group.
Shortest life expectancy of any racial group.

That, and herded into what amounts to economic ghettos where the only hope of getting out is either go to prison, or to the morgue.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Neither one of you are African American so you don't know our plight - so if you think African Americans did better under Bush you are kidding yourself - thanks to the GOP and tea party promoting hatred and for poisoning people's mind to think a Black man is not worthy of being POTUS - this has led to increase in racism from whites and it is happening right under your nose.
I love how he thinks Reagan cut govt spending. He said he would. But he didn't. Not by a longshot.
And the net jobs created under Obama have gone to Foreign Born workers.


Budman's Avatar
Neither one of you are African American so you don't know our plight - so if you think African Americans did better under Bush you are kidding yourself - thanks to the GOP and tea party promoting hatred and for poisoning people's mind to think a Black man is not worthy of being POTUS - this has led to increase in racism from whites and it is happening right under your nose. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
What a crock of shit. If we are white and agree with you are we enlightened? Poor pitiful black man. You have it so fucking hard and it's all the republicans fault. Give me a fucking break.

The GOP and the Tea Party did not promote hatred for blacks and most certainly did not push the agenda that a black man was not worthy to be POTUS. What they did push was Obama was not fit to be POTUS. He was elected solely because he is black. He is the most incompetent president we have ever had.

Quit playing the race card. Maybe if you hurry and get to Baltimore you too can get some free Nike's and a bottle of Hennessy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Neither one of you are African American so you don't know our plight - so if you think African Americans did better under Bush you are kidding yourself - thanks to the GOP and tea party promoting hatred and for poisoning people's mind to think a Black man is not worthy of being POTUS - this has led to increase in racism from whites and it is happening right under your nose. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
What would Tebow do?
Quit playing the race card. Maybe if you hurry and get to Baltimore you too can get some free Nike's and a bottle of Hennessy. Originally Posted by Budman

The prosecution rests your honor ...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What a crock of shit. If we are white and agree with you are we enlightened? Poor pitiful black man. You have it so fucking hard and it's all the republicans fault. Give me a fucking break.

The GOP and the Tea Party did not promote hatred for blacks and most certainly did not push the agenda that a black man was not worthy to be POTUS. What they did push was Obama was not fit to be POTUS. He was elected solely because he is black. He is the most incompetent president we have ever had.

Quit playing the race card. Maybe if you hurry and get to Baltimore you too can get some free Nike's and a bottle of Hennessy. Originally Posted by Budman
You're honestly going to argue there are no racist elements within the tea party? Your own comment on shoes and alcohol is racist. You won't see that though.
Budman's Avatar
You're honestly going to argue there are no racist elements within the tea party? Originally Posted by WombRaider

You're honestly going to argue that the Tea Party is racist?

Are there racist in the Tea Party? Yes.

Are there racist in the democratic party? Yes

Racist are not regulated to one segment of society but they are not nearly as numerous as many would have us believe. Some of the most racist people around are black.

PS: Have you been able to come up with a number for CEO pay or are you just ignoring it since you spouted off?
You're honestly going to argue that the Tea Party is racist?

Are there racist in the Tea Party? Yes.

Are there racist in the democratic party? Yes

Racist are not regulated to one segment of society but they are not nearly as numerous as many would have us believe. Some of the most racist people around are black.

PS: Have you been able to come up with a number for CEO pay or are you just ignoring it since you spouted off? Originally Posted by Budman
Study after study has tied conservatives with both lower iq and racism. Racists are exactly as numerous as people believe. Sweeping it under the rug and claiming you have some black friends (thought I'd beat you to it) doesn't mean shit.

I explained that was a philosophical argument. Perhaps go look up the word, and get better acquainted with its meaning.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 04-29-2015, 04:17 PM
Neither one of you are African American so you don't know our plight - so if you think African Americans did better under Bush you are kidding yourself - thanks to the GOP and tea party promoting hatred and for poisoning people's mind to think a Black man is not worthy of being POTUS - this has led to increase in racism from whites and it is happening right under your nose. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I take great offense to what you just said -- as a proud tea party member I know of NO ONE ... NOT ONE ... of the 1000's that I know personally that think a black man is unworthy to be president. Everyone of the 1000's that I know personally disagree with his POLICIES it has nothing to do with race ... Almost to the man we believe exclusively in 3 things - Lower Taxes, Less Government Regulation and more Personal Liberties ... AND THAT IS IT! Everything else is a concoction of a Liberally biased media, RHINO establishment Republicans, their pundits and people like you find it easier to parrot their platitudes than to find out for yourself what the tea party really is. I do not know if the African Americans did better under Bush and more over I do not care. I am not seeking a President that will improve the lot of the White People in this country - Frankly, I don't care about them either. What I care about is ME! What I am looking for is a President to improve my position not yours. You have been born into the greatest county in the world bar none, you have the freedom to make and create your own destiny as you choose ... you want to go to school go, you want to start a business go, do what ever you want to improve yourself or your lot in life just don't ask me to help you, because I am not asking you to help me.
Does race trump truth? In a confrontation between police and perpetrators, what is more important? Facts or skin color? When protests morph into riots, do we excuse bad behavior based on race? If we do, how are we ever going to end racism? Chloe Valdary, a student at the University of New Orleans, confronts these critical questions and offers a compelling answer.

LexusLover's Avatar
Your own comment on shoes and alcohol is racist. You won't see that though. Originally Posted by WombRaider
In the video from any network, I saw few ... and I mean few .... persons other than Black people looting in the various businesses shown being looted. That's not being "racist" ... that is identifying the source of the criminal activity and identifying who is committing the crimes.

At the same time the media showed a Black mother slapping her kid around for joining in on the violence ... her kid is Black ... that's not being "racist" at all.

Are the Black people looting stores ....

....... focusing on stores owned by Black people?