Minorities engage in more "hate speech" than whites: Cornell Study.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Cornell study utilizing artificial intelligence systems designed to identify offensive “hate speech” discovered comments made by minorities were flagged “at substantially higher rates” than remarks made by whites.

Researchers are left scrambling trying to rationalize the results away.

AI systems to detect 'hate speech' could have 'disproportionate negative impact' on African Americans: Study

Celine Ryan, Investigative Reporter, Aug 11, 2019 : at 5:01 PM EDT

A new Cornell University study reveals that some artificial intelligence systems created by universities to identify “prejudice” and “hate speech” online might be racially biased themselves and that their implementation could backfire, leading to the over-policing of minority voices online.

A new study out of Cornell reveals that the machine learning practices behind AI, which are designed to flag offensive online content, may actually "discriminate against the groups who are often the targets of the abuse we are trying to detect," according to the study abstract.

The study involved researchers training a system to flag tweets containing “hate speech,” in much the same way that other universities are developing systems for eventual online use, by using several databases of tweets, some of which had been flagged by human evaluators for offensive content.

"The results show evidence of systematic racial bias in all datasets, as classifiers trained on them tend to predict that tweets written in African-American English are abusive at substantially higher rates. If these abusive language detection systems are used in the field they will, therefore, have a disproportionate negative impact on African-American social media users," the abstract continues.

But Cornell’s machine learning added another variable not used by other universities. Using a combination of census data, tweet location data, and demographic-specific language, they also trained the system to quantify the same “black-aligned” or “white-aligned.” The researchers used five different databases of potential “hate speech” tweets. All five yielded the same results: tweets likely from African American’s were much more likely to be flagged as offensive than those that were likely to be from whites.

Along with the possible oversampling of tweets from African Americans, the researchers believe that this type of machine discrimination lies in the human error of those who are doing the original annotating and classification from which the machine learns.

(Campus Reform)
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2019, 02:04 PM
NYT will brand the Study - Developed by the KKK and "Racist to its Core"!
Posters with black friends already know this is true.
I B Hankering's Avatar
NYT will brand the Study - Developed by the KKK and "Racist to its Core"! Originally Posted by oeb11

These researchers created algorithms that evenly evaluated every post according to non-prejudicial standards, i.e., if a certain remark met the definition of "hate speech" it was termed "hate speech" regardless of whether it was made by a white person or a person of color.

Rather than accept the results, these researchers are now equivocating and trying to claim the study was faulty and try to explain away the results by claiming the non-prejudicial standards weren't pre-programmed to insert a "bias" that would discount and adulterate the "hate-filled" posts made by minorities.

These researchers created algorithms that evenly evaluated every post according to non-prejudicial standards, i.e., if a certain remark met the definition of "hate speech" it was termed "hate speech" regardless of whether it was made by a white person or a person of color.

Rather than accept the results, these researchers are now equivocating and trying to claim the study was faulty and try to explain away the results by claiming the non-prejudicial standards weren't pre-programmed to insert a "bias" that would discount and adulterate the "hate-filled" posts made by minorities.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So basically, they forgot to add the affirmative action points to their algorithms.
themystic's Avatar
I have a black friend. He never talks bad about other races. You study is flawed and Racist
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I have a black friend. He never talks bad about other races. You study is flawed and Racist Originally Posted by themystic

prove it. i doubt you have any friends let alone a black friend, unless he washes your Bentley then drives you around in it.

DNinja69's Avatar
Cornell study utilizing artificial intelligence systems designed to identify offensive “hate speech” discovered comments made by minorities were flagged “at substantially higher rates” than remarks made by whites.

Researchers are left scrambling trying to rationalize the results away.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I have not read the Cornell study. It is important (especially in these volatile times we live in) to communicate the reality of life, and try to limit or ignore the extra drama and nonsense.

At some point the reality is that all humans are, for the most part, very similar. We are all prone to some exaggeration, we all get mad and say things we might should keep to ourselves, we say inappropriate things, we get horny, sleepy, tired, hungry. Every one of us at some point has experienced a moment of discomfort around those who do not look like us. Whether you got caught in a herd of 'goth geeks' at a concert, found yourself in a club where the 'girls' weren't really girls, or (gasp) been the only _____ (insert your ethnic origin) person at a party, wedding, church service, etc.

