Another win for providers

King DngALng's Avatar
Risk is a part of life. Regardless of what you do, there is risk involved. That truth relates very closely to our hobby. Had an interesting conversation today. I was out getting lunch and chatted with some nurses from a local clinic. I've been under the weather lately and decided to pick their brains while we waited for food. What began as a simple innocent conversion turned into something a lot scarier. I decided to sit with them and continue the conversation. During the chat, I began flirting shamelessly with one of the nurses. Long story short, the convo ventured into the realm of sex, testing and STDs. I'm fairly new to the area and I had no idea that Louisiana has such a Hi rate for syphilis! It seems that the parishes of Caddo/Bossier are number one in the state! Holy fucking shit! Jaw dropped, scared the shit out of me as I have and like to flirt and try to pick up women out of malls, grocery stores, restaurants (obviously)... Made me think of how risky all of this is. Regardless, made me think that the good reliable providers probably get tested pretty regularly and the risk of catching something from a provider is more than likely less probable than catching something from a random pickup that probably hasn't been tested in years.

How do y'all manage to deal with knowledge of the risk? Do y'all forget or just realize it's part of the game? I honestly don't think about it as I get tested annually (checked recently) but holy shit...#1? Man that's crazy.

I'd like to hear from both providers and mongers/hobbyists.
whizard of Oz's Avatar
If I picked up a gal in a bar , restaurant or where ever it might be, since I don't know this person at all, I would use protection. I am just not going to take that chance. For me to go without protection, I would have to know the gal really really well before I would go without protection. At this stage in game with all the STD's you can get, I am just not going to risk it.

The other disease people over look and do not think about is Hepatitis C. Its transmitted from one person to another by blood but their is the possibility of transmission by body fluids. It usually asymptomatic. There is a cure for now, but many years ago, there was no cure.
Yep these backpage/ eccie gals are the epitome of clean and healthy......
Women - provider or not should always get tested. We have a doctor (obgyn) specifically for our lady parts and reproductive health. In other words, there's no excuses.