No, Liberal Lefties are Not Right-Wing

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

looks like the lefties are having an identity crisis.

article speaks of left wing variants.

liberal leftist <-- they're centrist. this group has issues being called right wing by the radicals & identity leftist

Radical leftist <-- true believers

Identity leftist <-- Liberal leftist say they are not left wing at all. if not, what are they then?

the writer complains that the radicals are giving liberal leftist/centrist a hard time with messaging.

because of the language abuse at being called racist, & etc. a number of liberal leftist joined the right wing as their safe home from abuse.

the writer wants those people to come back.

dunno about that, so as long as the radicals & identity leftist use abusive language, not coming back.
rexdutchman's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Variants? What does this have to do with sex?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Variants? What does this have to do with sex? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

actually none. is that a surprise? lol.

we're talking polity and so it goes.

you seem to think leftists are all the same. they're not.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
How many different genders are there according to the left? I thought this was a hip crowd...
This is a funny article about the divisions within Leftism.

I'm concerned the leftists will take up the method of the Taliban and start killing off other lefties who aren't pure. Leftists got away with bombing the shit out of things in the sixties - maybe they will try that again?

Innocent people could get hurt in the process.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah the snowflakes need a safe place