Ghosted by Aubrey

I'd read Blackbird's Guide for Newbies:

I suppose we think alike because everything in it made complete sense although did modify one thing. I followed it almost word for word and did my best to be the gentleman it speaks of.

So, I arrange to meet her a few days in advance. And the day before the meet I confirm with her. Then the day of the meet, I text before leaving in her direction. Nothing. Well, I'm going to honor my word and leave anyway. Nothing. So now I'm batting 3:1. 3 ghosts and 1 score. The other two ghosts were Chloe (no surprise) and Kay (despite specifically being advised not to meet her I took a gamble).

So, am I missing something? Is there a code of conduct in securing visits? Is there specific lingo to use when texting? Is there anything anyone does to minimize being ghosted?

Also, is this ghosting (exclude Chloe because it seems to be her trademark) something new? Is there a sting operation going on that is making women wary?
Its hard to say, I think you just have to get used to it. For those of us
who are not free all the time, advanced scheduling is a must. I need
to "plan my escape". But advance planning for some of these ladies is

is next twenty minutes. I've setup and been ghosted some many time over my 12 years
in the hobby, I just roll with it.

The best one as Mia Harper in Birmingham. I was traveling thru and made a special
stop in Bham just to see her. Had it setup a week in advance, then the day before all good.
Afternoon of all good. "I'm on my way, be there in 20.", then "Opps I'm in the hospital
and an accident on the way. Sorry." After reading some reviews, it appears she as
frequent "accidents".

I've seen around 100 or so escorts and SA girls over the years. Probably ghosted or "had accident"
by 25. The only commonality I see is that professionals, i.e. with personal web sites, are a lot more
reliable. The UTR or women that have "real" jobs are way more unreliable. They really don't
need the cash to survive, is for new shoes or jewelry, so they will cancel at the drop of a hat.

I found a girl on SA who I have been seeing for 4 years. She cancels or is late all the time, but since she
is way better than all but a couple of professionals I've seen, I put up with it. I learned not to book
a hotel until she was "10 minutes away".

I'd read Blackbird's Guide for Newbies:

I suppose we think alike because everything in it made complete sense although did modify one thing. I followed it almost word for word and did my best to be the gentleman it speaks of.

So, I arrange to meet her a few days in advance. And the day before the meet I confirm with her. Then the day of the meet, I text before leaving in her direction. Nothing. Well, I'm going to honor my word and leave anyway. Nothing. So now I'm batting 3:1. 3 ghosts and 1 score. The other two ghosts were Chloe (no surprise) and Kay (despite specifically being advised not to meet her I took a gamble).

So, am I missing something? Is there a code of conduct in securing visits? Is there specific lingo to use when texting? Is there anything anyone does to minimize being ghosted?

Also, is this ghosting (exclude Chloe because it seems to be her trademark) something new? Is there a sting operation going on that is making women wary? Originally Posted by FunkMonk
From what you wrote, I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong per say.

In 2019, I had three disappointments. Two of them were by Sexy Chloe. Another was a legitimate issue by Funsize_Cheyenne, who made it up to me a few days later with a discount.

In 2019, I had 32 successful outings to 4 disappointments.

- Sexy Chloe x 2
- Taylor Blue
- Funsize Cheyenne. Disappointing, but her situation was legitimate and couldn’t be controlled. And she made it up the next time at a discount.

So far this year, I’ve had 13 successful outings to 6 disappointments.

Three came from girls I’ve seen before.

- Autumn Fox texted me wanting to see me. My schedule was hectic, so I asked her if I could see her on Monday. She says yes. On the day of, she doesn’t reply to me. I hear from a friend that the next day, she texts him wanting him to come over.
- Fire (who ghosted me twice in one day).
- Kara21 who contacted me to schedule an appointment. I dropped everything I was doing, took a shower and drove to Pensacola. She claims her phone was stolen.
- Kayla aka Raven - We make an appointment for 3 p.m. She tells me she is running errands and needs another 45 minutes. I ask her where I can go and wait that’s close to her. She says Wal-Mart. Great, there are six Wal-Marts in Pensacola. I didn’t text back, and neither did she.
- Khloie - I messaged her the day she arrived in Pensacola Beach. I tried to make an appointment. She said she would get back with me, but never did. She left town.

You have to really know the girl you’re dealing with.

Some girls are spontaneous like Autumn Fox. Others require more planning like Vanessa Ink.

Did you notice my metrics? I went from having around a 10 percent failure rate to almost 50 percent.

With COVID-19, there are fewer ”good girls”, and the pickings are slim.

On the same note, if you are doing everything right, don’t fret. BELIEVE in your system and what you’re doing.

I would say, read the reviews. The good ones paint a solid picture and a formula of success on what to expect, how to conduct yourself, etc.

