Electronic Ecigarettes

woodstretcher's Avatar
Just was curious if anyone has tried or heard someone else using these new electronic cigarettes. I was hoping that a discussion would ensue upon it's merits. Personally, I kicked the habit over a decade ago.
I am familiar with NO7 ECIGS, tips glow when you inhale. Does anyone use them?
McSquid's Avatar
IMO, They leave you wanting a cigarette.
runswithscissors's Avatar
Close friend of mine has used them as an emergency plan when she is stuck in airports and travelling in general. I don't know if their purpose is to help you quit or if it is just a "pacifier" if you are in a situation were you cannot smoke.

I do know that she has switched to the brand that is black and really does not look like a cigarette after nearly being lynched in an airport seating area waiting for a three hour overdue flight. The brand she had looked like a cigarette and the tip even glowed when inhaling. People freaked out and verbally accosted her until they realized it was an electronic cigarette.

She has since learned to go to a restroom or somewhere not in general public areas to use it due to people freaking out and thinking she is lighting up.