Visiting Amber

I booked a 10 am with this provider last night. We agreed to confirm in the morning. I texted around 7:45, she replied at 9:45. I had already booked something else by then and let her know. She went ape-shit crazy texting, calling, threatening. I had to block her. Just an FYI if you want to avoid drama.


  • pxmcc
  • 02-21-2017, 09:30 AM
So an Amber Alert on AmberAlert? Name like that, no wonder. Sounds like drama.
kerwil62's Avatar
That's on her. If she waited to 9:45 to reply to your text for a 10AM appointment, she has no reason to get mad. She should've gotten her ass up earlier this morning.

Good call on your end for booking with someone else.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Where's DM when you need her?
TryWeakly's Avatar
I think I know what she might say.....

"If you dont have a fucking address, you dont have a fucking appointment, fucktard. "

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