Try to pick girls who have a stellar reputation, if possible. Not to say these girls won’t let you down, but you’re stacking the odds in your favor.

On a side note, may I ask what you modified? I’m just curious to see other perspectives, and quite possibly you’ve got a better idea than what I presented in my guide.

Good luck, be patient and don’t lose heart.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and advice. Being ghosted is a risk I will will have to accept. Will definitely be on the lookout for more professional women. Do you have any suggestions on websites where I might find them? Been using Google so far with STG having the most hits. But the way what does SA mean? Tried to search for it in urban dictionary, but came back with too many results.

Thank you also for sharing your experiences. It's reassuring to know that Covid might be a reason why the pickings are incredibly slim in NWF.

Covid is also the reason why I have more time on my hands. This is what allowed me to modify your advice. You'd mentioned in your Guide article to pick a place to wait in case there were delays. I'd already been delayed by encounter#1 (she was 30m late) and having read up on Chloe and Kay, decided I was not going to wait around. What I did was to make sure I had tasks/errands to complete in the area where we were meeting. For instance, on the day of Chloe I was there 2 hours before we were to meet on other errands. I left enough overlap such that if Chloe was running late I could continue my tasks. I had to go back to the same area the next day anyway so it didn't matter if I did not complete all of my tasks that day. There were a couple of downsides to this technique. The weather was hot and I was starting to break a sweat. If Chloe did meet up then I would certainly have to ask her if I could take a rinse off somewhere. Another obvious downside is getting caught up in the task. On the day of Aubrey, while waiting for her, had to go into a store/business. There the lady drowned me with her talk. She was so enthusiastic and talking away that she was ignoring calls on her phone. I, on the other hand, was hoping that Aubrey would call me and save me. This did not happen. Fortunately, the lady got a phone call she could no longer ignore.

So, my modification to your Guide Article is not that practical. However, you advice is very helpful. One piece of advice you've given is to start a database (for a lack of a better word) where woman are reviewed. This optimizes everyone's experiences - on both sides of the aisle.

Again, thank you JoecoronaXXX and Blackbird_nevermore (is that a reference to a poem by EAP?)
SA is a sugar baby site - charges a fee to be able to contact via email or other methods. Otherwise, you can look, but not touch.
I look on P411 for women who have links to a persona website. They are few and far between in the

Panhandle, but in major cities there are a lot more.
Eros is another, but it tends to be out of date.
Also try it has fewer listing but the girls seem more reliable.
Out west They have rating system and verify providers. I've had pretty good
luck from that source when out there.
As to SeekingArrangements, you really need to have time to invest in contacting, and courting them.
Some are just providers using it for advertising, but the real SA girls are a lot of work. But when you
hit pay dirt its pure gold. But as I say you need to be pretty free of encumbrances, i.e. wife, to get

involved there. Also they want an allowance. This can work well if you can see them frequently enough
to make the investment worth while.

My current SA girl I have been seeing for 4 years. But is a pay for play arrangement. But visits tend
to be multi-hour for the same as a good provider's hour rate. Just had her over to the house last night.
was there about 5 hours. Had drinks, dinner and watched a movie before the main event. Didn't cost
as much as some high end providers hourly rate.
Anyway if you have the time, SA can be a lot of fun.
Blackbird_nevermore (is that a reference to a poem by EAP?) Originally Posted by FunkMonk
When I was signing up for my email account, raven_nevermore was taken.

I’m not an original guy, so I chose blackbird instead. But, yes, I’m a fan of literature. (Poe, Chaucer, Dickens, Shakespeare, Marlowe and Robert Burns)
Aubrey might be giving Chloe a run for her money in the ghosting department. I even messaged Aubrey's "mom" (real mom? fake mom? I don't know) to ask if Aubrey was around. She was not happy to be asked lol
She was not happy to be asked lol Originally Posted by Bondage7000
"Mom" don't like seeing her "daughter" become popular and get all the money. The way she is ghosting people mom shouldn't worry. Aubrey is hot looking. Saw her social media page and her pics on there are very nice as well. Sounds like another girl that wants the money but not what she has to do to get it.
  • Tex_
  • 06-28-2020, 02:02 AM
She told me when she first started about a year ago she had two real bad experiences at the start. Must have scarred her idk. I've seen her twice and can't see her unless I do the doubles thing
She told me when she first started about a year ago she had two real bad experiences at the start. Must have scarred her idk. I've seen her twice and can't see her unless I do the doubles thing Originally Posted by Tex_
Then why does she post on STG if she only does duos and massage? I know every provider can tell you their bad experiences.
  • Tex_
  • 06-28-2020, 07:12 PM
That's a good question and I'm not planning on seeing her again tbh
Y’all are sitting in y’all cotton compared to Tallahassee. We’re awash in fakes and trash. The scene is pretty much dead.
Tall cotton, that is..