Some of you whores need a lesson on marketing and presentation of product.

Whispers's Avatar
I have an old car I'm gonna sell soon. I want top dollar for it. It's not unlike some whore's bodies.

It's been driven a lot. Often by someone not invested in it's long term care. And it shows more wear and tear. Selling it in it's current condition I know the money I'll get will reflect not only the poor condition the body shows but anyone considering buying it is going to wonder about it's over all care under the hood and interior as well.

So I'm going to have id detailed, a few of the knicks and scratched filled in, have the top coat removed, touch it up and then reseal it. Probably invest in some new floor mats for it as well.

A whore's body is not much different.... For the money some whores make they need to learn there are products and ways of presenting the merchandise in a much more appealing fashion...

This picture for example


I saw that picture and all I could think of was "What the Fuck" put's that much wear and tear on a body that age? Seeing that I immediately wonder what else is wrong with it. Is it slow to start? IS the ride smooth or rough? What is going to break down next? What kind of additives needs to be put in it to keep it running and functioning.

Some of you need to quit TALKING about how well you do and the great money you make and invest a little of it back into the body.

Men are visual creatures.... When we see it, if it is appealing, we want to get on it and take it for a ride....

When you put the body on display like this it's simply never going to bring you the return you are looking for....

I learned a recent lesson dealing with some wood floors in an home that needed to be moved. Lots of scuff marks and some nicks... buffing them out didn't work.... But there was a product that the salesman described as "a spa day for the floors" where they did a deep scrub on them, used chemicals to strip the finish, roughed them up a little and then re-coated and they came out looking 95% better! IMO it took 10 years off the look and although used made the entire place shine alleviating those "What else is wrong" questions.

Maybe some of you with some experience with products that rejuvenate can make some suggestions here ....
Tequila Rose's Avatar
I don't get paid to think. Maybe i can send you my pics and you can tell me what ones are ok and which i should never show!
ck1942's Avatar
As I have noted many times in my "formula" - communication, chemistry, companionship leading to whatever comes next. Copulation!

Body is in there somewhere, but not at the very top of the list, for sure.

Photos, rates, services are always part of the overall decision making process, and a very basic is whether I have met the lady in person at a social or via PMs, texts, phone convos.

Usually, the above works very well, but, every once in a while the little guy makes the go/go decision and dammit, he's not always right!

FirePhoenix's Avatar
LMFAO, you truly are a stalker aren't you whispers. There has to be some sort of a notification that you have sent to you about any time I post or a review written on me. I have been paying attention to when you respond. 9x out 10 it's a lot faster than anyone else. What are your true reasons behind this "thread"? It truly wasnt to talk about your car or how to sell, now is it? It's all about trying to harass me ,put me down, or put me in my place. Obsessed much? Thanks, XOXO
nuglet's Avatar
Phoenix, don't worry about Whispers, his analogy is really just a self examination and introspective! He just forgot to stop typing.
Somebody has to drive the beat up old hoopties, not enough junk yards to get them all off the streets.
Well posted Whispers. Your bullying attempts are always revealing into your true nature. Weak. Inserting sarcastic here.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Nug, I have saw though whimpys crap a long time ago. Personally I view it as a warped obsession of his. Another thing I find of particular amusement is rockerrick attacks as well. Back when I was 30 pounds heavier and no where near the skill level that I have now he wrote a good review on me.I havent seen him in a couple of yrs now and due to fact I post I'm suddenly all the crap he posts or agrees with. Makes me wonder how much he is actually posting how feels or just being part of a bullying group.
Is this the provider that says she stops traffic? lmao
Wakeup's Avatar
It's better than hiding it with different angles, lighting or Photoshop...or WK reviewers not mentioning any of that shit in the reviews...
I'm wondering what the difference between a 2 ton hooptie and a 2 ton 30 lb hooptie is?
Oh yeah I never even mentioned the maximum weight of the hooptie.
Is this the provider that says she stops traffic? lmao Originally Posted by NalgaSuckie
Yep on corners, bj's for 30.
My apologies ladies, I thought it was Whispers wearing lingerie .... That will teach me to rush through the coed section. I thought he was capable of a joke that was above him. Taking back the comment.
OMG hahahahaha
I don't get paid to think. Maybe i can send you my pics and you can tell me what ones are ok and which i should never show! Originally Posted by Tequila Rose

I can do that for you! But I need a cut of your profits for my input.