Every large group on our planet has talked shit about some other group at some point. Not even Priests and Rabbi's are immune to the temptations that they swore to rebuke. Men are not the only offenders of the #MeToo movement, not by a long shot. White people are not even close to the only (or even most) prejudiced group of people. I have hope that in a time of such access to other cultures and peoples that we will use these powers for good and become more unified and understanding of others. The current political climate in the US tells me we are going the other way. It seems we are using all of the information at our disposal to focus more on differences and to become more disgruntled.

A 100 years ago... even 50 years ago.. ignorance may have been a factor. Not today.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have a black friend. He never talks bad about other races. You study is flawed and Racist Originally Posted by themystic
It's Cornell's study, but you're free to keep your head up you ass, Moscow Mystic.

I have not read the Cornell study. It is important (especially in these volatile times we live in) to communicate the reality of life, and try to limit or ignore the extra drama and nonsense.

At some point the reality is that all humans are, for the most part, very similar. We are all prone to some exaggeration, we all get mad and say things we might should keep to ourselves, we say inappropriate things, we get horny, sleepy, tired, hungry. Every one of us at some point has experienced a moment of discomfort around those who do not look like us. Whether you got caught in a herd of 'goth geeks' at a concert, found yourself in a club where the 'girls' weren't really girls, or (gasp) been the only _____ (insert your ethnic origin) person at a party, wedding, church service, etc.

Every large group on our planet has talked shit about some other group at some point. Not even Priests and Rabbi's are immune to the temptations that they swore to rebuke. Men are not the only offenders of the #MeToo movement, not by a long shot. White people are not even close to the only (or even most) prejudiced group of people. I have hope that in a time of such access to other cultures and peoples that we will use these powers for good and become more unified and understanding of others. The current political climate in the US tells me we are going the other way. It seems we are using all of the information at our disposal to focus more on differences and to become more disgruntled.

A 100 years ago... even 50 years ago.. ignorance may have been a factor. Not today. Originally Posted by DNinja69

The Cornell study developed algorithms that would locate "hate speech" so that it could be flagged and perhaps censored. What their algorithms uncovered -- much to their great dismay -- was that the greatest volume of what they termed "hate speech" was coming disproportionately from minorities -- not white people.
lustylad's Avatar
prove it. i doubt you have any friends let alone a black friend, unless he washes your Bentley then drives you around in it.

BAHHAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Mystic has a Prius, not a Bentley.
Mystic has a Prius, not a Bentley. Originally Posted by lustylad
Lol. you give him too much credit. The Prius is often considered a decent hybrid or all electric depending on configuration. He's more the VOLT guy I think.

As for the OP, it's pretty much ugg on the face of the left yet again.
JRLawrence's Avatar
It's Cornell's study, but you're free to keep your head up you ass, Moscow Mystic.

The Cornell study developed algorithms that would locate "hate speech" so that it could be flagged and perhaps censored. What their algorithms uncovered -- much to their great dismay -- was that the greatest volume of what they termed "hate speech" was coming disproportionately from minorities -- not white people.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You don't need a high priced study to know that the minoritys use hate speech the most. But a lot of it is between themselves. If you have been around black folks enough you hear them call each other the N word but they end it in a "A" not "er" - big difference in implied meaning. As in "hey bro, you a N...a". What they are really saying is: quit acting that way, straighten up, as in hey you - stupid. In this situation, I have heard white guys called the N word - instead of "stupid". In that way, what you call hate speech - isn't: It has lost the impact on many people. A lot of this has become slang for something else as "hood" has become a shorten form for the word "neighborhood". I bet you white assholes didn't know that.

Even in red neck country when you listen to what people really say, there is very little problems with minorities, even blacks: if they act like nice people. However, there is little tolerance for "chicken shit" type of behavior: it is not accepted by anyone in the "flyover" areas between NY and LA. Yet the damdemocraps have been playing this worn out song for too long.

Keep in mind that the present person in the White House has brought more employment to the inner cities than ever in history. Not putting up with the demands of the damdemocraps to be nice to everyone is not a racial type of thing. It is just the proper thing for everyone to do. No one has to tolerate "chicken shit". Yea, I bet you didn't evern know there was difference between the actions descriped by the phrases "chicken shit" vs "bull shit".

