Providers asking for donations/sessions

I hope I don't come off sounding like an ass for this. But I'm getting pretty tired of being asked for money, or out right donations, from providers who I hardly know or have never met in person. I've been asked numerous times in the last few months and not only does it put me in a very uncomfortable position but it really is a big turn off for me. The chances of me booking a session with you are greatly diminished if you beg me for money. LOL If it is not the outright begging for money it is the old, "I'm broke, please some play with me" line.

I completely understand if something tragic happens to someone and they are in need of some help. That's a whole different matter all together and when I can, I help those in need.

I guess I come off as a nice guy to those who can't budget for themselves. maybe I need to add something to my signature line that states I do not donate to broke providers. I don't know but this is getting kind of ridiculous. Three times in the last two days, time to put a stop to it!

Surely I'm not the only one getting hammered by these requests? Does this happen to you?

Go ahead. Light me up. I'm a big boy and can take it.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Hey TexAss

It happened to me once with a provider I really like. She needed money for something and asked if I wanted a session. It just so happens I did so it worked out. Other than that, you must be pretty popular. Are they asking for money for nothing or asking for a session? Also. most the girls I see know I am single so texting me or calling me is just fine. If you are single and let them know that, they may feel more comfortable reaching out to you than to married guys.
TexRich's Avatar
hey TA, sorry to hear. But, I do not have those issues but I can see how that could be a real turn off.

now on the other side of the equation, I wonder how many ladies get broke ass clients contacting them like Whimpy asking Popeye..."I'll gladly pay you next Tuesday for a Hamburger today."
TonyStark's Avatar
I like Hamburgers!
Int3rested's Avatar
Tuesdayburgers are good...medium well...
Lana Warren's Avatar
I've given you enough titty slaps to last a lifetime! You owe me, buddy!
Nitwitboy's Avatar
You kill me Stark
nbs4143's Avatar
TA, I'm with you on that issue with providers that asks for money because they are broke! It happened to me more than a couple times when a provider ask me the next day to get her a new laptop, or to pay their phone bill and other stuff.

And yea, it is a TURN OFF for me too.
I've only had one provider ever call out of the blue once. I tried to make it clear that unsolicited contact is a very touchy thing to do as some clients or relationships could become jeopardized. Ladies, we love you, we really do, we value our time together greatly, but please do not try to contact us by phone, email, text, etc. If you need to get ahold of a client for some reason, send a message through this service.
I will never understand why a lady would ever do this kind of thing... I will try to get you to come see me...thats what we do...but I am not going to say "hey will you come see me, Im broke and need money" thats just tacky.

I also dont understand the unsolicited calls....Even when guys tell me its ok to call anytime...I dont...
  • T-Can
  • 02-11-2011, 05:30 AM

Surely I'm not the only one getting hammered by these requests? Does this happen to you? Originally Posted by TexAss
Never has and I'm trying to figure out why they are hitting you up since you are an ass
rcinokc's Avatar
I'm thinking that if you quit driving the Rolls to appointments it would help. Think hobby car, '92 Saturn with less than a full set of hubcaps. All kidding aside, desperation in any form sends me running like the wind.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I used to be the type of guy who was a complete sucker for this stuff. My hobbying consisted of women who would call/text/pm me to see them. My reasoning in my big head was they actually wanted to see the little head. When in fact I was just an easy source of income for them.

I used to get on here and say how honored I was that she would choose me out of all you other hard legs. Certain circumstances are different and they may actually want to see me. The percentage of those women is very small.
Please understand this before reading on...I am NOT making a desperate plea here!

BUT, if anyone here just feels like handing monies out...give me a call!

Don't take it personally though...every time I visit my bank, I ask them if they are handing out free samples. It's so crazy but I can NEVER get our schedules to mesh. They have always run out of samples JUST before I get there...DAMN the luck!
Asking a client for money is the most rude thing that you can do. I have regulars that say I can text them anytime for anything . And when time goes by and they come to see me on their own they ask why haven't you called me to come see you? I say I just cant do that.