Honesty vs, the negative review

I've noticed that every time a hobbyist posts a negative revew, it/he gets flamed. The whole purpose of the review is to get an idea of what kind of date the provider gives. Now, keeping in mind, Everything is, to some extent, ymmv. We all have off days. Sometimes there is no chemistry or things don't click. Still, if we hobbyists cant be open and honest about a bad encounter, then what is the point of writing the review? I have had encounters that were less than ideal and chose not to post about it because the few times I did, I got torched.

Every provider likes to think she is God's gift to men, but as in any profession, some are better than others, and some are worse.

Generaly, I consider myself very generous and forgiving when it comes to reviews because I count myself fortunate to even be seen by some of you ladies, I truly respect you because you have a tough job trying to be sexy and beautiful for "whatever" walks through the door.

I am reminded of one of my college professors who would announce on the first day of class, "There are two letters I seldom give out: "A"'s and "F"s. If you want to get one of those letters, you must realy work for it." I am the same way. I would say that 90% of the ladies I've seen fall into a nice safe middle category. There are, however, those rare 10% that go above and beyond the call of duty, or, are truly in the wrong profession. I should be able to reflect that in my review without fear of repercussion.

Bring forth the flames!
Just part of posting any review negative or not you will usually get responses from both sides.To tell the truth check your numbers.I think you will find most negative reviews have more comments supporting the OP's review than flaming it. You just notice those comments that are posted against it more.
All the ladies will have their supporters and you can expect them to voice their opinions when a negative review is posted.Called opposing opinions and that is what makes this all work.
I have posted a negative and got flamed for it by one person.Most the other comments were either supporting me or neutral. I think folks get way too upset over someone posting something positive about a lady in a negative thread.
We should be able to tell what is close to the truth by considering all that is said and then making our own decisons.
Plus who is to say that the person posting that negative review is being truthful? Sorry to say some guys will post to serve their own agendas. Just because he is a guy doesn't make everything he says The Gods Truth.
Why should you fear repercussion? Just post your reviews truthfully. Does it really matter to you that much what any detractors may say?
That is one thing I will never do...let others influence what I post ,good or bad.
did you ever think that some guys do lie in their reviews???
daty/o's Avatar
A good review should be truthful and informative without being derogatory. While I take all information I get from these posts with a grain of salt, I have to have faith in the belief that most of us just want to contribute to the value of this board.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think that there's an art to writing a tactful but truthful negative review. I used to think it was just plain common sense. And I still do to some degree. But apparently it's not as common as one would think it would be. You can be truthful and convey what you need to convey without being offensive. I seldom see a girl who isn't at least trying. (Of course part of that is that I generally only see providers that are already well reviewed.) But when someone isn't at their best, or just turns out to be bad at what they do, you don't have to be vicious about it. And I think that the lack of tact often is what brings on much of the controversy. As the old saying goes, "Even a dog knows the difference between being kicked and stumbled over."
Bestman200600's Avatar
It is always good to be truthful on a review, but make sure you understand the whole situation before you go negative. They have days when they aren't feeling good or their kids are sick. Take the whole situation into consideration and reflect your comments accordingly.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I think that there's an art to writing a tactful but truthful negative review. I used to think it was just plain common sense. And I still do to some degree. But apparently it's not as common as one would think it would be. You can be truthful and convey what you need to convey without being offensive. I seldom see a girl who isn't at least trying. (Of course part of that is that I generally only see providers that are already well reviewed.) But when someone isn't at their best, or just turns out to be bad at what they do, you don't have to be vicious about it. And I think that the lack of tact often is what brings on much of the controversy. As the old saying goes, "Even a dog knows the difference between being kicked and stumbled over." Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Absolutely +1
There's a point to when you can write something to inform everybody that she wasnt as great as you thought she was. But when you start saying stuff that isn't true and lies about that person, yes I think they have a right to say something in their defense.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
As TTH says, "just the facts, ma'am." If the reviewer can stick to what was seen and experienced and not stray into the "why," then things have a chance to stay relatively civil. Depending on the personalities involved, those chances can be slim to none or not. However, and it's obvious from reading responses to various threads about this topic, some don't take coaching too well. Hell, everyone has bad days and experiences things that get them off of their "game," but everyone should be cautious not to slip into a mode to where one thinks that they are doing the other a "favor." This is PAY for PLAY.
Reviews are there so that other clients (potential and otherwise) are able to get advanced information about a provider. Think of it like this.. we all see the ads on the tv advertising the craziest of things. For truthful advertisers, they believe their reputation for their product will bring customers to them. For less-than-truthful advertisers, they are counting on their lies being found out, but yet enough people who are ignorant of their products will respond so that they get enough business to justify their effort.