So, quit the mental masterbation because most people don't listen the this nonsense, nor care: They have to get up and go to work tomorrow to put food on the table for their families. That is why Trump will be reelected in 2020, and perhaps have both houses of congress with him. People are just tired of the "chicken shit".

As old Willie Nelson has told us: chicken shit is good for one thing - chapped lips, it doesn't cure the chapped lips, but it keeps you from licking them.

Just lighten up. Last year I had a outside guy give one of my black workers a hard time. So I told him,

Hey guy go easy on him because he belongs to me. If you want to pick on someone go buy one yourself.
The whole crew just about died laughing over that one. It is time we start just making fun of this whole hate speech thing that has been dead for a long time.

Fuck it:

bambino's Avatar
Mystic has a Prius, not a Bentley. Originally Posted by lustylad
His dads Prius.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You don't need a high priced study to know that the minoritys use hate speech the most. But a lot of it is between themselves. If you have been around black folks enough you hear them call each other the N word but they end it in a "A" not "er" - big difference in implied meaning. As in "hey bro, you a N...a". What they are really saying is: quit acting that way, straighten up, as in hey you - stupid. In this situation, I have heard white guys called the N word - instead of "stupid". In that way, what you call hate speech - isn't: It has lost the impact on many people. A lot of this has become slang for something else as "hood" has become a shorten form for the word "neighborhood". I bet you white assholes didn't know that.

Even in red neck country when you listen to what people really say, there is very little problems with minorities, even blacks: if they act like nice people. However, there is little tolerance for "chicken shit" type of behavior: it is not accepted by anyone in the "flyover" areas between NY and LA. Yet the damdemocraps have been playing this worn out song for too long.

Keep in mind that the present person in the White House has brought more employment to the inner cities than ever in history. Not putting up with the demands of the damdemocraps to be nice to everyone is not a racial type of thing. It is just the proper thing for everyone to do. No one has to tolerate "chicken shit". Yea, I bet you didn't evern know there was difference between the actions descriped by the phrases "chicken shit" vs "bull shit".

So, quit the mental masterbation because most people don't listen the this nonsense, nor care: They have to get up and go to work tomorrow to put food on the table for their families. That is why Trump will be reelected in 2020, and perhaps have both houses of congress with him. People are just tired of the "chicken shit".

As old Willie Nelson has told us: chicken shit is good for one thing - chapped lips, it doesn't cure the chapped lips, but it keeps you from licking them.

Just lighten up. Last year I had a outside guy give one of my black workers a hard time. So I told him,

Hey guy go easy on him because he belongs to me. If you want to pick on someone go buy one yourself.
The whole crew just about died laughing over that one. It is time we start just making fun of this whole hate speech thing that has been dead for a long time.

Fuck it:

Originally Posted by JRLawrence
You missed the point of the study. The study was developed to see if they could develop an algorithm which could be used to censor speech in social media. The premise of that study was that white racists were the ones they were attempting to flag and censor.

Lo and behold, what they revealed was a surfeit of minorities engaging in precisely the behavior they were attributing to whites.

BTW, over the course of years I have worked with thousands of blacks as associates, and in the work place I've heard them talk quite disparagingly of black, homosexual males. By today's PC culture, that's genuine "hate speech", and it cannot be written off as a "cultural phenomena" as you and these researchers are trying to do. Keith Ellison, Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright, Sharpton, Omar, Tlaib, etc., are racists and the shit they post is racist. It dissembling bullshit to pretend it isn't.
themystic's Avatar
You missed the point of the study. The study was developed to see if they could develop an algorithm which could be used to censor speech in social media. The premise of that study was that white racists were the ones they were attempting to flag and censor.

Lo and behold, what they revealed was a surfeit of minorities engaging in precisely the behavior they were attributing to whites.

BTW, over the course of years I have worked with thousands of blacks as associates, and in the work place I've heard them talk quite disparagingly of black, homosexual males. By today's PC culture, that's genuine "hate speech", and it cannot be written off as a "cultural phenomena" as you and these researchers are trying to do. Keith Ellison, Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright, Sharpton, Omar, Tlaib, etc., are racists and the shit they post is racist. It dissembling bullshit to pretend it isn't.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nothing worse then a bunch of black AI robots. The Mexican robots are stealing their jobs. That's what I love about you white nationalists. Your so fucking ignorant no one can take anything you say serious