Our POS president went out of his way to insult a diverse audience of all religious faiths that gathered....................


One of the most prominent black conservatives accused President Barack Obama of committing “verbal rape” with his National Prayer Breakfast speech last week in which Obama harped on the “terrible deeds” that had been committed “in the name of Christ” to tell Christians to get off their “high horse” regarding Islamic radicalism.

Parker was at the National Prayer Breakfast and was horrified during Obama’s speech–she described what Obama “did to us” as “verbal rape.” Parker said the “whole essence” of the prayer breakfast–and the three days of meetings–was the “bring together the three major religions of the world and see if they can sit down and and break bread and come to terms with each other.” She said that Obama was “so arrogant” that he could not even realize that the room was full of people from all over the world and half of the attendees were not even Christian.

In another more recent insulting comment, Obama has called the terror attack on Jews in a kosher supermarket in Paris last month an act of random violence, rather than a terror attack or an antisemitic attack.

How many more days do we have to suffer with this guy sitting in the White House?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Would that have brought back the dead? SNICK!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Would that have brought back the dead? SNICK! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You stupid asshole, Whirlaway is honoring our people, and yet you insult him.
You are a stupid faggot, and a disgrace to the diaspora, as previously noted.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You do not honor someone by talking shit about someone else. if you were Jewish, you'd know that.

Typical idiocy from Fraud Flintstone... Getting his last licks in. Expect a meltdown tonight.

Do we get a full farewell performance tonight, or will you go for the full board ban?