The hobby is a lot like that. Except it involves people and emotions and sexual tensions. Taken together it can be a recipe for erotic extasy, or carnal depression. One should always try to be objective when writing a review, with the expected self-aggrandizement of how many times you came and how big your cock was of course... If things don't work out, that happens and I think most of us realize that. We aren't all compatible with one another, and sometimes shit happens.

There isn't really any need to attack a provider for a bad session. If it was bad just say why you thought it was bad. Did it start late, was there upselling, was their disinformation, was something promised and not delivered? For each of the questions you should also ask yourself how much of the disappointment might be tied to you? We can't always expect a provider to give us 1000% PSE/GFE if we aren't doing our part. Even if we are paying, we still need to come to the party prepared and ready to do what needs to be done to get what it is that we are there for.

At the end of the day we just have what we write and what people read. I think the he said/she said threads really seem to go against a provider. It's her rep and reviews that make or break her, just as it is the statements and reviews from hobbiests that make or break their rep. For example, I've seen Wynterstark twice now (and will see her again too...). Before I went to see her I researched her reviews and rep. She has stellar reputation for giving you everything agreed upon. Were I to write a really poor review of her, I'm thinking that most people would think it was me rather than her. Why? Cause she has established herself and her reputation. And others from the board have seen her and had enjoyable times as well. So were I to dog her in a review, she wouldn't need to worry about blasting me in the co-ed section about how I lied, or whatever. Her reputation speaks for her.

That's why it's good to have reviews, to make sure the clients enjoy their time, so that they write positive reviews. There will always be the odd dick out there who will try to start something. Nothing you can do about it, its just part of the game.
Jasser's Avatar
did you ever think that some guys do lie in their reviews??? Originally Posted by sxyjade101

There's a point to when you can write something to inform everybody that she wasnt as great as you thought she was. But when you start saying stuff that isn't true and lies about that person, yes I think they have a right to say something in their defense. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Good points, but I don't think it's necessary to always start a thread to prove yourself. If you are good at what you do, then your reviews will speak for themselves, collectively.

When I do my research, I read as many reviews as possible. What I like isn't always what someone else likes. What bothers some, may not bother me.

Tara, nothing against you, I'm just using you as an example. If someone posted a negative review about Tara and gave a No recommendation, then I would need to read more reviews from other hobbyists before I draw any conclusions.

If that review is the only one that reports negative things, then I can assume that the reviewer isn't being honest or you guys just didn't click.

Now, if I see a trend of bad reviews, and the same thing is being said about a provider, then I will probably think twice about testing those waters.

The point is, you can't please everybody; no business can. All you can do is your best and let the consumer make their own decision.
Good points, but I don't think it's necessary to always start a thread to prove yourself. If you are good at what you do, then your reviews will speak for themselves, collectively.

When I do my research, I read as many reviews as possible. What I like isn't always what someone else likes. What bothers some, may not bother me.

Tara, nothing against you, I'm just using you as an example. If someone posted a negative review about Tara and gave a No recommendation, then I would need to read more reviews from other hobbyists before I draw any conclusions.

If that review is the only one that reports negative things, then I can assume that the reviewer isn't being honest or you guys just didn't click.

Now, if I see a trend of bad reviews, and the same thing is being said about a provider, then I will probably think twice about testing those waters.

The point is, you can't please everybody; no business can. All you can do is your best and let the consumer make their own decision. Originally Posted by Jasser
Thats funny how you use me as an example. LOL. I love it. Theres a saying that I like to use. I can try to please everyone, but if i cant it sure was dam fun trying.
devour's Avatar
Really reviews are a big part of this site and in any business people/business's don't like to see neg reviews. Where 10 people might have had a great session, 1 day that provider might be off or had some personal issues going on.......hence client is going to post what he experienced in the session. It is his/her right to post their experience. Obviously something didn't click and he/she wanted to express it. That provider is more than welcome to defend their review but if you have 10 good and 1 bad, I really wouldn't be freaking out over it.

Just like on ebay......you post feedback and the seller/buyer is more than welcome to retort and give their side.

Flaming a post when you are not involved just seems counter productive. You are bringing attention to something that should really just be posts from the Provider and Client.

Just my 2 cents.
devour's Avatar
p.s. Tara..... I have heard nothing but great things about you.
Jasser's Avatar
In no way was I suggesting that Tara had a no recommendation, nor was it an attack on Tara personally. It was a harmless example and I happened to use Tara since her avatar was the last thing I saw before I replied.

Sorry for the derail fellow fuq artists, but I posted a sarcastic statement here. I've had a horrible day, I posted when I shouldn't have, and Tara didn't deserve that cheapshot. I think we both took our writings out of context and I acted like an asshole; no excuses.

Tara, I'm sorry for being a big hairy asshole. I just need to get laid STFU.

Back to the original topic...