Jerome Corsi Ethics Complaint Accuses Mueller of Coercing ‘False Testimony’

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
is someone getting desperate for "evidence"??? BAHAA

as i said before..... Mueller the criminal Russian traitor will proffer millions of charges worth billions (infinity) of years to convict Trump, his family, his neighbor's cat, Barron (for all eternity) and G HW Bush's dog Sully.


Mueller is under pressure BIGLY to get Trump! and since ..

WE ALL KNOW that Mueller is CORRUPT and he WILL FAKE any charge to bring down His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse! PERIOD!!!



.. i know .. somewhere in cyberspace YR is reading this and it chaps his {forbidden topic} that he can't reply. BIGLY!!!
themystic's Avatar
Just another Trump Liar above to get fucked in the ass in Jail. Hes a Birther. That alone points to his low IQ
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
please read the OP's "ignore" list.

thank you valued poster!!!

gfejunkie's Avatar
The dimocrats' gestapo...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The dimocrats' gestapo... Originally Posted by gfejunkie

what will Bob Mueller's first words be .. after his "sock party" and he awakes at GITMO under charges of treason?

what will Bobbo say?!??!

does it matter? maybe ....

might lead to this .....


Munchmasterman's Avatar
We all know you guys will say anything to protect the orange one. You people are wetting your pants waiting on Mueller's report to come out. All the evidence he has applied to a case has stood up. No significant charges (if any at all) have been tossed.

What shows how scared you are is the often said, never proven charge he is out to get trump. Based on what? Your private fears that he is guilty of something. Other than being a sleazeball.

No, the base knows he's a scum bag.

What do think corsi is going to claim?

No, Mueller is calmly and methodically closing in. 2019 is going to be a good year.

is someone getting desperate for "evidence"??? BAHAA

as i said before..... Mueller the criminal Russian traitor will proffer millions of charges worth billions (infinity) of years to convict Trump, his family, his neighbor's cat, Barron (for all eternity) and G HW Bush's dog Sully.


Mueller is under pressure BIGLY to get Trump! and since ..

WE ALL KNOW that Mueller is CORRUPT and he WILL FAKE any charge to bring down His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse! PERIOD!!!



.. i know .. somewhere in cyberspace YR is reading this and it chaps his {forbidden topic} that he can't reply. BIGLY!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Munchmasterman's Avatar
From your link.

"At issue is a September 6 interview in which Corsi told prosecutors he did not communicate with anyone about WikiLeaks’s then-impending release of hacked information about the Clinton campaign. Citing three emails Corsi sent to Stone in 2016, prosecutors informed him that they had evidence to the contrary and, after reviewing those emails, Corsi amended his testimony.

“Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging,” Corsi wrote in one August 2016 email to Stone, apparently referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

While Corsi admitted to communicating with Stone about the WikiLeaks hack once confronted with the emails, he maintains that he did not know of WikiLeaks’s plans in advance and did not in any way coordinate the release of the hacked information."

Since he knew in August, per his own emails, there would be a dump in October, that means he knew in advance.

Another one of your claims falls apart. Talk about someone who will go to any length to discredit someone.


is someone getting desperate for "evidence"??? BAHAA

as i said before..... Mueller the criminal Russian traitor will proffer millions of charges worth billions (infinity) of years to convict Trump, his family, his neighbor's cat, Barron (for all eternity) and G HW Bush's dog Sully.


Mueller is under pressure BIGLY to get Trump! and since ..

WE ALL KNOW that Mueller is CORRUPT and he WILL FAKE any charge to bring down His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse! PERIOD!!!



.. i know .. somewhere in cyberspace YR is reading this and it chaps his {forbidden topic} that he can't reply. BIGLY!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We all know you guys will say anything to protect the orange one. You people are wetting your pants waiting on Mueller's report to come out. All the evidence he has applied to a case has stood up. No significant charges (if any at all) have been tossed.

What shows how scared you are is the often said, never proven charge he is out to get trump. Based on what? Your private fears that he is guilty of something. Other than being a sleazeball.

No, the base knows he's a scum bag.

What do think corsi is going to claim?

No, Mueller is calmly and methodically closing in. 2019 is going to be a good year.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The special counsel requires oversight, and he must prove his case.

Certainly, we hope he is conducting an honest investigation, but the liberals so desperately need to show they were right that it is not impossible they are putting a few extra pounds on the scale, so we remain skeptical, as any reasonable party would be.

