Everyone-pay before or after session???

Mopar71's Avatar
It saddens me that I have read of many "cash&dash" situations lately, it worries 'me" more as I am going to be diving into the hobby again soon, by admission I don't have any reviews (yet) because I had a ATF that I had seen for about 7-8yrs, we always took care of business afterwards, now along with all that entails seeing someone new I have to worry about C&D, if some of the providers that did indeed C&D had not been know as reputable providers in the past I might feel a little bit better, and I know this goes both ways as you (provider) don't know me and you are also taking a chance, so just want to know how everyone feels, would a provider mind to get half at the start and half at the end?? all up front?? all at the end?? Guys how do you feel about everything up front with someone new?? I've also read where some guys felt they wouldn't get their $$ worth if they paid up front. Sorry so long, your thought's on this will be appreciated.
I think just about every guy will say never pay upfront. And I think many ladies will say no pay no play. So the opinion of when to pay will be as diverse as personalities here.
Pay first, play later is the norm. I also prefer it, because I like to see her check the contents of my envelope in front of me. So she knows I'm not trying to stiff her. Not that I ever would.

But then I hear, once you set the envelope down... you should go into the bathroom and wash your hands or something. So she can check it. I never knew that.

Maybe that's why I always get the crazy looks. Sorry.

Trooper H.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I have no problem in paying upfront because I have already done my research. Some of the guys who troll backpage might take a few precautions. 999 times out of 1000 your not going to have a problem if you do your research. Only once have I not paid upfront and on the way back to my hotel I remembered and gave her the money as I kissed her goodnight.
Pay first, play later is the norm.

But then I hear, once you set the envelope down... you should go into the bathroom and wash your hands or something. So she can check it. I never knew that. Originally Posted by Trooper Hawk
LOL, yea, it's so our counting it doesn't make "you" feel the business aspect of it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I do not ask for any money up front. I don't know why, really. Doesn't seem very polite. And while I have read many people who have different methods for "checking", i.e. leaving the money in the bathroom or what was mentioned above, it seems to be a bother overall.

Have I been ripped off? Yes, I have. But just a VERY few times in the past five years and only once in the past two years. I have been shorted a few times as well. It was, each time, very upsetting.

Live by the sword and all.


P.S. For the record, though, the times that men just lay the money down (sans envelope) just really works the best for me!
daddyo67's Avatar
I only see girls that are on p411 and I only make first contact thru p411. with 41 ok's they pretty well know I'm straight. I read their ad, I read their p411 profile and their web page. If it mentions pay up front I do. if it don't I put the money on the nightstand as I'm dressing afterwards.

doing it this way I've never had a provider ask for it up front.
Adonis's Avatar
I've always left the donation at the end of the visit and have never been questioned about it beforehand.
LOL, yea, it's so our counting it doesn't make "you" feel the business aspect of it. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Cool, I really didn't know. I'll be down soon to see you when your feeling better. I'll shoot you an message through p411.

Trooper H
Cool, I really didn't know. I'll be down soon to see you when your feeling better. I'll shoot you an message through p411.

Trooper H Originally Posted by Trooper Hawk
Well come on down this week babe-I'm back in action!
I can only speak for myself, I would like to paid upfront. It lets me know the gentlemen is serious and respectful of this very discreet business. My clients have been cool with that. I was at ease, comfortable, and he felt like gold for however long he was hanging out with me. His repeat business was even better than the first because that pesky awkwardness was not there.

Just because a gentlemen was sweet to the first gal and paid, does not mean that he will be the same for the next.

Research helps when looking for cash and dash providers. There are usually red warning signs that a gal cash and dashes.
Whatever the lady asks.Like Poppy I know who I am seeing before I go in and know they are or should be reputable providers.
That being said having good references yourself as a client does help.I have not had a lady ask for the money up front in months.They know by my p411 that I am a reputable guy.I like to pay after myself because if it is a good session I always like to leave a little extra for the lady.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Pay up front, some guys stiff providers or give them gift cards with no balances on them. They have bills to pay. Treat them right and they will do the same for you.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Back in the days of aspdland, I used them, PC and P411 girls. Never a single problem paying upfront. Now using eccie, once I'm in the room the first thing I do is find an ideal place to set down the donation. I have yet to have a single complaint or even one lady count it in front of me.
It sets the tone for the session once she knows I've done my part and taken care of her and it's now her time to do her part and take care of me. I also never talk about or look at the money during the rest of the session.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I've had it both ways so many times that it doesn't really matter to me, so as long as the provider doesn't appear to be a flake. One provider I had to remind to take the fee, because she was about to walk out without it. Guess I must've been that good.