Do you think that backpage is now just to Dangerous

It seems that more and more people ate getting robbed or almost robbed by girls there maybe more than usual ????
pyramider's Avatar
Nah, people are just getting careless.
LickHer's Avatar
It's just a sign of the times and has nothing to do with BP...
oldmarine's Avatar
Yous pays your money and yous takes your chances. Stay with eccie and p411.
devour's Avatar
Nah, people are just getting careless. Originally Posted by pyramider

Agreed. Use common sense and you won't get burned.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I have not been on bp in a long time, when I was on there I got some really good clients and I never had any issues with any of them. After reading all of the bad stuff on here about bp it has really kind of scared me away from advertising there again
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
if you are careless about screening you run a chance of getting robbed or hurt...screen screen screen!!!
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Backpage has always been dangerous if you're a sucker or an idiot who can't out-think his dick. People blame Backpage because they can't come to terms with the foolish decisions they made or their outright stupidity. These are probably the same guys that blame their golf clubs for their horrible game. Backpage, like any other escort page is a place you view ads and a phone number. The rest is up to you.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Jessica Jade's Avatar
All you have to do is google the providers number. Just that simple. If she had bad or zero reviews, move on. Otherwise, there have been providers that advertise there that have MANY great eccie reviews and on p411.(I was one of them)
Red Tex's Avatar
Its basically where all the streetwalkers went. Now you go into a room and get robbed, before ypu were in your car. Less chance of getting busted, more dangerous for play. For both parties.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I just don't think people are doing their homework. Gents need to research. Ladies need to screen.

Just my 2cents