Constitutional Crisis’: Deep State Versus Donald Trump, Administration Over Transgender Individuals in Military

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Under Article III of the U.S. Constitution, the federal courts have no authority to make policy regarding the military. The Department of Justice (DoJ) should have protected the constitutional rights of President Donald J. Trump by filing an emergency appeal with the Supreme Court immediately after the District of Columbia and Fourth Circuit Courts of Appeals denied requests for stays of lower court preliminary injunctions. The issue is not the military transgender policy alone, but who gets to decide what the policy will be. By failing to petition the Supreme Court to stay the lower court orders, the DoJ has tacitly conceded that federal judges can make military policy and establish medical standards for enlistments.

In other words: DOJ lawyers are just like the lawyers for their clients, trying to formulate a legal strategy that they think will win their clients’ case. But, by no means has the DOJ abandoned the case—and it is still fighting to defend the legality of the president’s directive.
LexusLover's Avatar
I believe I will begin a movement to rename "Deep State" to "Hooligans" so that it will be more "inclusive" of the Anti/Never Trumpers and more accurately decriptive!

Under Article III of the U.S. Constitution, the federal courts have no authority to make policy regarding the military. The Department of Justice (DoJ) should have protected the constitutional rights of President Donald J. Trump by filing an emergency appeal with the Supreme Court immediately after the District of Columbia and Fourth Circuit Courts of Appeals denied requests for stays of lower court preliminary injunctions. The issue is not the military transgender policy alone, but who gets to decide what the policy will be. By failing to petition the Supreme Court to stay the lower court orders, the DoJ has tacitly conceded that federal judges can make military policy and establish medical standards for enlistments.

In other words: DOJ lawyers are just like the lawyers for their clients, trying to formulate a legal strategy that they think will win their clients’ case. But, by no means has the DOJ abandoned the case—and it is still fighting to defend the legality of the president’s directive.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
So is this why there is a " hold " on assup and the reach around crew's " swearing in " ceremony ????

Under Article III of the U.S. Constitution, the federal courts have no authority to make policy regarding the military. The Department of Justice (DoJ) should have protected the constitutional rights of President Donald J. Trump by filing an emergency appeal with the Supreme Court immediately after the District of Columbia and Fourth Circuit Courts of Appeals denied requests for stays of lower court preliminary injunctions. The issue is not the military transgender policy alone, but who gets to decide what the policy will be. By failing to petition the Supreme Court to stay the lower court orders, the DoJ has tacitly conceded that federal judges can make military policy and establish medical standards for enlistments.
But, by no means has the DOJ abandoned the case—and it is still fighting to defend the legality of the president’s directive.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
IF they have not done anything to appeal the courts decision, cause they tactically Conceded the point, THEY ARE abandoning their case..

AND TO ME That is exactly what i see going on. COURTS making laws, not congress..
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
IF they have not done anything to appeal the courts decision, cause they tactically Conceded the point, THEY ARE abandoning their case..

AND TO ME That is exactly what i see going on. COURTS making laws, not congress.. Originally Posted by garhkal
sounds like a good case to impeach some of these law making judges.
Pity we lack a congress who has the balls to do just that!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pity we lack a congress who has the balls to do just that! Originally Posted by garhkal
Pity we have a congress that lacks the balls to do the will of the people and shitcan the Scheissfuhrer and his corrupt, dangerous retrogressive regime.

That’s fixing to change.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
sounds like a good case to impeach some of these law making judges. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Do you have a collection of judges’ JUNK?

The “under the robes” collection?