Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday she will resign in aftermath of email controversy

Wikileaks released some private emails among DNC party members that apparently is causing some uproar right before the democratic convention. Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced she is resigning as National Committee chairwoman.

What’s disturbing to us is that experts are telling us that Russian state hackers broke into the DNC, stole these emails, and other experts are now saying the Russians are releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump,” Mook said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I don’t think it’s coincidental that these emails were released on the eve of our convention here, and that’s disturbing.

Full article from Washington Post:


I agree it's hardly a coincidence these emails were somehow hacked and released right before the democratic convention! Just another underhanded attempt by the Trump campaign and his new friend, Putin, to discredit Hillary's campaign. You betcha!

Clinton campaign manager: Russians leaked Democrats’ emails to help Donald Trump

I B Hankering's Avatar

Get it right, Silly Suzy Simpleton.

What email controversy?
Just wait until WikiLeak releases the ones directly implicating The Clinton Campain being in cahoots with the DNC.

The Bernieites will turn Philly into 1968 Chicago.
Just wait until WikiLeak releases the ones directly implicating The Clinton Campain being in cahoots with the DNC.

The Bernieites will turn Philly into 1968 Chicago. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Bernie has already made a public statement about the emails. He insisted that Wasserman resign and the DNC is working on changing the rules for future elections. He is still speaking at the convention and insisting that Hillary be elected over Trump at all costs. Still think Putin had something to do with the whole Wikileaks deal, trying to get Trump elected. It's not for the welfare of America either! See this article:

Inside Trump’s financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin

I B Hankering's Avatar
Bernie has already made a public statement about the emails. He insisted that Wasserman resign and the DNC is working on changing the rules for future elections. He is still speaking at the convention and insisting that Hillary be elected over Trump at all costs. Still think Putin had something to do with the whole Wikileaks deal, trying to get Trump elected. It's not for the welfare of America either! See this article:

Inside Trump’s financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by SassySue

Here's the truth, Silly Suzy Simpleton:

Tens of Millions Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

(New York Times)

Here's the truth, Silly Suzy Simpleton:
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There is no question that Putin is more than a little supportive of the rise of right-wing authoritarian politics in Europe, much of it based in the same dynamics that are powering the Trump campaign in this country. (The latest stirrings come from Serbia, which should surprise approximately nobody. The ruling party there is currently literally hanging inconvenient journalists out to dry. In America, this would be referred to as "opening up the libel laws," I guess.)

Full story and these stories are all over the internet:

I B Hankering's Avatar
There is no question that Putin is more than a little supportive of the rise of right-wing authoritarian politics in Europe, much of it based in the same dynamics that are powering the Trump campaign in this country. (The latest stirrings come from Serbia, which should surprise approximately nobody. The ruling party there is currently literally hanging inconvenient journalists out to dry. In America, this would be referred to as "opening up the libel laws," I guess.)

Full story and these stories are all over the internet:

Originally Posted by SassySue
Hildebeest and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's foundation took in tens of millions of dollars while hildebeest gave Putin what he wanted: control over 20% of the U.S. strategic uranium reserves, and nothing you said or cited changes that fundamental fact, Silly Suzy Simpleton.
lustylad's Avatar
Still think Putin had something to do with the whole Wikileaks deal, trying to get Trump elected. It's not for the welfare of America either! Originally Posted by SassySue
Listen carefully Sassy Poo-poo,

You really haven't thought this one through very well, have you?

If Putin and his goons hacked into the DNC emails, then a prudent person should assume he is also in possession of ALL of the emails that were stored on Hillary's illegal private server, including the 30,000 emails she deleted before handing it over to the FBI.

If Putin confirms this, it will make THE CASE AGAINST HILLARY - that she was grossly negligent in handling State Dept. communications and our nation's secrets - MUCH STRONGER.

So we now find ourselves in a situation where hostile foreign actors like Mad Vlad Putin are able to influence our Presidential election.

And who put us in this pickle? Hildebeest did - by her own reckless, illegal and self-centered actions!

Great job, hildebeest!

Beware of October surprises!!!
Listen carefully Sassy Poo-poo,

You really haven't thought this one through very well, have you?

If Putin and his goons hacked into the DNC emails, then a prudent person should assume he is also in possession of ALL of the emails that were stored on Hillary's illegal private server, including the 30,000 emails she deleted before handing it over to the FBI.

