Wilco fact or fiction????

John Coffee's Avatar
I want to know why everyone is so afraid of Wilco. Last I check the only people that needed to be worried was rapist, thugs, murders, and drunk drivers. When was the last time you heard in the news or other where a sheriff or police officer just walked up to an in all and arrested everybody. Now if it trafficking girls against there will and they get busted that is a GOOD THING trafficking is wrong and dangerous. So just wanting to hear what you all think.
carpenter's Avatar
For a long time going back to the hippie days at UT, Wilco was the redneck county that did not want any dope or hippies in their county. Also they were, and to the best of my knowledge still, would prosecute any case to the full extent the law allowed. Unlike the "Liberal" Travis county, which often took a much more lenient stance. This is talking more about the social taboos of DWI, minor possession, controlled substances, so on and so froth. This is not to say that TC is lenient with serious felonies. Best policy is if you are looking to have some fun, Austin is the place.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I worked out of Wilco for years NEVER once had any issues ...but then again I dont call attention to myself, I screen and dont do drugs
fun2come's Avatar
PandaBear's Avatar
Fiction with a Capital F. I use Wilco all the time. If you are a reputable hobbyist working with a reputable provider .. no worries whatsoever.
SunnyGuy's Avatar
I live in Round Rock. I've had a few providers over and a couple that won't come over because it's in Wilco. I've seen a lady a several times at hotels in Wilco and another lady at her RR in-call. The only worry I have is leaving Ricks late at night. Victoria Lynn is right - see verified providers. I would not see BP ladies - in Wilco or Travis Co.
fun2come's Avatar
Here is what I currently believe about Wilco and hobbyists:
I don't think chances are bigger of getting caught, BUT if you get caught you will be prosecuted to the full extend of the law allowed.
For providers, risks to get caught might be slightly higher, and they will throw the book at them even harder.
Just my .02c after 17 years in ATX.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Here is what I currently believe about Wilco and hobbyists:
I don't think chances are bigger of getting caught, BUT if you get caught you will be prosecuted to the full extend of the law allowed. Originally Posted by fun2come
Actually, if you piss the local LE off, you'll be punished far beyond what the law allows. That's the problem. Even if you're not actually doing anything illegal in some cases.

If you don't attract their attention or piss them off, you're fine.

Ladies may find guys will noshow once they figure out they're in Wilco.
just like Bigfoot and the Lochness Monster, do they exist? I dont know for sure I dont really want to find out, I kind of like the mystery, That is how I treat Wilco. I dont want to find out!
John Coffee's Avatar
All of you make good points. I truly believe verified and well reviewed is the way to go.
just like Bigfoot and the Lochness Monster, do they exist? I dont know for sure I dont really want to find out, I kind of like the mystery, That is how I treat Wilco. I dont want to find out! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Love this and I feel the same way lol
I know a very well known provider on here that was operating in Willco and got thrown in the slammer for it. I live in Wilco and I will say the hype is true. If you are doubting it you just haven't been around Centex very long. Eventually I think Willco will be full of Californians and Austinites and become more lax, but it's not there yet.
Zimmie6942's Avatar
I've lived in Austin for 40 years and grew up on the dividing line between Wilco and Travis. Growing up as a skater and knowing a lot of crazy austinites I have seen a lot of things with LE. It doesn't matter what you get caught doing the punishment is almost always double in Wilco. It is always better to get caught in Travis because even though it sucks to go to jail, at least in Travis you know your at least going to most likely get out the next day. With Wilco its harder to get out and the fines and penatys are way stricter. I have been put in jail personally about 50 times in Texas from the time I was 14 to about 30. Every time has sucked and except for a DWI where I deserved to go to jail the rest were BS unpaid traffic tickets and me being horrible with paperwork. Anyway the worst experiences I had were always in Wilco. Its not harder to get caught at anything but when you do it just sucks more.
Wilco is more dangerous only if you use drugs or drink and drive. They will throw book at you. I know first hand as i am going through a serious probation program for dwi. I got caught drinking on probation and they wanted to nail me and revoke original probation. I lived by dell diamond for many years and had many providers do out calls and not one had issue coming to see me. Only reason dont do out calls is i love out in country. I agree with Victoria as long as you don't draw attention or use drugs no issues. Hell a RR pd officer lived in bldg next to me and none of the providers ever asked about cop car being close.
fun2come's Avatar
well they smelled the money (and not the cops).... and instinct took over, lol