Shrinking market for AMPs

Since the publicity in Florida about arresting customers, I have talked with shops in KC and Lawrence. They all say business is much slower. As some of you have commented, often there is only one girl working. A few I know pretty well say they can’t keep additional girls because there isn’t enough business to make money. One of my favorites wanted to come back (from China) but was refused because the owner needs to make all the money to keep the shop open.

Tax season (slows down business every year) and March Madness probably also a factor. But customers (and many shops) are more cautious. Two results I’ve seen: (1) menus have become more conservative in some shops over concern about LE. And (2) menus in other shops have expanded because survival is their issue (Please don’t PM me asking which ones. I can’t keep track and can’t guarantee anything because it’s always YMMV. How well do they know you and how nice do you treat them?). We’ll see what Spring and Summer bring - no special sporting events and tax refunds have arrived.

If more publicity on raiding shops and customers keeps coming, it may get pretty quiet around KC and Lawrence.

Your thoughts on good alternatives please.....
I hope they close all of them...
Best_peter's Avatar
I agree with you Big Deal, as much as I appreciate the lack of references and the drop in anytime elements it's just too hard to determine who is trafficked (everyone if you ask LE) and who may or may not be watching.
One of my favorites wanted to come back (from China) but was refused because the owner needs to make all the money to keep the shop open.
Originally Posted by FireAway
And , how does this fit in with the narrative that the girls are trafficked ?
Not all are trafficked. That’s what makes it hard for LE. Many choose to work and then take a break . That is not trafficked (trafficked or by choice, sexual activity is still considered prostitution). BUT, while some are forced to work in shops, most either work in shop or restaurant buffet because of language limitation for getting a job. Some LE consider that a form of trafficking (more dramatic). The big change is arresting customers because of prostitution claim by LE. It will shake out and settle down soon unless publicity stays active. Unfortunately, we don’t have a crystal ball.
The Robert Kraft incident , in spite of the efforts by FL LE and the feds, has uncovered no evidence of trafficking, even though the 'news' reports and gossip keep making mention of it.
The national board has some very good discussion on the topic relating to issues such as work visas and other issues.
My hope is that Mr. Kraft will have the nads to use his influence and dough to challenge the illegality of prostitution as a privacy issue, something that would be aided by the fact that many of those caught on camera were getting legit massages.
A woman in this country has the right to kill an unborn baby in the womb but not to rent out the doorway. One could even argue a medical issue that men with ED have a right to seek sexual pleasure with professionals that are trained to deal with the matter.
As an aside, I always find virtue signaling a bit ironic on a hooker board.
Joey, I understand your irony, but there is a difference between someone forced into slavery and someone who chooses prostitution to make better money.
Joey, I understand your irony, but there is a difference between someone forced into slavery and someone who chooses prostitution to make better money. Originally Posted by FireAway
Indeed there is. And, if someone were trafficking women to work in the AMPS, wouldn't they choose young , conventionally attractive ladies instead of the middle aged masseuses typically found in the local establishments ?
For a variety of reasons, I am very skeptical of the whole trafficking narrative, at least on a wide scale. And, as in the case of your lady who would like to come back from China and earn some decent money, it may actually be harming those it claims to help.
The articles about the Robert Kraft incident make a big deal about the ladies sleeping and living in their work spaces. This is not at all uncommon in Asia. And, if you've ever been to Hong Kong for instance, your typical AMP is far more spacious then most peoples living quarters, especially in the walk-ups.
But, everybody has to make up their own mind on these things.
Joey, valid points. Most workers I know are working in US to send money for a house for her son - who must own a house to be a candidate for marriage. I think trafficing exists - especially in cities where most of the workers are in their 20’s. KC market is a different situation. But if LE is focused on prostitution, worker age is not an issue. Trafficing is for the media.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The local community conflates prostitution with sex trafficking, drugs, and property crimes. It is in the best interest of LE and the activist to continue the deception.
Real traffic cases in amps are extremely rare if not non-existent. It’s a hoax to justify cracking down on on prostitution. These women go back to China/Korea and talk to each other. They aren’t kidnapped. They have internet and cell phones. The whole thing would fall apart if they were forced. If they weren’t happy with the money, they wouldn’t come.
Real traffic cases in amps are extremely rare if not non-existent. It’s a hoax to justify cracking down on on prostitution. These women go back to China/Korea and talk to each other. They aren’t kidnapped. They have internet and cell phones. The whole thing would fall apart if they were forced. If they weren’t happy with the money, they wouldn’t come. Originally Posted by girlcrazy
Exactly right.
Real traffic cases in amps are extremely rare if not non-existent. It’s a hoax to justify cracking down on on prostitution. These women go back to China/Korea and talk to each other. They aren’t kidnapped. They have internet and cell phones. The whole thing would fall apart if they were forced. If they weren’t happy with the money, they wouldn’t come. Originally Posted by girlcrazy
And , if we weren't happy with the coming there would be no money. Nice arrangement, eh ?
I've visited AMP from coast to coast and a few overseas. Of the hundreds of times, I can think of only ONE where I suspected trafficking/unwillingness on the part of the girl to be there. It was in Houston.
Houston, Dallas, Denver, Atlanta, and Manhattan all have very big AMP communities where you can find some cute girls who know it's a business, in addition to the all business mamma sans you get everywhere. Houston feels slimier (even before that one instance) but still a ton of them.
Most of the rest of the country is like KC, all small time running a decent service with girls who aren't exceptional lookers usually. PNW (Seattle/Portland) have a weird scene, fancy shops that *feel* like they target female clients, but super hot Asian masseuses who know the business. Plus Portland has the private dance houses which are their own brand of mongering. NorCal used to be damn near impossible to find services but they've gotten better recently. Conversely, Denver has gotten a little drier in the last couple years. Denver for a while had table shower, TUMA, and skimpy lingerie as expected standard for a year or two. Last few visits have been much more standard issue.
Reminds me of my favorite girl in St.Joe who isn't there anymore. She seemed like a daughter/niece/etc to the mamma san, probably 20-ish, she was willing to show off her nice shaved slit. But then mamma san sold to another (all business) Asian lady and now that spot is no fun (still lets you take care of yourself, but she's grumpy about it.) New-ish spot on the Belt looks interesting (across from Harbor Freight) but I got a ton of relatives in St. Joe and my cars are very noticeable... don't want the in-laws to ask what I was doing over there on a weekday when I was supposed to be working.

(wow, rambled, sorry)