Guest012211-3's Avatar
Well this is it for me, I will no longer be available for appointments.

Heather Winston can still be found at the same incall location until April 22, so please don't think we have both "left the building".

I'm still around if anyone wants to take me to lunch or dinner between now and late April

Friendly emails, pm's are welcomed and I'll still post for awhile.

PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 03-23-2010, 12:42 PM
The very best of luck to you, Nicole. We never got to meet, but your STERLING reputation precedes you! Go get 'em, tiger!
All the best.

Wish you ALL the best in your future <3

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Adios, au revoir, auf wiedersehen!!

Arrivederci bella....

so long little stormtrooper!
Mister Tudball's Avatar
I thought I still had time before you left to see you. Very bummed I'm going to miss a visit with the beloved Nicole Preston before she leaves.

That being said, I wish you well in your future endeavors, Nicole. Thought we've not met, I've enjoyed your posts, sense of humor and especially reading the glowing reviews that you've received.
I've enjoyed the wit and charm you bring to the board. Best wishes on the new career.
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar

Best wishes on your new endeavor in life. I'm happy to have met you.

Best of luck Nicole. You are gonna be missed here
cookie man's Avatar
Nicole in the famous words of Julia Childs:

"I think every woman should have a blowtorch"...but seriously
" Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it."

I hope you've found your passion, and I wish you great joy and success. But do try not to burn anything down ok.

Ciao...and don't let them Limey's give you shit about your Texas drawl.
Best of luck in London. I'm very happy I was able to meet you. You will be missed.
Boltfan's Avatar
I am calling Nicole out on her blatant false advertising. On 3/16 she said we had 4 weeks. LIAR!!!

Love ya sweetie. Hope to catch you at the dinner before you go.
caliente's Avatar
you will be missed........................ .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ............................
London? not bad...

and excuse to go...
Best wishes, Nicole.

Sounds like you're more than ready for whatever adventures come your way!
  • MRMR
  • 03-23-2010, 03:33 PM
Travel safe and best wishes for the future.
Sorry we never had a chance to meet but you have alway's been first class on this board and the other.