Texting Rules

Ahhh, texting. I feel like people do not know the rules of texting. Obviously there is hobby texting rule #1... Do not, under any circumstances, text a client first. But what other texting rules are necessary for this little community of ours? Well, I have decided to make a list, since some aspects of this wonderful gift from technology have been bothering me lately.

#1: Do not, under any circumstances, as stated above, text a hobbyist first.
#2: Do not, unless requested, send compromising pictures to a hobbyists phone. You do not know if he is on the receiving end. It could be his wife and you will get him in trouble.
#3: Respond to texts in a timely manner. If you have viewed the text hours after you received it, do not respond, or do so by PM or email, especially during hours a man would be with his wife/family.
(I feel I have covered all the bases, but I am not a hobbyist so... Guys, any rules you would like to add?)

#1: Do not begin the text conversation with things such as "I'd really like to get fucked right now". While it may be okay to begin a private message conversation this way, cell phones are different. I received this exact message, preview showing at the top of my phone and all, while showing someone a video on my phone. The proper way to begin a conversation is "Hey, how are you? This is BlahBlahBlah"
#2: Even if you think the provider has your number saved, include your name/Eccie handle in the first text. This eliminates any confusion. Even if she just PM'd you and told you to text her, she could have other people texting at the same time and will not know who it is.
#3: Do not, under any circumstances, discuss anything illegal over text. She may not delete it and if anything happens there is record of you agreeing to illegal activity, complete with a line straight to you... A phone registered in your name.
#4: Do not text a provider and expect to have a long conversation with her. This one right here is the one that gets on my nerves the most. I understand the need for companionship. It is a necessity of life. If you want companionship though... Schedule an appointment. (Really not trying to be a bitch here, but... Grrrrr!!!) I have had many people try to have a day long text conversation with me, only to never schedule an appointment. It definitely takes up about an hour of my time. You wouldn't call a provider and expect her to spend an hour talking to you, so don't expect anything different when you text them.
#5: Only use texts to- set an appointment time, get directions, announce arrival.
#6: Keep the dick pics to a minimum...
(Okay ladies.. I can't think of anything else right now, but I am definitely interested in any rules you have to add!)

Let's hear it people. Rules, opinions on the matter, anything.
lily blake's Avatar
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Hahaha good thread you hit a lot of points

Ive cut a lot of the unwanted contact from dirt kickers by not advertising my number and only giving it out once an appointment has already been made and screening is complete.

I have heard horror stories from both hobbyists and providers about crazy text abusers. You would think this stuff was common sense but clearly its not lol
Worst feeling ever to get the "I really want to get fucked right now" text while showing a video to a friend. Lol. He goes "ummm you got a text.." When I read it, I could feel my face turn into a tomato. Now, no previews of texts on my phone lol. But still don't want to be greeted that way!
Cant ever have too much common sense. Eccie PMs and P411 are for the gritty details. I say leave the text for heads up, directions, etc. Short and sweet shit. If pics are necessary... thats why we have emails. Phones too easily susceptible to tracking.
pyramider's Avatar
Ahhh, texting. I feel like people do not know the rules of texting. Obviously there is hobby texting rule #1... Do not, under any circumstances, text a client first. But what other texting rules are necessary for this little community of ours? Well, I have decided to make a list, since some aspects of this wonderful gift from technology have been bothering me lately.

#1: Do not, under any circumstances, as stated above, text a hobbyist first.
#2: Do not, unless requested, send compromising pictures to a hobbyists phone. You do not know if he is on the receiving end. It could be his wife and you will get him in trouble.
#3: Respond to texts in a timely manner. If you have viewed the text hours after you received it, do not respond, or do so by PM or email, especially during hours a man would be with his wife/family.
(I feel I have covered all the bases, but I am not a hobbyist so... Guys, any rules you would like to add?)
#4: Providers should text taint photos, often.

#1: Do not begin the text conversation with things such as "I'd really like to get fucked right now". While it may be okay to begin a private message conversation this way, cell phones are different. I received this exact message, preview showing at the top of my phone and all, while showing someone a video on my phone. The proper way to begin a conversation is "Hey, how are you? This is BlahBlahBlah"
#2: Even if you think the provider has your number saved, include your name/Eccie handle in the first text. This eliminates any confusion. Even if she just PM'd you and told you to text her, she could have other people texting at the same time and will not know who it is.
#3: Do not, under any circumstances, discuss anything illegal over text. She may not delete it and if anything happens there is record of you agreeing to illegal activity, complete with a line straight to you... A phone registered in your name.
#4: Do not text a provider and expect to have a long conversation with her. This one right here is the one that gets on my nerves the most. I understand the need for companionship. It is a necessity of life. If you want companionship though... Schedule an appointment. (Really not trying to be a bitch here, but... Grrrrr!!!) I have had many people try to have a day long text conversation with me, only to never schedule an appointment. It definitely takes up about an hour of my time. You wouldn't call a provider and expect her to spend an hour talking to you, so don't expect anything different when you text them.
#5: Only use texts to- set an appointment time, get directions, announce arrival.
#6: Keep the dick pics to a minimum...
(Okay ladies.. I can't think of anything else right now, but I am definitely interested in any rules you have to add!)

Let's hear it people. Rules, opinions on the matter, anything. Originally Posted by Jillian Price

Fixed it.
bored@home's Avatar
cutesy long signature that trail every message are annoying, dumb it down or don't use it.
Be clear and concise in responses.
Yay! Thanks! Keep 'em coming!
Good lord too many rules......

