Long Overdue...

Hey you guys, I know I've been promising new pics for the longest. I was going to wait until after my implant surgery but I don't suppose it would hurt to post a few BEFORE pictures. Enjoy these and be looking out for the AFTER shots, I'm sure they'll be even better.

Also, I'm sure the recent gossip has raised a few questions about both my personal life and my TCB skills. I have nothing to hide and would hate to lose any old friends or miss out on making any new ones. If you have any concerns please PM me.
MrHappy4u's Avatar
Nice new pix
jon5150's Avatar
very nice!
Looking good, girlie!
A picture is as they say worth a thousand words. Unless they leave you speechless.
jon5150's Avatar
A picture is as they say is worth a thousand words. Unless they leave you speechless. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
As always Chan, you are correct!!
To post the one I get a kick out of!!!!
A picture is as they say is worth a thousand words. Unless they leave you speechless. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
+1 Mr. Chan and now I'm speechless. Gorgeous pictures Brittany
Bluesboy's Avatar
Beautiful photos! Lovely breasts au natural. Mother Nature did such wonderful work... don't let some doctor mess them up.
To post the one I get a kick out of!!!! Originally Posted by dddd1135
Well, now you have to post it, Brittany. It's no fair to leave us all in suspense!

Beautiful photos! Lovely breasts au natural. Mother Nature did such wonderful work... don't let some doctor mess them up. Originally Posted by Bluesboy
I totally agree with Bluesboy. Your breasts look find the way they are! But they're your boobies...your decision.
jon5150's Avatar
+++1 to Ginger and Bluesboy, I luv them breasts just the way they are, but I'm sure I'll luv the new ones as well ;-)
you are gorgeous
hmm..I am partial to the one with you wearing nothing but Ugg boots.
Sydney Pure's Avatar
You look Beautiful babe!!
fwithbenes71's Avatar
Well I've never been one to believe rumors, but the facts are you (meaning ur breasts) are indeed fantastic,as well as the rest of you I might say. Keep your chin up and hopefully we can act like old friends again and again!