Very interesting? Me Too

rexdutchman's Avatar icles%2F2018-12-03%2Fa-wall-street-rule-for-the-metoo-era-avoid-women-at-all-cost

The side effects of the liberal "Me Too " are going to hurt women just saying
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  • 12-04-2018, 09:29 AM
Your link does not work
rexdutchman's Avatar
Most of this if you are a man working in Fortune 500 firm is already known.

If there is a disciplinary meeting, they are going to have at least two people there. Security if its a firing. Even with "one-on-one" reviews with women they may have a neutral party. I had a team lead tell me he was told to rate all the women higher because they needed a pool to draw from.

Don't overtly criticize women, even lower level staff, and especially higher ranking women - even if its objectively justified. Women don't have the same level of performance criteria. One woman told me they threatened to let her go twice and she threatened to sue them. One woman they let keep her job even though she moved 4 states away and was on every teleconference with her screaming infant.

Don't date in the workplace because the man could get called down to HR for any number of reasons even if the female coworker fucked you in her apartment.

Strangely, this only strictly applies to America. You can get away with some shit in Europe, Latin America and Asia.
themystic's Avatar
Yeah this me too shit is ridiculous. It reminds me of the Civil Rights BS in the 60s. People wanting equal rights. It lead to Affirmative action and all kinds of fucked up shit. Chief Pussy Grabber will stop the Me too and Black Lives Matter. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. If you dont nip it in the bud, movements like Me too will lead to all kinds of basic freedoms and protections that are going to cost alot of money. And we all know that in this administration the almighty dollar is more important than anyone civil rights being violated. Fuck Me Too
Throughout history pussy has compelled powerful men to do stupid things.

That is not going to change as long as women know this.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Throughout history pussy has compelled powerful men to do stupid things.

That is not going to change as long as women know this. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So true. Reminds me of the play "Lysistrata" written by Aristophanes in 411 BC. He was well aware of that fact.
themystic's Avatar
Throughout history pussy has compelled powerful men to do stupid things.

That is not going to change as long as women know this. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That is so true. That’s a long list. Take out the powerful men part and add me to the list
itch_b's Avatar
Try this Originally Posted by rexdutchman

look like the link to something AT-ALL-COST does seem to work on my computer, must be a virus/cold

That is so true. That’s a long list. Take out the powerful men part and add me to the list Originally Posted by themystic

force all the public TV/RADIO broadcast to change, their owner are commenting a serious crime treason/accessory to it
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
any intelligent woman could see the repercussions of this movement plain as day. once the floodgates of "guilt by mere accusation" were opened, many on "incidents" too far back to even try in court, did they think any smart man would not retaliate?

all they've done is make the so-called "glass ceiling" bullet proof.

nice job!

Like that guy who got fired from GOOG said, women aren't biologically suited for many upper paying jobs. Sure, the can be doctors in equal numbers as men but too many other jobs they aren't willing to do and it's not a physical strength issue. Most aren't willing to put the time in for executive level work.

There are exceptions but most women aren't.

So the metoo movement was born. I wonder how many actresses who fucked Harvey Weinstein are giving their paychecks and oscars back to women's shelters. Nah....
themystic's Avatar
Like that guy who got fired from GOOG said, women aren't biologically suited for many upper paying jobs. Sure, the can be doctors in equal numbers as men but too many other jobs they aren't willing to do and it's not a physical strength issue. Most aren't willing to put the time in for executive level work.

There are exceptions but most women aren't.

So the metoo movement was born. I wonder how many actresses who fucked Harvey Weinstein are giving their paychecks and oscars back to women's shelters. Nah.... Originally Posted by gnadfly
they want separate but equal. that's what happen in the civil rights. instead of setting the changes then slowly moving in to them, every body bum rushed, busing and all the other absurd shit. It ended up decimation of black town. It was really a genocide and the kids ended up in prison. Change for more freedom. When people try to Change overnight people die and shit takes forever. Especially immature socialists. They don't know how to organize and get the sympathy of the people with money. Sure a few benefit, but most don't. I need to help them! How many Harvey Weinstein chicks gave back the money? How about zero, They kept taking the roles. Always a few. He was a scum bag though. Even Mr Pussy grabbers day are over
  • Tiny
  • 12-05-2018, 05:07 AM
they want separate but equal. that's what happen in the civil rights. instead of setting the changes then slowly moving in to them, every body bum rushed, busing and all the other absurd shit. It ended up decimation of black town. It was really a genocide and the kids ended up in prison. Change for more freedom. When people try to Change overnight people die and shit takes forever. Especially immature socialists. They don't know how to organize and get the sympathy of the people with money. Sure a few benefit, but most don't. I need to help them! How many Harvey Weinstein chicks gave back the money? How about zero, They kept taking the roles. Always a few. He was a scum bag though. Even Mr Pussy grabbers day are over Originally Posted by themystic
Some may not understand your Mystical Meanderings, but I do. It’s good to see you standing shoulder to shoulder with Vice President Mike Pence on this issue.
themystic's Avatar
Some may not understand your Mystical Meanderings, but I do. It’s good to see you standing shoulder to shoulder with Vice President Mike Pence on this issue. Originally Posted by Tiny
Ty Tiny. I didn't realize Pence and me stood shoulder to shoulder on much. Good to know. Even his thoughts on Chief Pussy grabber?
  • Tiny
  • 12-05-2018, 06:15 AM
Ty Tiny. I didn't realize Pence and me stood shoulder to shoulder on much. Good to know. Even his thoughts on Chief Pussy grabber? Originally Posted by themystic
No Mystic, it's on the general topic of pussy grabbing that you and Mike Pence stand shoulder to shoulder. As to the Chief Pussy Grabber I do not know, for Mike Pence is a very opaque man. Many may think your thoughts are similar, that you both want him dead. However I suspect that you would like to see the Chief Pussy Grabber survive, for his great entertainment value, while Mike Pence would prefer that he pass away, as that would further his career ambitions. That's just pure speculation though.