Third-party Booking And agency

Spartan06's Avatar
I don't know about you guys but when I book Time with the provider I like to talk with the provider not a third-party Booker or an agency. Someone else knowing when I'm going to be meeting a young lady has me cause to think. Is this really safe. A few years ago I had a friend who booked with an agent on another site instead of the girl being that the room was full of police offices.
We own know we have to be safe. But if I can't talk to the provider directly I know I'm not being safe. I like to spend my time my free time with a beautiful lady which there are many hundreds of them on here not in jail. So let's stop the third-party booker from managing the ladys you See. Didn't they call those Pimps
TryWeakly's Avatar

Sounds like a butthurt tard who couldnt pass muster to me.

Interesting post history though. ijs
Spartan06's Avatar
Nothing interesting about my post history but yours tell me a lot.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Awesome, so you CAN read!

How is it you want to initiate a ban on "assistants" ? I am honestly curious how you came to this decision to band everyone together against that practice?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Not alert-worthy, but not a bad discussion for Coed.

There are ladies who stay busy enough that they evidently need assistants as their time is more valuable spent with the gents, and others just aren't great on TCB skills so do better hiring that part of their professional duties out or working for agencies. That doesn't necessarily mean that the "help" is any more of a "pimp" than the secretary setting your appointment and taking your history at a doctor's office is a medic. Having an assistant or working for an agency doesn't equate automatic jail time, either, nor seem to entail any more risk than an independent would have of getting arrested. Not sure what you're basing your statement on. One bad story?

As far as being safe goes, it might be prudent for any Hobby hunter or hussy to make some type of plan when meeting an unknown quality for the first time, especially in a new location. How would your folks look for you, OP, if you just disappeared?

And DO you actually TALK to the provider? If you rely exclusivity on PM or email, which many fellows do, how do you know you are really typing with the object of your desire?

If you're worried, stick with well-known independents with reviews or posts establishing that they manage all of their own arrangements.

I like being in charge of my personal destiny, and prefer to trust my judgement, so control my own advertising, communication, research, and scheduling, and I often do initiate a brief get-acquainted phone chat. It seems to raise the comfort level all the way around.
Spartan06's Avatar
It's about safety of both parties.
And all so I don't have time to wast. I don't want to talk to some person I have no attraction to. And I hope most guys would agree. Bait and switch is a big problem.
If I talk to a girl she sounds very sexy I set up an appointment then when I get there
She sounds like a man. I'm leaving because is not the first night talk to.
It's also very dishonest that somebody could try to make money off of these girls.
If I call to provider and said I have a friend who would like to come see you they would most likely say tell them to give me a call.

I never see it girl without a phone call I don't expect to be talking to someone I'm not going to see. I bet there's a lot of guys out there that feel the same way.
You can't tell me that the agencies and third-party Booker are doing it for free.
We men have a lot to lose as well as the girls do
Spartan06's Avatar
But going to the doctor surgery Won't get you arrested
I see you catch on quickly about some of the folks on this board when they reply, I like your style when you slam them, professional and dignified, non confrontational or combative and "BAM"

And yes I couldn't agree with you more on shutting down pimping, you simply said in your post:
I don't like pimping because it's unsafe and dangerous, and it's both as you stated, also let me ad that's it's just "wrong", dirty leeching opportunist is what they are, the scum of the earth in this business, they do nothing but take from girls who risk themselves and give their bodies for the money, and what does a pimp/agency do, take in the money,

Keep the alerts coming, don't be discouraged by some bullsht you see in replies, you are doing everyone a service, I know "I" appreciate it and I'm sure others do too.
Spartan06's Avatar
I posted the alerts because Saturday I met up with the provider The first words out of her mouth was. So what are we doing than. She then told me her friend booked the appointment and she didn't know what was discussed. She was a very nice girl but I explained to her about the dangers and I left. Wasted my time and hers.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
It's about safety of both parties.
And all so I don't have time to wast. I don't want to talk to some person I have no attraction to. And I hope most guys would agree. Bait and switch is a big problem.
If I talk to a girl she sounds very sexy I set up an appointment then when I get there
She sounds like a man. I'm leaving because is not the first night talk to.
It's also very dishonest that somebody could try to make money off of these girls.
If I call to provider and said I have a friend who would like to come see you they would most likely say tell them to give me a call.

