GAME CHANGER - Obama Nabs Key Endorsement

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
With polls showing that the President is losing support among uneducated white people, the President secured a key endorsement, which may help firm up that portion of his base.

Jerry Springer endorses President Obama.

rodog44's Avatar
I dont think he ever had the redneck vote.
Damn he is leading in the gay and women's vote now Jerry.Sounds like four more years.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Too bad Jerry came out for Obama. I would have liked to see him moderate a debate. Can you imagine Obama and Romney in a Springer-style debate?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Someone might get shot in self defense.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Or maybe their "wimmen" will call them out, and Ann and Michelle will expose their breasts to each other. Maybe it was a good idea for Ron Paul to not get the nomination after all.
I'd like to see Barack and Mitt sit
Down to an old fashioned Jerry show.
Bring in some klan Romney supporters and
A few radical black Muslims to cheer that christian black guy...
Then we can bring in some chairs and wait for an old timey brawl.
That WOULD be entertaining and would likely create a job or two in Vegas.
Too bad Jerry came out for Obama. I would have liked to see him moderate a debate. Can you imagine Obama and Romney in a Springer-style debate? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Would be funny then have the hookers show up.LOL
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hookers??? Aren't they all down at the State department?

So is Obama going to wear the dress? Michelle wears the pants.

Maybe Fred Phelps will show up.