for free??

to the providers, have you ever had a client where you thought to yourself, "man i'd fuck this dude for free" lol. and if so did you pursue that as a reg booty call? if so share your story. no names of coarse.

note: i know this is a business to many, no bashing just starting a curious conversation that's what this board is for right?? lol just had to put that out there. thanks
This is not just a business to's a business to all of them and rightfully so. Guys get into trouble when they forget this.
Russ38's Avatar
No such thing as “free” or anywhere....
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I have a had few that have rocked my world and I'd be thinking how soon can I ride this sweet cock again. I've also had a couple that worked into a personal friendship as we enjoyed more than just the bedroom together. So OTC time was way more than BCD butt all our needs were being met