Best provider NOT Fs

Who is the best provider that does not offer FS that not associated with a amp?
Callie Jones. Thread can be closed now.
markymark's Avatar
Callie doubt!!
Callie Jones
TheDallasDuke's Avatar
saw Ms. Jones during the summer and now she is a ghost? Any news? I need a tune up....
shooter6.5's Avatar
with the Callie Jones comments. Never had a better non FS visit. I doubt seriously that my old heart could take a FS session with her.

Duke, she is in gthe area. Busy lady with family and animals, other than humans. Since you have already seen her you have an advantage ovr those that have not been screened. Keep trying-she is certainly worth it.

Just a beautiful woman all around. Looks, service and personality.

I did message Callie and she said schedule is basically full to the end of the year. Said she travels a lot and also an avid hunter. Now that’s freaking hot AF!!! She said she would open some spot up after the season winds down to a few new clients. Hope I get on the good list!