Are some of you providers vampires??

Fingerling's Avatar
Because I see (and not going to mention names), for example a recent review that says the girl age is "24". And then I check her old reviews and every one of them since 2010 has her age as "24". Even her showcase says she's 24. So I'm thinking this girl must be a vampire. Hopefully some of you Johns made it out alive, because I for one am not interested in having sex with a vampire.

Judging from the over saturation of vampire/zombie/werewolf/witch romance shows aired these days I'm surprised you're not at least a little open to some undead sex lol. Get with the times man.
And a proliferation of 3am postings...
Fingerling's Avatar
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 04-07-2015, 11:06 PM
I think you're on to something here. I know a certain 27 year old who has been that age for 7 years now. I don't know about blood, but she will suck the life out of you.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Why duz they gotta be vampires? Mebbe they's Time Lords an' they jump in an' outta tha temp'rl stream whenevah they's got a dick-sukkin'/bone-humpin' ah-point-ment.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-08-2015, 08:09 AM
Now you know why experienced hobbyists just assume their listed age is 5-7 years shy of the actual value...

Now you know why experienced hobbyists just assume their listed age is 5-7 years shy of the actual value...

z Originally Posted by ztonk
And that is exactly why I lie on my ads about my age.
If some one asks me my age I'm not going to lie. However, since ladies lie about their age I know if I put my real age on my ad the guy will think I am 5-7years+ even though I only lie about my age on ads by 3 years.

As far as being a night owl: GUILTY, I stay up till 2, 3, sometime 4 am.
I some how manage to still wake up any where from 7am-10am. I love the mornings.

I do take a nap everyday to catch up on my remaining hours of sleep needed. This schedule helps me be up and ready at peak hobbying hours. Plus I like to grocery shop and run all the errands I can at night when everybody and their mom and their 5 kids are out. This is usually my summer routine due to trying to evade the hottest times of the day.

Over all, I need my sleep or else I will become some kind of monster...
Because I see (and not going to mention names), for example a recent review that says the girl age is "24". And then I check her old reviews and every one of them since 2010 has her age as "24". Even her showcase says she's 24. So I'm thinking this girl must be a vampire. Hopefully some of you Johns made it out alive, because I for one am not interested in having sex with a vampire.

Originally Posted by Fingerling
Where is the ECCIE fallacy police when you need them tho!!!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Now you know why experienced hobbyists just assume their listed age is 5-7 years shy of the actual value...

z Originally Posted by ztonk
Not all of us want those years added.
I guess I'm an age that I feel no need to lie. I've been told that I don't look as old as I truly am. I'm not ashamed of my age and it seems that some of us more mature ladies aren't.
I can see why some ladies lie from a marketing strategy - because there are guys that only want to see under a certain age, but if the guys do their homework they'll know.
I always update my age. I would rather you think I'm a really young looking 27 then a tired ass 19.
sue_nami's Avatar
As one of the oldest here, I feel it is important I use my real age. Just watch and it will change to 55 in may. no need to lie. I tell stories of austin in the 70's because I was there. it takes a long time to get this skilled and perverted. I am not ashamed of my age. I graduated UT in 1982, do the math. I am way more comfortable in my skin and happy with myself at this age than I ever was when I was younger. there's a market for any age provider if she is self confident and has skills and good TCB. Some of the folks who shame us for age here are often older than I am. No worries, I LOVE being this age and feel good and have fun.
nuglet's Avatar
LOL, I'm looking forward to making 70. There's no way I ever thought I'd be even near that age, much less in great shape, well, and very active. Hell, when I was a kid, 30 y.o. was "over the hill"..
so.... BRING ON THE YEARS.. !!!!!
Quick someone come in here and bash us old hags before Austin coed turns all soft again.

Too much positivity in this here thread....
The trick is to be near 50 but feel like you are still a 25 year old stud. Thanks to the ATX ladies who renew my faith in proper diet and vitamin supplements (little pills) every day to keep chasing the ladies.

BB is still working his 20/20 plan: Chase 20-year old spinners for the next 20 years.

Actually, I will chase any ATX lady who simply says she is in her twenties. You ALL look so hot, sweet and young from my perspective.