Trump aide admits that they have "3 major operations to suppress voters
A senior adviser to Donald Trump's presidential campaign says the GOP nominee's operation has three "voter suppression" drives intended to lower the vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton and provide a path to victory for Trump.

The three efforts are mentioned by the senior adviser in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek.

“We have three major voter suppression operations under way,” the unidentified senior official told Bloomberg.
The efforts are intended to cut down on votes by white liberals, young women and black voters, three blocs important for Clinton, the official said.

To suppress the vote by "idealistic" white liberals who might have been attracted to Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-Vt.) campaign, the Trump official said the GOP nominee's campaign would highlight Clinton's support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

Trump has also tied his campaign to women who have accused former President Bill Clinton of sexual assault to try to decrease turnout by young women, the official said.

Hillary Clinton has a huge edge among female voters, according to polls. Trump invited three women who have made accusations against Bill Clinton to the second presidential debate.

To try to lower black voter turnout, the senior official said the GOP nominee and his campaign were citing Hillary Clinton's 1996 comments referring to some young black criminals as "superpredators."

Bloomberg reported that Trump's campaign on Oct. 24 started placing spots on select African-American radio stations to highlight the superpredators remark.

The Trump campaign is also delivering an animation involving Clinton's superpredator line to certain African-Americans on Facebook through campaign-targeted "dark posts" that are not public, Bloomberg reported.

"It will dramatically affect her ability to turn these people out,” the official said, referring to the three groups.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Telling the truth about your opponent is not "voter suppression", you brainless, stolen valor, lying idiot.
And you are the whining idiot who loves to hit the RTM button- White Knight coward cum guzzler. Looks like you were too chicken shit to take me up on my offer because I would have proven to you who the real liar is now GO FUCK OFF!!!
A senior adviser to Donald Trump's presidential campaign says the GOP nominee's operation has three "voter suppression" drives intended to lower the vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton and provide a path to victory for Trump.

The three efforts are mentioned by the senior adviser in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek.

“We have three major voter suppression operations under way,” the unidentified senior official told Bloomberg.
The efforts are intended to cut down on votes by white liberals, young women and black voters, three blocs important for Clinton, the official said.

To suppress the vote by "idealistic" white liberals who might have been attracted to Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-Vt.) campaign, the Trump official said the GOP nominee's campaign would highlight Clinton's support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

Trump has also tied his campaign to women who have accused former President Bill Clinton of sexual assault to try to decrease turnout by young women, the official said.

Hillary Clinton has a huge edge among female voters, according to polls. Trump invited three women who have made accusations against Bill Clinton to the second presidential debate.

To try to lower black voter turnout, the senior official said the GOP nominee and his campaign were citing Hillary Clinton's 1996 comments referring to some young black criminals as "superpredators."

Bloomberg reported that Trump's campaign on Oct. 24 started placing spots on select African-American radio stations to highlight the superpredators remark.

The Trump campaign is also delivering an animation involving Clinton's superpredator line to certain African-Americans on Facebook through campaign-targeted "dark posts" that are not public, Bloomberg reported.

"It will dramatically affect her ability to turn these people out,” the official said, referring to the three groups. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
These tactics are not unique to Trump. Politicians have been doing this for countless election cycles. But the sad thing about it all is none of these practices get a candidate elected. They are already selected before the voters ever hit the polls. So quit bitching, just vote for who you want and quit worrying about everything else.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't forget it
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who's gonna get the message to TryWeakly to stop spamming this forum.
All he's done since LLiarMan brought him over from the Houston forum is bump this one thread.

Each time he bumps, this shit is happening.

Thanks, LLiarMan, for everything.

Now go fuck yourself, and your little dog too,

Oh yeah ... got any naked pictures of your Mama?