Ban-a-palooza 2015! (someone had to do it)

JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
get ready to ruuuummmmmbbbbblllleeee! (or is it party?)

I kept waiting and no one posted the one poll I was expecting.

that or waiting on more entries? I think 8 is enough. (seems I've heard that somewhere before - sarcasm)

also, might as well pay some respects to our fallen entertainment.

interesting fact:
there is one thread where 5 of the 8 entries all posted on the 1st page.

is there possibly a thread where they all posted?

is there a previously greater Ban-a-palooza where more fell by the wayside in a similar or shorter time frame? posts your knowledge or comments and bring others up to speed.

so with all that said, have fun with Ban-a-palooza 2015 and vote for your favorite entry.

fine print - Employees and immediate family members of the OP and any person associated with the Competition including ECCIE, and any organisation or individual associated with the provision of the prize title, ARE eligible to vote (including volunteers). Entry into the Competition is free. Entry into Ban-a-palooza 2015 is free. Late and write in entries will not be accepted and must wait for the next vote. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in prize value. Contestants are listed alphabetically for fairness.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
What!!!??? NO write-in candidates? Are you anti-democracy?

Dang, thought if we could get a majority-suggested name, we could get someone else banned. That might have entertainment potential.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
ha, ha! someone might get the idea you already have a victim, errrr, write in contestant in mind.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Gotta be WTF! The others have probably all been banned before (and will be again). But WTF's slip-up came as something of a surprise, even though he can out-cunty just about any other fucktard or hooktard.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-28-2015, 04:24 PM
Where is the all of the above?
AlexisMoore's Avatar
Wow...let a whore get banned and yall go crazy!! Carry on...same thread, over n over
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Where is the all of the above? Originally Posted by Seedy
damn! good call Seedy. you got me. I called that out another poll then forgot that myself. if only a poll could be edited.

Wow...let a whore get banned and yall go crazy!! Carry on...same thread, over n over Originally Posted by AlexisMoore
note: Ban-a-palooza 2015 addresses ALL performers (contestants). it does not recognize any one individual performer/contestant above the rest as with other threads (other threads being the keywords). that is left up to the voting attendees. all were included. no singular attention.
Damn! I'm take few days off from here and this happens? LOL

I can kinda figure out what the others did.. But what did Alyssa XOXO do this time?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Gotta be WTF! The others have probably all been banned before (and will be again). But WTF's slip-up came as something of a surprise, even though he can out-cunty just about any other fucktard or hooktard. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Pissy! I thought it was because he could out-pissy old fat ho's.

But maybe that's just a distinction without an actual difference.
JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Damn! I'm take few days off from here and this happens? LOL

I can kinda figure out what the others did.. But what did Alyssa XOXO do this time? Originally Posted by Swamp Donkey
ALL performers entry forms are protected and filed with ECCIE. According to rules outside Ban-a-palooza only the performers themselves can verify their own entry form information and rates per entry if they so choose. All else is speculation. Exclusion clause does exist in the case of first hand witnesses. The rights of first hand witnesses to provide such information falls under the terms and conditions set forth by ECCIE. Ban-a-palooza does not imply any assumption of risk or contributory negligence. Assume Ban-a-palooza is completely negligent and verify any entry form information and/or the sharing of entry form information with ECCIE and/or the Houston Mod Team.
Very interesting as to where this may go.
Great thread/poll JustMe.
You're right, this was long over due and somebody had to do it.
Watch the haters come crawling out from hiding.
This could be good.
Nature abhors a vaccum, the worst part of the Ban-A-Palooza is the interesting thread the missing characters created. Time to step up Houston and fill the void.
kinkyorca's Avatar
Is there a boobie prize?
Is there a boobie prize? Originally Posted by kinkyorca
Please be more specific?
The Boobie prize for who has the best Boobs?
Gotta be AXO.
The Boobie prize for who is the biggest boob/tool?
Tough call there, they all worked so hard at it.
But my vote would be torn between WTF & Wreckshop.
But the all have a special place in my heart...
animitasenthe's Avatar
I totally missed this, but it sounds epic & nuclear.