BeAUmOnt for my birthday, where to stay at, dine at and away from....

Thinking of visiting for my birthday! Never Been for biz. Any info and such about where to stay at and away from would help!
Looking to celebrate between 22 - 24 th of January! Please do list your interest and restaurants with the best seafood as well as what areas are too busy due to traffic, ect.

Thanks everyone! Looking to make my wishes come true with some new friends and might find myself here!


Miss Dreams

Hi Miss Dreams - Welcome! You might want to check out this recent thread in regard to where to stay / not to stay in Beaumont:

The area has lots of great restaurants too. One of my favorites for seafood is The Schooner in Nederland (a short drive from Beaumont). Floyd's on I-10 is also popular.

Traffic is generally not a huge problem in most places in Beaumont. Any questions, feel free to e-mail me directly!