Now here is a question for both the ladies and men

What if there was a girl that you used to know that you would have loved to sleep with but never got the chance and then a few years later you saw an ad on Backpage with a picture that looked similar enough to that girl that you couldn't tell if it was her or not?

Would you take the chance and call her up for a date?

Would you take the option to sleep with her and let her know that you are into the hobby? After all, she isn't going to tell any of your mutual friends else she'd have the cat out of the bag on herself as well.

The reason being is I just saw a girl on Backpage that looks close to someone I used to know. It may not be her, but one of her pics looks almost EXACTLY like another pic that I've seen of the girl on Facebook. I would have loved to sleep with her when I knew her, but she had a boyfriend at the time.

Your thoughts, if any?
Great question. There is one provider that looks like a girl I went to grade school with that I had my first crush on. I haven't seen her for 25+ years; so who knows what she looks like now. If her stated age is correct, there's no way it is her, but if you add the 8-10 year curve, then she's in the ballpark. Never could muster the courage to give her a call.
Gentleman10's Avatar
Personally. . .and this is simply the 'what I would do' scenario: I would have already indulged - or at least attempted to do as such. IMO, I say. . .go for it.

lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 10-02-2012, 10:35 PM
I would go for it !
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 10-03-2012, 05:01 AM
I don't see why she'd out you, when she'd just be outing herself unless she's not keeping her profession utr.
Go for it. I would.
Guest041817's Avatar
I would do it...could be a good time
Depending on the lady, it could be good or it could be bad for her to see someone she knew before she started hobbying.
For me personally, the likelihood of me seeing anyone I know would be slim to none, since I am not from here originally.
I'd definitely go in for it- why not it's a win-win situation! And you get to fuck her!
LarryLegend's Avatar
I'm thinking of a gal right now, oh yes I'd go in a second!
Dakota123's Avatar
I would go for it..... for sure