If Putin confirms this, it will make THE CASE AGAINST HILLARY - that she was grossly negligent in handling State Dept. communications and our nation's secrets - MUCH STRONGER.

So we now find ourselves in a situation where hostile foreign actors like Mad Vlad Putin are able to influence our Presidential election.

And who put us in this pickle? Hildebeest did - by her own reckless, illegal and self-centered actions!

Great job, hildebeest!

Beware of October surprises!!! Originally Posted by lustylad
You don't know what you're talking about. Those weren't the only emails that were hacked by the Russians. Trump has been going back and forth to Russia for a long time and has financial ties there.

Over the last year there has been a recurrent refrain about the seeming bromance between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. More seriously, but relatedly, many believe Trump is an admirer and would-be emulator of Putin's increasingly autocratic and illiberal rule. But there's quite a bit more to the story. At a minimum, Trump appears to have a deep financial dependence on Russian money from persons close to Putin. And this is matched to a conspicuous solicitousness to Russian foreign policy interests where they come into conflict with US policies which go back decades through administrations of both parties. There is also something between a non-trivial and a substantial amount of evidence suggesting Putin-backed financial support for Trump or a non-tacit alliance between the two men.

I'll list off some facts.

1. All the other discussions of Trump's finances aside, his debt load has grown dramatically over the last year, from $350 million to $630 million. This is in just one year while his liquid assets have also decreased. Trump has been blackballed by all major US banks.

2. Post-bankruptcy Trump has been highly reliant on money from Russia, most of which has over the years become increasingly concentrated among oligarchs and sub-garchs close to Vladimir Putin. Here's a good overview from The Washington Post, with one morsel for illustration ...
Since the 1980s, Trump and his family members have made numerous trips to Moscow in search of business opportunities, and they have relied on Russian investors to buy their properties around the world.
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

These stories are all over the internet and they are frightening.

Full article:

gfejunkie's Avatar
The Clintons and the DNC and, of course, the lapdog media can try to blame anybody they want to for this situation whether there's any evidence of it or not. They always do. That is how they cover for their own incompetence.

What they can't do is blame someone else for the content of the leaked emails. They own that. Lock, stock, and barrel. I have a feeling that the surface has barely been scratched. Wikileaks says they have 20,000 DNC emails and they also claim to have many of the 30,000 emails Clinton deleted from her home server. It's going to be a bumpy, although interesting, ride.

That Washington Post article is a prime example of how the mainstream media is so in the tank for the dimocrats. The innuendo is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Seems to stop just short of libel. I'm sure the DNC will try to float the theory that the emails were 'doctored' or 'fabricated'. Unfortunately, it's too late for that. They've already been authenticated through public apologies and resignations. They are REAL.

Does this country really want the next four years dedicated to a daily barrage of one email scandal right after another? I don't think so. I think we had a belly-full of scandal with the last Clinton administration.
gfejunkie's Avatar
These stories are all over the internet and they are frightening. Originally Posted by SassySue
That's because the dimocrats are in full blown damage control.
Nothing to be frightened of. Just lies, lies, and more lies with a bit of innuendo thrown in for good measure.
No real proof of anything.
lustylad's Avatar
You don't know what you're talking about....
These stories are all over the internet and they are frightening.

Full article:

http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/...really-a-thing Originally Posted by SassySue
Thanks, Sassy Poo-poo!

I read your link, written by a fellow named Josh Marshall.

Now here is a point-by-point fact-checking reply, written by a fellow named Jeffrey Carr. It doesn't look like the DNC's attempts to deflect from its own and hildebeest's gross negligence by smearing Trump as some kind of Putin puppet is going to work... and before you read Carr's full reply, note that he is no Trumpite:

"For the record, I despise Donald Trump. I can’t imagine a worse candidate for President and I’m shocked and appalled that he is the Republican nominee. However, there’s no need to invent Russian conspiracies to make the Trump boogeyman appear worse than he is."

What follows are seven statements from the TPM article which Josh has claimed are facts. He only got two out of seven correct.

“All the other discussions of Trump’s finances aside, his debt load has grown dramatically over the last year, from $350 million to $630 million. This is in just one year while his liquid assets have also decreased. Trump has been blackballed by all major US banks.”