Jerome Corsi deserves consideration.
I B Hankering's Avatar
is someone getting desperate for "evidence"??? BAHAA

as i said before..... Mueller the criminal Russian traitor will proffer millions of charges worth billions (infinity) of years to convict Trump, his family, his neighbor's cat, Barron (for all eternity) and G HW Bush's dog Sully.


Mueller is under pressure BIGLY to get Trump! and since ..

WE ALL KNOW that Mueller is CORRUPT and he WILL FAKE any charge to bring down His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse! PERIOD!!!



.. i know .. somewhere in cyberspace YR is reading this and it chaps his {forbidden topic} that he can't reply. BIGLY!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Corsi is about to set Mueller on his heels.

Just another Trump Liar above to get fucked in the ass in Jail. Hes a Birther. That alone points to his low IQ Originally Posted by themystic
Odumbo is the original "birther". Odumbo promoted his book by claiming he was born in Kenya. Therefore, many here will accept your rationale that Odumbo has a low IQ.
themystic's Avatar
The special counsel requires oversight, and he must prove his case.

Certainly, we hope he is conducting an honest investigation, but the liberals so desperately need to show they were right that it is not impossible they are putting a few extra pounds on the scale, so we remain skeptical, as any reasonable party would be.

Jerome Corsi deserves consideration. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Great post Fred. Not many open minded people on your side of this forum. The extra pounds is very possible and maybe even probable. Most prosecutors I know do get a little over zealous. The skepticism is easy to understand and legit. Corsi does deserve a chance. He has made his career with "Tabloid fodder so its hard to separate fact from fiction
. There have many guilty pleas or convictions from top level Trump cronies and yet the Trumpers refuse to accept them as truth. That's a big part of the skepticism on the left. Trump is a habitual pathological liar and yet his supporters deny truth when he is caught in provable lies
  • grean
  • 12-04-2018, 07:28 AM
Corsi is a conspiracy theorist and a joke.

Mueller is a decorated and battle hardened Marine, and worked as a US attorney for Reagan, H.W. Bush, and Clinton and FBI director under W. Bush and Obama.

He doesn't grand stand by holding press conferences weekly or after each indictment.

He indicts and convicts criminals.

My guess is that had Mueller been the one to investigate the Clinton's, the results of the investigation would have focused on whitewater development, not a dumbass intern sucking Bill's dick.

If you're going to believe someone....
themystic's Avatar
Corsi is a conspiracy theorist and a joke.

Mueller is a decorated and battle hardened Marine, and worked as a US attorney for Reagan, H.W. Bush, and Clinton and FBI director under W. Bush and Obama.

He doesn't grand stand by holding press conferences weekly or after each indictment.

He indicts and convicts criminals.

My guess is that had Mueller been the one to investigate the Clinton's, the results of the investigation would have focused on whitewater development, not a dumbass intern sucking Bill's dick.

If you're going to believe someone.... Originally Posted by grean
Thank you grean. You have to remember that Most of Mueller's critics are ok with Trumps position on the Saudis killing a journalist, cozying up with Putin, Siding with Autocrats over the US intelligence, on and on and on and on and on
bamscram's Avatar
The dimocrats' gestapo...

Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Trump advocated waterboarding if necessary. LOL
when the tactic is to investigate an individual until some unrelated crime has been found and not investigate a crime itself, as a means of getting to another in some fashion,its quite easy to believe corsi

when even judges have expressed skepticism at Mueller's tactics, its quite easy to believe corsi

when you construct your entire team with left wing partisans, some of whom have been quilty of prosecutorial misconduct in the past, its quite easy to believe corsi

when defendants are increasingly fighting back even in the face of financial ruin, when prosecutors can easily enough expand the time to closure as a pressure tactic, its easy to believe corsi

when this investigation wasn't based on evidence of a crime but in order to find evidence of a crime, and is of an extreme political nature, its easy to believe corsi

when there is an array of malformations in the doj and has political leanings, its easy to believe corsi
Corsi is a conspiracy theorist and a joke.

... Originally Posted by grean
Then why investigate him? Why seize his records? Why threaten to throw him in jail?

Makes no sense. You aren't the only person I've seen this from.

I've never heard of Corsi until a few days ago. Why have we even reached this point? Mueller should have had something the first couple of months. Now it appears to be a fishing expedition and witch hunt where we are threatening 70+ yo "conspiracy theorists" with jail time.