Wow.. gimpy has michelleryan making threats on pm.

Nice try to have your girl threaten me by pm, she says she will make me famous??. Lol IAM already famous and if she means that trying to see me is an option.. hahaha I would never see anyone you have. Nice try to rockerrick... I guess when your lies fail you have to ruin providers looks like she is letting you use her account. I will contact mods to do a ip search. Don't providers know how it ends when you team up with trolls.
winn dixie's Avatar
You truly are a despicable person.. Mata you have been bringing her up constantly in your posts recently!! I have talked with RR and it is you as usual making threats!! This one will not back down!! This one you will not be able to silence! This one will be your undoing!! BTW How's red??
Oh Jesus, just fucking stop. It's so childish. Why lower yourself to his level, other than the fact that you have before? Just fucking stop.
Why because ricky my threatened to out her so she comes to his rescue?. Or is she just letting Ricky pm from her account?. I don't know who this girl is, I said several of his reviews have spoken... Who is this provider ? BTW where is your other handle investment boy? And I bet you talked to RR because your one and the same.. talk about dumb. I have never brought up this girl!! Show me where?. It's obvious he is on his last leg.. (no pun intended) but he is a violent person and so are you because you know... Same guy. Lol you have to do better then that. IAM sure who ever this girl is does not want so much troll press.
Have fun asshole, you started shit and she made fun of you... hahahaha
Special bus riding dipshitt.
winn dixie's Avatar
Why because ricky my threatened to out her so she comes to his rescue?. Or is she just letting Ricky pm from her account?. I don't know who this girl is, I said several of his reviews have spoken... Who is this provider ? BTW where is your other handle investment boy? And I bet you talked to RR because your one and the same.. talk about dumb. I have never brought up this girl!! Show me where?. It's obvious he is on his last leg.. (no pun intended) but he is a violent person and so are you because you know... Same guy. Lol you have to do better then that. IAM sure who ever this girl is does not want so much troll press. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Wait a minute! Am I RR or Whispers! God the stupidity of this one!! Ask Red she knows exactly who I'am!! And no mata, no girl wants your attention!! You have a proven track record when that happens!!
Why are you using her pm?. She can get in trouble. Did you get so scared yo get exposed you had to drag a provider in it to pm me and take your side. Lol did it hurt your feelings that the truth about you is coming out?. I guess you don't care about this girl since she left you to bang a mod... Lol .
You've been trying to drag an innocent provider into your bullshit, she told you to stop.
Now you just look like the idiot you always are.
Why don't you challenge her to meet you at Starbucks?
She's got the app and lots rewards points, coffee on her if you're not too big a pussy.
winn dixie's Avatar
Why are you using her pm?. She can get in trouble. Did you get so scared yo get exposed you had to drag a provider in it to pm me and take your side. Lol did it hurt your feelings that the truth about you is coming out?. I guess you don't care about this girl since she left you to bang a mod... Lol . Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Desperation and fear are shining through mata! Trying to use the exact same things that have been proven on you against someone else! What a joke. Everyone is tired of you!
WHERE IS THE PROOF TROLL?. it's been posted for weeks and not one has come up You are reaching troll. Things on me are all troll lies that have been proven false. With gimpy, real women are coming out. And soon with you as well since your gimpy also. You see Winn when you make up lies about a solid member they never stivk. And the desperation is obviously coming from you and you.. lol. just tell the truth. Maybe making up lies about me without proof was not a smart idea coming from trolls. I hobby, I am out there you guys hide behind computers and act creepy, there is a reason you don't hobby and this is it. There is something really wrong with you trolls. Violence to women is never acceptable, it's never right.FIRST OFF WHO IS SHE?.I don't see her in your old as Fu reviews?. And you did the dragging, you pmed me from her account.. your a loser dude.
Sure they are Mata... this one came out and said you are wrong, sent you a pm to stop.
But here you are as always showing your true colors.
You need a vacation, sit down and think about what a worthless human being you have become.

Now here are all these threads because she won't shake in fear over Mata Peon?
winn dixie's Avatar
WHERE IS THE PROOF TROLL?. it's been posted for weeks and not one has come up You are reaching troll. Things on me are all troll lies that have been proven false. With gimpy, real women are coming out. And soon with you as well since your gimpy also. You see Winn when you make up lies about a solid member they never stivk. And the desperation is obviously coming from you and you.. lol. just tell the truth. Maybe making up lies about me without proof was not a smart idea coming from trolls. I hobby, I am out there you guys hide behind computers and act creepy, there is a reason you don't hobby and this is it. There is something really wrong with you trolls. Violence to women is never acceptable, it's never right.FIRST OFF WHO IS SHE?.I don't see her in your old as Fu reviews?. And you did the dragging, you pmed me from her account.. your a loser dude. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
The proof is in all the alerts and posts in co/ed about you! No provider is going to come forward with your track record of what you do to them!! The proof is in all of your rants and threats to countless providers! With so many people, how can all of us by liars? Providers just do not want the drama, or to have to deal with your stalking and violence! We all know what happens when little mata does not get his way. You are way over your head as usual. Mata would you like for me to post pics. of what happens to providers when you don't get your way?? Do not try me........
Haha.. so many people?. Just you and gimp and whisper's.. that is not so many. And none if you know or have seen me. The alerts are all from trolls. Dude your bogus rapist bullshit will never stick. That fact that I am a super good guy to providers but a real asshole to guys is the real proof. You trolls mean nothing to me and deserve no respect. Good luck in your witch Hunt because that is all your fear and jealousy can produce. Are you that blinded that people don't do reaearch?. I have 85 reviews and I am a beast, you have 4 fake ones and just came on as a mandle. How pathetic dude, YOU JUST CANT PHASE THE HOBBY GOD. it's fun to smash you though... It's pretty easy.
Oh and all the providers that have been harrassed by you!
Fucking moron everyone has read all your idiotic rant threads.
Not to mention all the alerts dipshit.
This is the 3rd provider in the last week to call you out special bus riding midget Shrek!
You're a worthless turd floating in the toilet bowel called Eccie.
One day you'll make the mistake of actually running into me and I'll straighten your pussy ass out real good!!!
chicagoboy's Avatar
You're a worthless turd floating in the toilet bowel called Eccie. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Are there worthwhile turds?

Li'l Ricki must be losing his shit, again.