Trump and the "3 balloons'

"supposedly" when Trump was President, "three balloons" flew over the USA. Let me be very transparent... Three balloons did not fly over the USA. If three balloons had flown over the USA...

1. A person, any person for that matter would have spotted it
2. The media would have been all over it "ORANGE MAN CAUSED THIS"
3. If the balloons were not shot down "IMPEACH 45 IMPEACH 45"
4. If the balloons were shot down "ORANGE MAN IS STARTING WWIII"

So there you go.. It never happened.

So why would they fabricate this?

Simply stated, to hide the INCOMPETENCE of Joe Biden and this administration.


Summary: If you voted for Biden, you should ask for your vote back. Joe Biden is a disgrace to the White House, US Citizens, and the world.
Precious_b's Avatar
Too bad you weren't at that Pentagon news conference talking about such.
... Too bad YOU weren't there either.

### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
... Too bad YOU weren't there either.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
And be called a Beltway Insider? Mon Dieu!

I have no doubt what the guy said. Seems a few righties still think what he addressed are lies. Paranoia runs deep.
Ripmany's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Three balloons

Biden had his three shot down. Originally Posted by Ripmany
the best you can come up with is reporting out of the UK?

"supposedly" when Trump was President, "three balloons" flew over the USA. Let me be very transparent... Three balloons did not fly over the USA. If three balloons had flown over the USA...

1. A person, any person for that matter would have spotted it
2. The media would have been all over it "ORANGE MAN CAUSED THIS"
3. If the balloons were not shot down "IMPEACH 45 IMPEACH 45"
4. If the balloons were shot down "ORANGE MAN IS STARTING WWIII"

So there you go.. It never happened.

So why would they fabricate this?

Simply stated, to hide the INCOMPETENCE of Joe Biden and this administration.


Summary: If you voted for Biden, you should ask for your vote back. Joe Biden is a disgrace to the White House, US Citizens, and the world. Originally Posted by ILUVSHEMALES
Don't be fooled. These Balloons have nothing to do with Trump or Chinese Surveillance of America. The Chinese don't need to perform any surveillance the Biden administration gives them all the information they need. These Balloons are launched by the United States Military and are part of High Altitude Nuclear Testing. They've done it before during Operation Yucca.
Bottom line is that they are not even close to telling the truth with Chinese balloons and Trump, or Biden.
Bottom line is that they are not even close to telling the truth with Chinese balloons and Trump, or Biden. Originally Posted by farmstud60
The truth is always hidden from the public. they launched these Balloons most likely from an Aircraft Carrier and sold the public the ridiculous idea that it was a Chinese Surveillance Balloon. The reason I suspect these Balloons were launched is to test the Nuclear capability at high altitude to initiate an EMP. That could be their next caper perpetrated on the citizens of this country just like their planned and executed Pandemic. The Government is always up to something and usually of no good.
Precious_b's Avatar
Bottom line is that they are not even close to telling the truth with Chinese balloons and Trump, or Biden. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Ah. The nameless "they"
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Apologies to some, but I may have to agree with the TDS, TDS, Orange Man Bad, TDS, TDS crowd about Trump balloons as I have evidence of Trump balloons during his tenure.

that baby trump balloon was flown in london to mock trump

calling the balloon an "extraordinary and imaginative idea"

the museum of london bought the balloon, i think in early 2021, so it can rest in its "protest" collection