Beware Pimp working girls

heavenlyangelk's Avatar
Ladies becareful, there is a pimp working in North Dallas claiming everything you want to hear.
Once he gets you in his possession, he keeps all your money, & if you quit, good luck getting your money from him. His name is Juan, a smooth talker, drives a silver caddy
Sleepy363's Avatar
Pretty sure there is more than just one pimp working in north dallas. the 635 & 75 area might as well be renamed pimp-land.

He didn't look like this guy did he?

Y0yoY0's Avatar
Pretty sure there is more than just one pimp working in north dallas. Originally Posted by still-asleep
Yeah, but this one is a smooth talker who drives a Cadillac. Oh yeah, his name is also Juan

Sorry lol. Ladies, keep your wits about you....
trynagetlaid's Avatar

Yeah, but this one is a smooth talker who drives a Cadillac. Oh yeah, his name is also Juan
Originally Posted by Y0yoY0
Thanks...that really narrows the field...
Does the caddy look like this?

Let's see...OP joins on 7-22-12 and posts about a pimp. Am I missing something?
Texasquest's Avatar
Yea a Tahoe with 24's.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Ladies becareful, there is a pimp working in North Dallas claiming everything you want to hear.
Once he gets you in his possession, he keeps all your money, & if you quit, good luck getting your money from him. His name is Juan, a smooth talker, drives a silver caddy Originally Posted by heavenlyangelk
I have heard recently that Dallas Vice is paying some sort of bounty if you can provide credible information on pimps in the Dallas area.

That could be a solid way to get some of your money back.

Thinking about that, I know the cops do things where they have held gun buy back programs.

If an organization were to set up a program where people could turn in pimps, say for an amount of around $500-$1000 depending on how many girls he has in his stable, and just like CrimeStoppers, you could remain anonymous and be given a code to claim the bounty, do you think it would work?
Damn that sounds like a good idea. What is the site to drop a dime on a pimp. We can go sit at some notel and make a fortune just wait the LE will put a cap on how many you can turn in in one night. TGTBT
wow, do you have anymore info on him girl?
ShysterJon's Avatar
I have heard recently that Dallas Vice is paying some sort of bounty if you can provide credible information on pimps in the Dallas area. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Iz all ready done collacted da bounty on Juan da pahamp.

trynagetlaid's Avatar
There was a big push in OKC recently, several pimps caught and arrested for crossing state lines with *forbidden topic* girls. FBI money was involved.

OKC is kind of a E-W and N-S crossroads city. Several threads on this in the OKC forum.

Maybe some of the evidence they collected pointed them south to similar activities down here. And maybe some of the pimps moved down here to escape the LE pressure.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
heavenlyangelk's Avatar
Thats not his caddy. Left Dallas last night, had too!
Thank God, I had a friend who got me out.
He sent threating texts all morning. Glad I left!
You'll know this Juan, real dark skin, pitted face, short
curly hair, wears black rimmed glasses, stands 5'10"
180 lbs, located round 75 & campbell rd.
heavenlyangelk's Avatar
If it works, id b in, guys like him, take advantage
Of women who are in helpless situations, make
promises they wont keep, then once ur in their keep
U R stuck!