gopher frog supreme court follow up

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

the environmental wackos lost!!!! good. the owners of the private property won't be compelled to change the area to what it was 50 years ago.

it rare to see a 8-0 unanimous decision from the supreme court. they did, however, sent the case back to the lower court to look at the issue on the definition of habitat which apparently the lower court didn't look into.

the area in question does have ponds, so I don't know why they can't dump a few frogs there without changing the trees which are cypress trees. I'm dubious it needed to be broad leave trees.

That all changed in 2011 when he was told that his property was a "backup" property for the endangered species. The only other location where the frogs were found was in a single pond in Mississippi, about 70 miles away from Poitevent's property. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service told him that his property was the only other habitat that they could identify.

What's shocking is the government said that in order for the frog to survive on his land, trees would need to be replaced and brush would need to be burned.

The govt is out of control. It's the only habitat it could identify but the trees would need to be replaced. So...they couldn't identify any habitat. The govt employees needed to justify their job.

Timothy McVie was right.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"The case was brought about by Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) and landowner Edward Poitevent who had 1,500 acres of his land in Louisiana designated as a “critical habitat” for the endangered dusky gopher frog, even though the frog hasn't lived in the area since 1965."

"The land has been in Poitevent’s family since the Civil War. In the 1990s, the Weyerhaeuser Company acquired the Poitevents’ lease for its timber operations. That all changed in 2011 when he was told that his property was a "backup" property for the endangered species. The only other location where the frogs were found was in a single pond in Mississippi, about 70 miles away from Poitevent's property. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service told him that his property was the only other habitat that they could identify."

Who was president in 2011??? Why president over-regulation socialist Manchurian Candidate barry barack Hussein obama soetoro joker was!!


There's times i really would like to see, when the Scotus makes a 8-0/9-0 unanimous ruling, they append a "GO THE HELL BACK TO SCHOOL" order to the prior judge(s) who incorrectly ruled...
Fuck a bunch of stupid frogs - feed them to the gators.
themystic's Avatar
Hey we all know about the pentagon spending $ 10,000 for a toilet seat. Should we stop spending all money on defense? I think that answer is no but we do need to use a little common sense. Fred you summed this up beautifully and eloquently, and I quote- " Fuck a bunch of stupid frogs-feed them to the gators". Too fucking funny. I misspelled about half of this post from laughing
themystic's Avatar
"The case was brought about by Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) and landowner Edward Poitevent who had 1,500 acres of his land in Louisiana designated as a “critical habitat” for the endangered dusky gopher frog, even though the frog hasn't lived in the area since 1965."

"The land has been in Poitevent’s family since the Civil War. In the 1990s, the Weyerhaeuser Company acquired the Poitevents’ lease for its timber operations. That all changed in 2011 when he was told that his property was a "backup" property for the endangered species. The only other location where the frogs were found was in a single pond in Mississippi, about 70 miles away from Poitevent's property. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service told him that his property was the only other habitat that they could identify."

Who was president in 2011??? Why president over-regulation socialist Manchurian Candidate barry barack Hussein obama soetoro joker was!!


BAHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I cant believe Obama let this happen on his watch! I'm sure it has some hidden socialist agenda that profited him and the other "climate control" and "green" conspirators. He should go back to Kenya where he came from. I'm surprised I'm not living under Sharia law with a bunch of frogs and speaking Arabic. Thank you for bringing this to our attention Waco
rexdutchman's Avatar
I want my dick to act like it did 30 years ago just saying , however that's the Green warriors at there best
Hey we all know about the pentagon spending $ 10,000 for a toilet seat. Should we stop spending all money on defense? I think that answer is no but we do need to use a little common sense. Fred you summed this up beautifully and eloquently, and I quote- " Fuck a bunch of stupid frogs-feed them to the gators". Too fucking funny. I misspelled about half of this post from laughing Originally Posted by themystic
thanks again kind sir