Sugar Daddy Motivation

boardman's Avatar

Alright, how's everybody? Good! Good! Good!
Now, as you may know, my name is Boardman, and I am a Motivational Speaker!

Now, let's get started by me giving you a little bit of a scenario of what my life is all about! First off, I am 8 years old.. I am a Sugar Daddy.. and I live in a van down by the river!

Now, you fucktards are probably saying to yourself, "Now, I'm gonna go out, and I'm gonna get me the sweetest sugar baby in the world, and wrap her up and put the little bitch in my pocket!!" Well, I'm here to tell you that you're probably gonna find out, as you go out there, that you're not gonna amount to Jack....Flash!!" You're gonna end up reading a steady diet of the Jack Flash Experience, you’re gonna continue buying overpriced pussy and your gonna be living in a van down by the river! Now, young men, what do you want to do with your lives?

A young man in the audience says he wants to be like Rogerdodger.
We-e-e-elll.. la-de-freakin'-da! We've got ourselves a web surfer here!
Hey, I can't see real good.. [ lifts his glasses off and on his face ] that II2 over there?

Now, I wonder.. Mr dodger, from what I've heard, you're using your cards not for handing out to sugar babies, but for rolling doobies!! You're gonna be doing a lot of doobie-rolling by yourself....... in a van down by the river!

This 50 something looking gentleman says he wants to be like Capt. Jack
Har, har, har!

Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river when you're.... in a van down by the river!

I know why you are really here. You think you’re gonna be Like NaN?

You are already living in a van down by the river aren’t you .

Now, you wannabes are probably asking yourself, "Hey, Boardman, how can we get back on the right track?!" Well, as I see it, there is only one solution! And this ain’t gonna happen overnight. First you gotta be willing to learn the tricks of the trade.
You gotta learn to make good decisions. You gotta get that modtard pimp non-sense out of your head.

Forget the bull shit that you’ve heard from TG, dh, wayward(RIP) and WTF. They pay for their pussy just like you do now.

So let me tell you what you’re gonna do if you want to be like NaN.
Don’t be dumb like CK or BP.

Use your big head first. Be smart like JaD, SKF and Ender. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open for a while, learn from the best not some silly website. Then get mean, I mean really nasty like chicagoboy and wakeup. Let the bitches know you don’t take any shit.

Then, when you’re ready, you’re gonna take what you learned and run your game. Sure, you’re gonna get your face slapped, you’re gonna get your balls busted but let me tell you something, it’s gonna work and you’re gonna get those girls to bunk with you, buddy! In your van…down at Academy.

That’s right, we’re all moving to Academy, I’m gonna teach you how to be like NaN. We're gonna be buddies! We're gonna be pals! Ol' Boardman’s gonna be your shadow!
Here's Boardman, here's you! There's Boardman, there's you! Me and my buddies! My pals! My amigos!

Now lets get out there and convince those girls, and ourselves, we aren't buying their pussy we're buying their friendship!
TexasGator's Avatar

and get it straight. They pay me! Just not on the 1st date.

notanewbie's Avatar
you is a ba-a-ad cat.
proper's Avatar
stop it man. you are killing me.

NaN you have some of the most awesome Avatars
boardman's Avatar
JaD, shouldn't this be in co-ed?
I posted it here so you could move it.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
you is a ba-a-ad cat. Originally Posted by notanewbie
True.... True......

JaD, shouldn't this be in co-ed?
I posted it here so you could move it. Originally Posted by boardman
What's funny is how fast this went from "Conceptual" to "Posted" from a 3rd party.... ijs.....

Let me beat WU here in sayin.......


I thinck we're good for now.... we get the ladies wrapped up in it, and we can talk about the move.......

boardman's Avatar
You three star votin' muther fuckers are starting to piss me off....ijs
TexasGator's Avatar
Don't worry about the star count - so long as it's all about you. Get your fuckin' priorities straight.

Ok, I bumped it up for you. Gotta do my part to help the needy..
Now it's up to four stars.
boardman's Avatar
Now it's up to four stars. Originally Posted by Ansley
Ansley, I'd be proud to have you as my sugar baby.

Wanna check out my van?
For a chance to scrape my forehead on that big belt buckle (I mean cat collar)?
I'll be all up in that van of yours.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I'm here to apply for the position

If Im approved can my friend come too? Kinda weird but hey..pussy's pussy

plus my owner has this ..

chicagoboy's Avatar
Then get mean, I mean really nasty like chicagoboy and wakeup. Originally Posted by boardman
Easier said, than done. Not just anybody can put the "mean" in demeanor.
boardman's Avatar
For a chance to scrape my forehead on that big belt buckle (I mean cat collar)?
I'll be all up in that van of yours. Originally Posted by Ansley
I'm here to apply for the position

If Im approved can my friend come too? Kinda weird but hey..pussy's pussy

plus my owner has this ..

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Heh, I've got Ansley and SnL wanting to be my SB. How awesome is that?

Watch and learn fucktards, watch and learn....

Almost as good is the spike in subscriptions to