Banning conceiled carry weapons only puts law abiding citizens
In danger. Look at Mexico . If private citizens could protect themselves,
The Narco mess wouldn't be as bad as it is. Those folks south of the border
Have it rough. At least here in Texas we can walk around just about everywhere
If the theater gun man had done this in Texas. There is a very real possibility
that he would have been put down before he did as much damage as he did.
Good thoughts and condolences to everyone affected by this senseless act.
Originally Posted by UB9IB6
People in Colorado have the same rights to carry concealed handguns as those in Texas. The Texas CHL law has been in affect since 1994 and less than 2% of the eligible population have CHLs. I'm sure an equal number probably carry concealed handguns illegally. The odds of someone in a theatre in Texas carrying a handgun and stopping such carnage would have been extremely low -- the audience in Colorado was mostly kids under 21.
The average person, even here in the state of Texas, does NOT want to carry a gun. Yes, tragedies such as happened at Columbine, Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, and now
Aurora happen. The response from gun advocates is simply to arm everyone. I have not heard anyone come out and say we need more gun laws to stop such events from happening again.