ISO haircut also my first post, just joined so hello Dallas!!

Hey y’all, I used to have a pretty sweet set up here in North Dallas… I had a lady who was a little bit older but really really sweet; she used to cut my hair and then we would get a shower and she would give me a quick massage… I went away a few months for work and when I came back, her phone number didn’t work… So here I am trying to find a deal like I had before… What’s that old saying? “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” LOL… Anyway thanks for having me here!
  • oeb11
  • 05-19-2020, 07:15 AM
barbershops are open!!!
much to the disappointment of controlling DPST's trying desperately to keep the economy in lockdown and destroyed in order to Bring their senile Biden to the Oval Office.

And bow to Comrade Xi when Biden falls.
you are correct - When the DPST's destroy the Constitution and institute orwellian amerika - under Comrade Xi - even they will ralize what is gone - except for the nomenklatura under the Chinese Politburo!

My post is not directed at the OP - Welcome. !!!
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  • Go4it
  • 05-20-2020, 01:02 AM
Since your new - I'll give you a suggestion - which you won't take. Search is your friend. nothing you ask, nothing you want to know, hasn't already been talked about here. In this case - search "haircut"