The mind boggles at the possibilities

Toolman's Avatar
Google Translation:

"The flexibility of the Ross Sisters
Fantastic girls, famous at the time.
A video from 1944 was recovered, scanned and colored. In this classical choreography of the film "Broadway Rhythm", the so-called The Ross Sisters, Aggie, Maggie and Elmira, sing and move in a way that does not seem humanly possible. In the first 45 seconds they sing. But what comes next is impressive."

Watch to the end!
macksback's Avatar
I bet you they were sore as hell the next day. All of those moves would have killed me.
pyramider's Avatar
They should have been nekkid.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-09-2013, 06:34 PM
The first singing part I was ready to slap you for posting that. But the rest was interesting, I never could do that without someone breaking my bones.

Excellent. Thanks!

Old Dingus
Damn, my back is sore!!!!!