I never see it girl without a phone call I don't expect to be talking to someone I'm not going to see. I bet there's a lot of guys out there that feel the same way.
You can't tell me that the agencies and third-party Booker are doing it for free.
We men have a lot to lose as well as the girls do Originally Posted by Spartan06
No argument with either side having a lot to lose!

Of course "bookers" don't do what they do for free. Providers pay a fee just as an office pays someone to answer the phone. The marketing of pussy is a BUSINESS like any other when it comes right down to it, sometimes involving support staff to deal with the many promotional aspects. (Granted, there is more risk here, but operationally-speaking many of the same principles apply.) Some ex-providers retire and start up companies that manage the affairs of escorts, arrange photo shoots, build websites and ads, schedule, screen, etc., and even teach the ropes to new ladies just entering the frisky field. (Nooooo, not in my future. Would drive me crazy, well, crazier, dealing with the craziness of the Hobby for more than just myself!)

Good that you chat with a provider in advance, as you can tell a lot about mutual chemistry beforehand. Not everyone wishes to do that, however, client or provider.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I posted the alerts because Saturday I met up with the provider The first words out of her mouth was. So what are we doing than. She then told me her friend booked the appointment and she didn't know what was discussed. She was a very nice girl but I explained to her about the dangers and I left. Wasted my time and hers. Originally Posted by Spartan06

That's just bad business any way you cut it, and for her to admit she didn't know what was expected is scary. Heck, if someone schedules a doctor's visit or even an appointment to have their a/c fixed, the professional has an idea of what's going to happen based on prior communication.

This is more an indictment of HER than of the practice itself. Perhaps you should write a review or a more in-depth report and provide a handle? Is she on ECCIE?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
...Keep the alerts coming, don't be discouraged by some bullsht you see in replies, you are doing everyone a service, I know "I" appreciate it and I'm sure others do too. Originally Posted by onemixedguy
I said that this would make a better discussion for Coed as there are not enough specifics to quality this as a true "alert," no intel that immediately impacts the safety of our community, not to discourage him in any way from bringing up valid points. This is a perfectly suitable debate topic, but a wee bit general for THIS forum, which primarily warns of imminent danger.
Spartan06's Avatar
I don't want to write a review because she was a very lovely beautiful woman I know how much a bad review her a provider. I also know a lot of girls look at these alerts all that they look at the email. In the appreciation that she will see this. She would change that wayS. I have a very strict list of things that I like to do and if it's OK with the provider we can meet and have fun but she met none of these things. Not a problem if I have known this upfront the conversation would nothings gone any further. I would've just said thank you for your time I appreciate the providers on the site I thank you for everything you do for us but if it's not meant to be it's not meant to be. I have Meet some very good friends on here providers that I would call friends. So thank you for helping all of us m so thank you but hoping all of us horny men.
Also Spartan06, don't wast your valuable time arguing with people here who attack you or attack the credibility of your post,

They will never ever concede, say your piece and move on, trust me, some folks will heed your warning or identify with your opinion, some will reject it

You said: it's dangerous and I don't trust this, and I have a personal encounter (your friend) to justify my feelings and personally I feel it's wrong.

He said: the shit could be legit, and who are you to suggest that's it's anything other than.

Let's see, which one of these opinions can keep me from getting in TROUBLE, because that's why I look in the "ALERTS" section

Thanks Spartan06, I going with your opinion

If he's right then everyone wins

If your right then someone loses, thanks again Spartan06, keep it coming
Spartan06's Avatar