Possible scam?

Just got a call. Still shaking. A agent of some sort sayings the got my number. Before they issue a warrant, they need money for a psyc test that could clear me. I hung up. Anyone been there?
Chung Tran's Avatar
we need more details.. is it Hobby-related? why would a psyc test clear you?
TinMan's Avatar
I don’t think I need to hear any more. It’s definitely a scam. Ignore it. Even engaging them will be like chum in water.
Massagejunkyie69's Avatar
Yes, it’s a scam, Any real agent that could get a warrant for your arrest, would have dragged you out of your house, job, or car at the most inconvenient time for you. Nightsticks and handcuffs would be involved.

I had someone try to blackmail me. But all she had was my hobby phone. Hopefully, you used a hobby phone and not your real phone. For just a few dollars, anyone can connect your personal phone with your real world info. If you’re not careful, they can do it with your hobby phone too. (i.e. get a hobby phone but use your real world info to register and pay for it).

So this is a lesson for Us all. Never use your real world info. Don’t get lazy and use your real personal or business cell phone. Resist the urge to tell the girls your real name. Limit your incalls (best is not to ever do an incall). Have a separate place to meet, hotel, apartment or some other place other than your home. It limits the possibility of a home break in later on.
Joddxxx's Avatar
I get a lot of scams from government agencies that state I have a warrant for my arrest and the agent who’s talking to me has a very thick India accent. LOL
Great tips. Had all my info. Hobby related. Said my number was found a arrested girl phone. I wasn’t careful. Never again. Called my cop buddy and said it was a scam. Scared the fire out of me.
TinMan's Avatar
If you haven’t been absolutely perfect in hiding your tracks you’re at risk of something like this happening. The vast majority of men and women in this hobby aren’t perfect, so shit like this has become common.

The key is to not panic. They likely don’t have any more than what they’ve already disclosed, and are depending on your panic to give them more. Don’t fall for it. Hanging up was the best thing you could do. Block the number, too.

If you don’t agitate them and just ignore them, they’ll move on to the next guy. Sadly, there are enough suckers out there to encourage this behavior.
I get a lot of scams from government agencies that state I have a warrant for my arrest and the agent who’s talking to me has a very thick India accent. LOL Originally Posted by Joddxxx

YES, most of them claiming to be IRS, saying there is something you owe. It is fact that IRS doesn't call you. Also OP be careful of phishing, scammers pretending to be legit email sources saying something is wrong with you account, just to get you to reveal numbers. I got one from apple saying my ID got locked. I then called them, and they said that that is not how Apple works, and that I was getting phished.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
This is not a scam
Le is very concerned about a criminals state of mind. They only arrest normal ppl.
You should pay and get the evaluation.
If I’m ever caught I will plead Insanity
Insanity ? Yes I’m just plum crazy about that pussy.
Case closed.
pmdelites's Avatar
as massageJunky posted "Yes, it’s a scam, Any real agent that could get a warrant for your arrest, would have dragged you out of your house, job, or car at the most inconvenient time for you."

if one has the time and patience ...
play with them, lead them on and waste their time!! BUT only do this from a hobby phone, hobby email, hobby online acct.
NEVER do this from your personal or business phone/accts.

give them bogus info, tell them you will send a card (give a fake number), tell them you are willing to do whatever they suggest just keep your grandmother out of it, etc.

then when they think you are willing to pay up, ghost them and ditch those accts.
Precious_b's Avatar
Tell them to come to you for the $$$ or stop harassing you.
Nightsticks and handcuffs? sounds like a good time to me! :P
TinMan's Avatar
That is bad advice PMD, with all due respect. Antagonizing them gains nothing, and risks them fucking with you further if there is even a chance that whatever information they have can cause trouble for you.
pmdelites's Avatar
That is bad advice PMD, with all due respect. Antagonizing them gains nothing, and risks them fucking with you further if there is even a chance that whatever information they have can cause trouble for you. Originally Posted by TinMan
they prolly got the email/ph# from some dark web info seller.
if one's hobby info can be connected back to the person, i agree.

i've searched several times over the year to see if any of my hobby info connects back to the real me. no luck. not to say it doesnt, but i doubt it.

it's all about taking risks and have mitigation and management plans in place.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I told them to come arrest me, I could use the vacation. They hung up