Provider Name in Review Titles; Suggested or Required?

These are from new reviews, posted TODAY only:

+ Smallest and cutest spinner in Austin

+ Almost didn't make it past the "blow"

+ Just my type

+ Firm tits

+ Hate being the bad guy

+ Good time with

+ She is a goddess

That is seven (7) reviews today alone that DID NOT CONTAIN THE NAME OF THE PROVIDER in the title. Really?

Notes about Review Titles: Why it Makes Sense Use Title Wisely

+ It is useful for provider for handle name to be in review title

+ It enables familiar users to make click-to-read more efficiently

+ Enables visibility in "lists"

+ Title is separate field enabling current (and.or future) search functionality

+ Many providers will link (from their websites or twitter pages) reviews, but many prefer the "tease' so that unknown bob hobby can see only the title (unless Member here).

+ Increasingly peeps work on cellular screens, mobile versions show Review Title in their list.


Does the Community think its important enough to include name/handle in review so that reviews submitted without provider name will be "incomplete, misfire" ?

We are a Membership Community and Trees wants to hear what our Members think of this: Should we require name or handle in review titles?

Before setting this up as a "poll" or formally requesting advice from Admins, feedback from Austin - - one of ECCIE's liveliest cities - - will be helpful and more often than not, entertaining and informative.

Anybody have a "favorite" Review Title to share, please do.

trapperkeeper2000's Avatar
Yes, I agree the name should be in there.
Makes it much easier for us to scroll through reviews we want to see versus ones we can careless about.
Lil' Tex's Avatar
I think a name, or even alluding to provider, ie, Almost didn't make it past the "blow"
That being said, I like the clever and witty titles such as this more than... " Fun with Cindy Lou Who"
Of course it's fun, Moron! You're getting strange!
My $.02
3daygetaway's Avatar
Yes; but a clever title following a semicolon can meet both needs.
Exktf's Avatar
  • Exktf
  • 07-02-2013, 05:07 PM
I don't agree that a name is needed in a review, here are a few reasons

1. Not having a name in the title, is going to make me open that review thread, because I want to know who it is the review is about. Often with a name in the review, if you have read the number of reviews I have, I might skip over it, knowing that provider, provides generally good/bad service, why read another review of the same, no name there, provides curiosity. Once I open the thread, I at least skim the review, check the services, the recommendation, etc, see if its something I want to read.

2. Time - Does it really matter after a week or two what the title is? When you search for a provider, and check their review list, titles are not even displayed. They are listed as review by (Author), not the title given by the Author, so in essence the title is just a draw for the first 1-3 pages generally if its new, once its pushed back, its nearly forgotten.

3. Inventiveness - Most it seems, actually do try to throw a little catch in their title, to attract people to it, you can only see the same things so many times (almost tying into my number 1), before you again make the assumption who that provider is, and skip it. Example name Cock_Gobbler_Crystal, when I see reviews with a title like Crystal gobbled my cock, my cock was gobbled by crystal, etc etc, I know who the review is about again, they didn't exactly put the handle name in there, but I know who the review is of almost certainly. On the other hand a name like "I was Gobbled up" or "Crystal sucked the life outta me", you need to open that review, you might have a clue who its about, but you want to check it out.

I do sometimes place he basic name of the person in a review, but like to be creative sometimes also. The review itself is the important part, not the title, the only decision I make off the title is to read the review in the beginning, the review itself lets me make the informed decision on the provider in question.
Little Monster's Avatar
Not important at all. I omit the providers names in my titles a lot. If one is really interested in knowing who the review is about all they have to do is move the arrow cursor thingie on to the title and POOF!! a little box will show up with the date, providers name, providers phone #, providers email addy, and her website addy all show up in this little box without even having to click on the review. It's really quite simple and almost effortless.
Squarenot's Avatar
I have included in the title of review, the name/handle of every provider that I have reviewed. Personal style. However, I do not believe it is import or necessary to require that names/handles be included in the title by all poster/reviewers. We should be free to post as we see fit - within existing rules - and keep the rules simple at at a minimum.
MARTlAN's Avatar
I personally think that every review should begin with the title"Martianman......insert something here" but that's just me.
fun2come's Avatar
Being a HUGE proponent of provider names/handles in the review title, I am reading the comments against it. And while some have more time and are curious about every review, I can imagine that most are not.

LM, usage of the system is what I have retorted too, it's ok, but still an inconvenience.

Believing in "everything must be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." (yes Einstein again), I would cast my opinion towards:
Yes please include a name/handle in the title, doesn't cost a thing and helps find that new to us one that we all want to get to next in the most efficient way. Providers win that way as well in my opinion.

Here, on the first couple of pages there are some good examples:
HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit's Avatar
19 Trees, Who died and made you God? A couple days ago you're in WW telling a new girl she should change her handle, blah blah blah who cares? Now you start a thread telling guys how they should title THIER REVIEWS, WTF?
And exactly what is up with you hijacking everyone's post with you're pretty red font? Post your own, it's done by typing in the quick reply box at the bottom if threads!
Come back to Earth, you got a little power on a hooker board, you're not omnipotent!

HBWB, Trees proposed a topic for the community to consider, and the feedback has so far been responsive and illuminating and has taken both sides. Makes it helpful when we engage the Community on topics of mutual interest. If you have personal issues with Trees or any other Member please use our PM system. Thanks, 19Trees, Austin Mod Staff
GneissGuy's Avatar
Excellent idea to deny credit if the provider's name isn't in the review title.

I'd like the forum software to automatically put the name in the review instead of "Review:"
I personally prefer to see the provider name in the review title, but Little Monster is right, if you mouse over the title you'll see the first few lines of the review including the Provider Name, so I don't think a new rule is necessary.

And Trees, I agree with HBWB that adding your editorial comments to other people's posts is bad form and, frankly, abuse of your administrative power as a mod. You need to edit one of my posts due to a rules violation? Fine. Otherwise, you are participating as another member of the community and none of the rest of us can do that. So stay out of my post. You want to comment on my post? Make your own post.
mrhamm's Avatar
I would prefer the name of the provider in the title. I'm not going to ask the system do it automatically, as I rarely see upgrades here.
I think it should only be suggested but not required. They say that good writing involves a title that can "hook" its readers. I maybe the only one here, but I have been interested to see what the reviews are about based on the titles alone. Plus, if I am curious to see whom they are about, I can just hover my mouse pointer over the review link and see the provider name, just as Fratelli mentioned.