We recommend Hillary Clinton for president

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who in their right mind would ack Drumpf?

Not intelligent Republicans.

Not the DMN


By Dallas Morning News Editorial newsfeedback+editorial@dallasn ews.com
Staff Writer

There is only one serious candidate on the presidential ballot in November. We recommend Hillary Clinton.

We don't come to this decision easily. This newspaper has not recommended a Democrat for the nation's highest office since before World War II — if you're counting, that's more than 75 years and nearly 20 elections. The party's over-reliance on government and regulation to remedy the country's ills is at odds with our belief in private-sector ingenuity and innovation. Our values are more about individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense.

We've been critical of Clinton's handling of certain issues in the past. But unlike Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has experience in actual governance, a record of service and a willingness to delve into real policy.

Donald Trump is no Republican

His name may be at the top of the GOP ticket, but Trump doesn’t reflect Republican ideals of the past; we are certain he shouldn’t reflect the GOP of the future.

Resume vs. resume, judgment vs. judgment, this election is no contest.

In Clinton's eight years in the U.S. Senate, she displayed reach and influence in foreign affairs. Though conservatives like to paint her as nakedly partisan, on Capitol Hill she gained respect from Republicans for working across the aisle: Two-thirds of her bills had GOP co-sponsors and included common ground with some of Congress' most conservative lawmakers.

As President Barack Obama's first secretary of state, she helped make tough calls on the Middle East and the complex struggle against radical Islamic terrorism. It's no accident that hundreds of Republican foreign policy hands back Clinton. She also has the support of dozens of top advisers from previous Republican administrations, including Henry Paulson, John Negroponte, Richard Armitage and Brent Scowcroft. Also on this list is Jim Glassman, the founding executive director of the George W. Bush Institute in Dallas.

Clinton has remained dogged by questions about her honesty, her willingness to shade the truth. Her use of a private email server while secretary of state is a clear example of poor judgment. She should take additional steps to divorce allegations of influence peddling from the Clinton Foundation. And she must be more forthright with the public by holding news conferences, as opposed to relying on a shield of carefully scripted appearances and speeches.

Those are real shortcomings. But they pale in comparison to the litany of evils some opponents accuse her of. Treason? Murder? Her being cleared of crimes by investigation after investigation has no effect on these political hyenas; they refuse to see anything but conspiracies and cover-ups.

We reject the politics of personal destruction. Clinton has made mistakes and displayed bad judgment, but her errors are plainly in a different universe than her opponent's.

Trump's values are hostile to conservatism. He plays on fear — exploiting base instincts of xenophobia, racism and misogyny — to bring out the worst in all of us, rather than the best. His serial shifts on fundamental issues reveal an astounding absence of preparedness. And his improvisational insults and midnight tweets exhibit a dangerous lack of judgment and impulse control.

After nearly four decades in the public spotlight, 25 of them on the national stage, Clinton is a known quantity. For all her warts, she is the candidate more likely to keep our nation safe, to protect American ideals and to work across the aisle to uphold the vital domestic institutions that rely on a competent, experienced president.

Hillary Clinton has spent years in the trenches doing the hard work needed to prepare herself to lead our nation. In this race, at this time, she deserves your vote.
1) Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton raised something on the order of $2 Billion after the Haiti earthquake and spent about $41 Million on aid to dying men, women, and children. The rest has gone to hiring Foundation people that are now staff for her campaign. Dallas Morning News clearly chose to ignore these facts that have been presented in countless articles. And in the WSJ at least 3 times.

2) Bill Clinton visited Jeffrey Epstein's Pedophile Island 28 times. Can anyone tell us that HRC did not know that that is where he went 28 times. She had no idea of his whereabouts? Baloney!!! SHE KNEW. One more time SHE KNEW. That silence in her ongoing marriage makes her complicit in the monstrosity that is the repeated raping of underage girls. SHE KNEW.

Trump may well be the jerk, but his redeeming quality is that he is fighting FOR America. So, we have a 5% chance of a good presidency with Trump.

With Clinton, we have a ZERO percent chance. And the Dallas Morning News is willing to lend their support to this wretched political creature. Stupid.
Hillary and Trump
bambino's Avatar
Hillary spent years in the "trenches"? ROLMAO
Looks to me like maybe Billary donated some funds for the once thriving newspaper who is now looking to sell, as their net is dropping faster than politician's promise after election day, and if bought it would be by a National Chain, who as we all know are very Liberal. They sold their soul for the buck IMHO. Time for Texans to renounce The Dallas Daily News.

"Revenue has been basically flat for four years, declining from $280 million in 2012 to $272 million in 2015.

Despite $12 million of cost-cutting last year (and $10 million more planned for this year), and shedding old-school newspaper properties and acquiring new digital and event companies in that time, the company posted losses in operating income of about $8 million in 2014 and about $18 million last year. (Sure, because of the sale of a paper in Riverside, California, in 2014, the company technically made money that year. But now the big assets have all been sold. Declining income has to be offset with digital revenue. It’s not growing fast enough to cover print’s decline.)

In 2015, in print advertising, the paper brought in about $65 million, or 10 percent less than it did in 2014, which was more than 10 percent less than it did in 2013. In 2006, print advertising brought in $406 million of the paper’s $498 million in net revenue.

The company’s cash balance went from about $158 million at the end of 2014 to about $78 million at the end of 2015".
bambino's Avatar
Looks to me like maybe Billary donated some funds for the once thriving newspaper who is now looking to sell, as their net is dropping faster than politician's promise after election day, and if bought it would be by a National Chain, who as we all know are very Liberal. They sold their soul for the buck IMHO. Time for Texans to renounce The Dallas Daily News.

"Revenue has been basically flat for four years, declining from $280 million in 2012 to $272 million in 2015.

Despite $12 million of cost-cutting last year (and $10 million more planned for this year), and shedding old-school newspaper properties and acquiring new digital and event companies in that time, the company posted losses in operating income of about $8 million in 2014 and about $18 million last year. (Sure, because of the sale of a paper in Riverside, California, in 2014, the company technically made money that year. But now the big assets have all been sold. Declining income has to be offset with digital revenue. It’s not growing fast enough to cover print’s decline.)

In 2015, in print advertising, the paper brought in about $65 million, or 10 percent less than it did in 2014, which was more than 10 percent less than it did in 2013. In 2006, print advertising brought in $406 million of the paper’s $498 million in net revenue.

The company’s cash balance went from about $158 million at the end of 2014 to about $78 million at the end of 2015". Originally Posted by Cherie
As I said earlier, Newspapers will be extinct within 10yrs.
This shows how out of touch this Paper is with it's readers.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This shows how out of touch this Paper is with it's readers. Originally Posted by Jackie S

It's one thing for these two-faced detractors to claim Trump doesn't represent their Republican brand, but it's sheer hypocrisy to claim that Trump doesn't represent their brand and then go on to endorse hildebeest as if that POS liar represents any Republican ideal.
  • jma9
  • 09-07-2016, 11:08 AM
Dallas Morning News must be hoping for a bailout if Hillary wins the Presidency.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you actually suggest that HRC bought that endorsement, SLUNT?

You're stupider than previously thought.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
They are liberals and that makes them out of touch with just about all reality.
Texas has turned blue now?
Prime Time's Avatar
As long as the FED doesn't raise interest rates they can elect Donald Duck for all I care.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 09-07-2016, 03:05 PM
This most likely why people no longer take the local paper. No one takes UP the ASS serious any way.