What I did on my summer vacation

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I went to Colorado
At least I think I went to Colorado.
Did anybody see me there.
If you did,
Remind what fun I had
I cant seem to remember much.
Oh yeah.
I think I had a good time.

The End
AmishGangster's Avatar
Why would anyone vacation in Colora.....oh yea hydroponics, nevermind
dynamitekid's Avatar
I love the Rockies.
Every third girl at the University of Colorado looks like Karissa.
Well I do hope you had a wonderful time while we ran amok around here.
bambino's Avatar
I love the Rockies.
Every third girl at the University of Colorado looks like Karissa. Originally Posted by dynamitekid
I doubt it, I seriously do.
eaglehorse's Avatar
I like taking the narrow gage up to Pike's Peak, summer, fall, and winter. In winter you don't go to the top, due to the amount of snow, last time we stopped 5 miles from the top, 20 feet of snow.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
On the way back I stopped in Pistolero's area, see post in the sexymaid threAD.
On the way back I stopped in Pistolero's area, see post in the sexymaid threAD. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Thank you for trying to help me get to 20 pages.

That's sweet of you.