scott brown

stretchtexas's Avatar
just thought i'd see what the pulse was here regarding brown's victory in maryland.
Budman's Avatar
I am glad to see it. My hope is that this will slow down the socialistic agenda of this administration enough so that in November we can give the boot to a bunch more liberal idiots. I believe that the Dems are in for a very rude awakening come November.

I have been amazed at the spin some of the Democrat leaders are trying to put on this election. Obama placed blame on Bush. How he came up with that is beyond me. Howard Dean claimed that this proved that the voters wanted and more liberal health care plan than the one proposed.
Schmafty's Avatar
Although I think you might mean Massachusetts.
I think the Dems now put it back in the Repubs court...cause they would rather sit on the sideline than get in the game.
bigtom62's Avatar
Do you mean the Republicans want to sit on the sidelines? If so, give me an example of when Harry or Nancy or Barack have invited the ideas of the Republicans. They actually DO have some very good ideas. The media will NOT talk about them.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Go Brown! Fuck Obama and his socialist/fascist agenda. If Mr. Hope and Change stays in power along with Loyd "I'll suck your cock if you'll vote for me" Doggett, and all the other dickhead socialist/fascist/democrats, and republican "sniff your ass rinos" all my hobby money, and yours, will be going to the United States Treasury to pay for the health care of illegal immigrants.
nuglet's Avatar
and just what is in the proposal that makes you think the illegals are going to benefit from the health care package. Perhaps you aren't aware that more than likely, they'll be paying for OURS. Maybe you aren't aware that they get nothing for the social security that's withheld form their pay. If the dirty employers actually forward what's held from their checks (which is a fantasy), they still don't get any benefits, nor do they get Social Security benefits. Hell, I'd rather have them here, working, doing jobs that we don't want to do, than 99% of the politicians in office.
If we ever made the mistake of succeeding in stopping the immigrants (remember all we did was steal the land from the original owners), our society would grind to a halt. Without cheap, hard working immigrants, food production would slow to a crawl, all services that require honest hard labor, would all but disappear.
I'm not trying to pick a fight but it chaps my ass when folks lay so much blame on the folks from outside our perfect little Utopian society for all the crap we created.
All I was taught by our "great leaders" while wearing a uniform, is how much WE butt into everybody's business in other countries. No wonder we are one of the most despised countries in the World. The only "friends" we have is the ones we bought! Or enslaved and beat into submission.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Hmmm...I would bet that England, and France, and Italy, and a lot of other countries in Europe, are really glad that they are speaking their own language and not German, or Russian. And they are because of us. 2 times. This world would be hell incarnate without the USA. We've made our mistakes, but at the end of the day, I'm glad as hell I'm an American. And when I was in uniform, we killed bad guys, trying to kill us. And we still have a lot of guys doing the same thing. And not because we want anything from them...we just want them to leave us the fuck alone.

We are despised because "the other countries" know they can't be us.

Oh, and by the way, o'butheads senate voted last week to give illegal imagrants social security benefits.
nuglet's Avatar
bill, for sure, don't get me wrong, I'd rather be here.
so would a lot of others, thus the immigrants, regardless where they came from.
As for the SS benefits, that hasn't passed the whole test, and probably won't.
At least you didn't complain about "all the jobs" they take. My response to those whiners is: "So..... exactly what job was it you wanted but an illegal immigrant got it?" LOL
If you think our reasons for all the battles we are in isn't due to self serving desires, rethink. Our leaders are NOT altruistic in the least. We are lied to from our leaders as bad or worse than other countries.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'd say 2010 is shaping up to be a pretty good year.

gman45's Avatar
I'd say 2010 is shaping up to be a pretty good year.

gfe Originally Posted by gfejunkie
GFE you got that right
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Sky & diet 7-up. The year is better already. Now, where is Tess? Tess? Are you out there?
squiretuck's Avatar
I am glad a Republican took that Senate seat in Mass.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
This Boston princess is happy he took the seat and would gladly give him a freebie in the bed of his pickup truck
I'm sad. Very, very sad. I've lived in MA for most of my adult life, so I was definitely shocked to see everything go down the way it did...but it is what it is. The people (of a small state) have spoken (for a temporary Senator to fill some very big shoes).

I think that the bigger issue is how muddled up the Senate gets in political processes. The fact that it takes 60 of 100 votes to even get something big to a vote is f'ed up....regardless of which party is on top. Between the House and Senate, the Senate is the more republican (little R) of the two, but still...shit is fucked. Regardless of your political leaning, this light that this ordeal is shedding on the shitiness of our legislative branch is one worth noting.

Also...Maryland??? The juiciest part of the story is that a republican (temporarily) filled the Senate seat that has belonged to a Kennedy since JFK's Senate days, thus (probably) killing healthcare reform...Teddy's career-long cause. Kennedys don't live in Maryland (unless you count some potential vacation homes that they use while in DC to make sailing more convenient).