SNATCH-short notice availability thread?

How come we don't have the SNATCH thread like other cities....

Who doesn't like some SNATCH on short notice? HeHeHe

Just curious....

This has been discussed before.

In the past Dallas has tried it but it failed. Better yet, the Providers failed. There are roughly 700+ Providers in the Dallas market on ECCIE. Many did not follow the guidelines of only posting once every 12 hours and would not follow the rules on what can be posted in the SNATCH Ads. Due to this, it became a huge burden on the local Moderators to monitor, edit, give warnings/infractions to the Habitual Ad Posting Whores(see what I did there?) Most of the girls don't read the rules/guidelines on the site when it comes to advertising and rules. How do we expect them to read the instructions for SNATCH?

Some of the smaller markets like San Antonio & Austin where there are roughly 250-350 Providers on ECCIE seem to self police the others in the SNATCH threads and are easier to Moderate because the SNATCh forum gives that added boost of short income and helps the traveler Hobbiests in that time of need and 95% of the Providers follow the SNATCH guidelines. It only takes a few slaps on the wrist then infractions for some of the stubborn gals who to get in line because the girls who follow the guidelines will self police the bad apples.

I don't see Dallas having a SNATCH forum anytime soon again. You will have to sell your SNATCH without the SNACTH thread the old fashion way.
TinMan's Avatar
We tried it fact, it was the first one. Ladies couldn't follow the rules, and the mods became tired of trying to police it.

P411 Available Now is the preferred alternative. In fact, there are more Dfw women advertising immediate availability there (upwards of 25 during peak hours) than there ever was in the eccie short notice thread.
I appreciate the reply guys...especially this early....

I didn't think anyone else would be awake tbh...
TheEccie214's Avatar
Something about a hot girl referring to it as snatch is sexy and dirty - love it.
Bluesplyr's Avatar
wish it would come back....very useful. maybe the rules could be a little bit more flexible so all of us can enjoy.

Mojojo's Avatar
Analeese remove the rates from your signature line. Please be sure to read the sticky's.

wish it would come back....very useful. maybe the rules could be a little bit more flexible so all of us can enjoy.

Blues Originally Posted by Bluesplyr
Negative sir....we bent the rules as much as we could and yet some still failed to read them muchness follow them. Smaller city's have these threads because of the size of it but Dallas-Ft.W has a very large crowd.
milfy2002's Avatar

Why does it even matter if the providers follow the rules on a snatch thread?

It's still a better alternative than only being able to post one weekly and one weekend ad.

If it's too cumbersome for the mods, just don't moderate it.

Bring back snatch!

Why does it even matter if the providers follow the rules on a snatch thread?

It's still a better alternative than only being able to post one weekly and one weekend ad.

If it's too cumbersome for the mods, just don't moderate it.

Bring back snatch!

Originally Posted by milfy2002
Everything must be in moderation my dear, otherwise, utter chaos may ensue.
pmdelites's Avatar
Why does it even matter if the providers follow the rules on a snatch thread?

It's still a better alternative than only being able to post one weekly and one weekend ad.

If it's too cumbersome for the mods, just don't moderate it.
Originally Posted by milfy2002
it only matters to those who cant post an ad every day.

If it's too limiting for you or any other provider, just post ads on some other provider ad site.
eccie is not the end-all be-all and/or silver bullet for providers advertising their services.
TinMan's Avatar
Milfy has a point. Haven't some of the rules regarding advertising been relaxed, such as photo and rate restrictions? Duke was the main mod policing the old thread, so perhaps he remembers.

The point being, maybe there aren't as many rules to be broken this time around.
Originally Posted by milfy2002 - Why does it even matter if the providers follow the rules on a snatch thread?

It's still a better alternative than only being able to post one weekly and one weekend ad.

If it's too cumbersome for the mods, just don't moderate it.

Bring back snatch!
aaaaaannnnnddddd....You just validated why DFW Forums don't have a SNATCH thread. Why would you follow the rules on the rest of the site and not in SNATCH threads. Hooker Logic loses on this one.

Thank you for that validation.
milfy2002's Avatar
aaaaaannnnnddddd....You just validated why DFW Forums don't have a SNATCH thread. Why would you follow the rules on the rest of the site and not in SNATCH threads. Hooker Logic loses on this one.

Thank you for that validation. Originally Posted by Von Spieler

Don't be a tic tac Von, I guarantee the sky will not fall and the world will not end if hookers post multiple times daily on a snatch thread in Dallas.

Give it a little slack.
zingao's Avatar
Amazing, un be known to me, I was asking same question, and here it is!
Ms Mifly, the slack was given before. Your statement is what makes you part of the problem. This would also lead to your accumulation of points for ad violations. Once you hit 25 you get a 90 day vacation from the site. I predict you'd be the 1st casualty of SNATCH.(pardon the pun) Once that happened all that would be said from us is. "Be careful what you wish for."