Me: you available ?
You : no
Me: crickets chirping
roxy28's Avatar
I hate when guys text thinking they can get screened that way, or asking if you have specials or how much? though text, especially when they have never seen me before. what really drives me nuts about that is my ads all say NO TEXT in big red letters and they think that must mean text only LOL. I just dont like text at all but especially when I dont know who it is or have never had any other type of communication

Definitely #4!!!! Definitely a lot of "dirt kickers" out there. J J I might just follow your lead and remove my number from my showcase.

Also #1. It doesn't matter if you know I'm single or whatever....same rules that go for the hobbyists....you never know who could be on the other side of the phone.
gimme_that's Avatar
I posted this in another thread. We were discussing ways to ask for info if its not readily availiable to secure a booking with a lady.

Text can be a beautiful hobby tool is used wisely. Not so much with reputable ladies here unless they are touring, or text friendly. Texting in and of itself is more of a younger ladies game and specialty age 20 to 28. Besides some obvious time wasters.......some (ladies/pimps) dont like or prefer text simply because spelling isnt their strong point,.......or most phones now dont have a quetery keyboard so most ladies have to respond back by pushing their phone screen and some of the polished manicured ones with long nails I like find it a tad difficult to respond. The key is being abbreviated yet concise, and allowing her to take control of her answers yet communicating in a non threatning way thats not too forward. Text can be timely for some ladies.....yet convient for others. Choose wisely. More on how to send this later...

HERE'S THE PERFERRED CRITERIA FOR TEXTING A REPUTABLE INDEPENDENT: (let's start first with what you need beforehand)

1. Have an alternate means of quick verification

A.) I.e........a p411 ID or datecheck.

B.) A hobbyboard profile (such as eccie, TER, etc) that also has reviews attached to your profile.

2. Make sure you are booking for that day/night. If she touring and arriving in two days or less texting in advance is ok....but same rules apply below.

3. Make sure you intend to confirm with her via phone verbally after she books you. By then your conversation will be less "businessey" and more about pleasure and confirmation.

4. Two text minimum for your initial requests. 160 characters per text limit also. Anything more than two text is just too thirsty and weird.

5. A slight excuse as to why you are texting...........as opposed to her normal means of. contact. Include this in the second text.

5a.) Resonable excuse. Make one lol.

I.) "I'm@work N surrounded by others N cant speak verbally@dis time2book but I will2confirm later on my break. If ur able2acccommodate please respond as Ii have a small window of availiability today. I'm seeking (outcall/incall) (today/tonight). DO NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING SPECIFIC LIKE TIMES. LET HER FEEL AS IF SHE IS IN CONTROL. LET HER DOMINATE THE SPECIFICS.

II.) "I could not locate reviews, rates, and service info I require 2 secure a booking with you. If ur able2acccommodate by responding please respond. I'm seeking (outcall/incall) today/tonight."

III.)"Have limited web access 2ur page currently.Can't see any info on ur website.Is it permissable if I ask U Dis info here? I don't want2violate ur screening ettiquette. The more elaborate the excuse the more correctly spelled words you will need. Lol

IV.) "Please text first before you call so I can make sure I'm in a secure place to respond. I'm surrounded be family and trying to book discreetly."

VI.) [I]"My calls keep dropping when I talk. (Call, talk for a sec, then fake a dropped call.) I guss texting is my only option currently.....bad signal area...... I guess

EXAMPLE OF WHAT YOUR TEXT MESSAGE INQUIRY SHOULD INCLUDE. (Her name so she knows its not spam, her rates, if she allows kissing and what are her rules.

"Candy, I have current references and p411. What R ur rates? Do U allow kissing? What r ur service restrictions within D realms of normal GFE service.R U available@............Thanks" Insert excuse and text pity stuff via your second text.

HOW SHE MIGHT RESPOND.....and how you should reply

1. Her: " Just CALL me when you can." (She probably assumes you aren't booking or just fishing.....or she doesn't have time to respond via text honestly.)

1a.) You:"Okay ma'am. I may not be able to contact you safely well in advance of an appointment time when I am availiable to talk verbally. I thank you for your consideration and I will seek another option, if needed." This lets her know you are serious about booking and lends more credibility to your text preference. She might assume it will be a missed oppurtunity for money later and may respond more to assist you. (help you/secure your booking)

2. Her: "Sorry I don't discuss info via text."

2a.) You: "Ok. Ma'am, I usually get info via text N don't speak of it again via phone R wen we meet.Thought a text wouldBmore gentlmanly and respectful than asking U n person like a cop would usually do2secure an arrest via voice record. A text mightBdeemed as inadmissable, less risky." If she responds saying stuff to the contrary....that's fine. Her exchanging text with you is making her more manuverable to assist you. Or she will just simply say no. The key is making her respond comfortably so you can use that response as an oppurtunity to be more forward in your next responsee.......so you do BBBJ.....is swallowing ok as well. See...........
pyramider's Avatar
I just text photos of my 1.3" of dangling death.
Randall Creed's Avatar

For initial contact, I think texting or pm/email is the way to go. Not everyone sounds good on the phone, and first time nervousness while trying to explain who you are can be complicated and nerve-racking. You come off sounding like an idiot, and from her perspective, creepy. Now you've blown it, scared her off, and now you'll never see her.

But if I've texted/emailed you first, you've seen my number and 'know' who I am, the second level of communication is easier, particularly for the nervous guy.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Double post.

I'm just....not going to bother with it.