The increase in Trump’s debt load came from a Bloomberg estimate. An estimate is what’s done when accurate data isn’t available. So while Josh accurately quoted an estimate (not a fact), it’s also important to note that the Trump Organization disputed it according to Bloomberg. Josh failed to note that.

There’s no evidence that Trump has been blackballed. There is evidence that some big U.S. banks don’t want to work with him, but Deutsche Bank has lent him $300 million since 2012.

“Post-bankruptcy Trump has been highly reliant on money from Russia, most of which has over the years become increasingly concentrated among oligarchs and sub-garchs close to Vladimir Putin.”

As a luxury real estate developer, Trump sells to Russian and Chinese ultra-high net worth individuals because that’s who has been buying expensive real estate. In 2014, however, Russian investment money started drying up and Chinese investors filled the void.

"One example of this is the Trump Soho development in Manhattan, one of Trump’s largest recent endeavors. The project was the hit with a series of lawsuits in response to some typically Trumpian efforts to defraud investors by making fraudulent claims about the financial health of the project. Emerging out of that litigation however was news about secret financing for the project from Russia and Kazakhstan."

Here’s a fact that Josh got right — Trump will take money from anyone including Russian criminals.

"Then there’s Paul Manafort, Trump’s nominal ‘campaign chair’ who now functions as campaign manager and top advisor. Manafort spent most of the last decade as top campaign and communications advisor for Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian Ukrainian Prime Minister and then President whose ouster in 2014 led to the on-going crisis and proxy war in Ukraine. Yanukovych was and remains a close Putin ally. Manafort is running Trump’s campaign."

Paul Manafort‘s DC lobbying firm has taken so much money from so many despots, dictators, and human rights abusers ($900,000/yr from Ferdinand Marcos alone) that it’s been named as a top five firm in The Torturer’s Lobby (.pdf). He was paid $700,000 in an ISI operation (Pakistan’s Intelligence service) during the 90’s. And yes, Manafort was one of many political campaign advisors to deposed Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych from 2004–2010, and made at least $63,750 during a six-month period.

"Trump’s foreign policy advisor on Russia and Europe is Carter Page, a man whose entire professional career has revolved around investments in Russia and who has deep and continuing financial and employment ties to Gazprom…. Those ties also allow Putin to put Page out of business at any time."

Josh focused exclusively on Page’s relatively brief tenure advising Gazprom and completely excluded his connection with Ukraine’s billionaire philanthropist Victor Pinchuk. It was his friendship with Pinchuk that got him the Merrill Lynch appointment to Moscow in the first place. Why exclude it? Because unlike Gazprom, there’s no connection between Pinchuk and Putin that Josh could exploit.

Josh’s claim that “Those ties allow Putin to put Page out of business at any time” is a mystery to me because Page left Gazprom in 2007 and has made very little money from Russia ever since; especially after sanctions hit in 2014.

"Over the course of the last year, Putin has aligned all Russian state controlled media behind Trump."

The article Josh used to source that “fact” only mentioned RT (Russia Today). This editorial in the Moscow Times hoped for a Clinton presidency: “The Moscow-Washington relationship promises to remain a rocky one and its management will require a steady hand, which a President Clinton is more likely to provide than a President Rubio, or, God forbid, a President Trump.”

And just a few days ago, the Kremlin criticized Trump’s statement on NATO and Russia via TASS.

"As TPM’s Tierney Sneed explained in this article, one of the most enduring dynamics of GOP conventions (there’s a comparable dynamic on the Dem side) is more mainstream nominees battling conservative activists over the party platform…. This is one thing that made the Trump convention very different. The Trump Camp was totally indifferent to the platform."

Totally indifferent? Not according to the very same Tierney Sneed article that Josh used as a source. Sneed wrote “the Trump campaign had representatives at the platform meetings who were in communication with the delegates on the committee. They were very much aware of and involved in the process in the sense that they were talking to the delegates, Kobach said.”

But total indifference was what Josh needed in order to make the leap to his “One Big Exception” — Ukraine. Trump wanted to soften the wording on providing military assistance to Ukraine to providing “appropriate assistance”. Standing on its own, that’s actually a responsible change which is in agreement with a lot of other policy makers.

He calls her "Sassy Poo-poo"... HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

lustylad's Avatar
He calls her "Sassy Poo-poo"... HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Hey, I just like to poo-poo (or is it pooh-pooh?) all of her sassy nonsense... did you think it was a scat reference?