Here we go again.

Dammit Cody worrying about that was the only thing keeping me from banging every female porn actress out there !!!! Seriously though I have to wonder if it's another false scare like the Vivid HIV one ?
Some individuals do not test positive for HIV until six months after exposure. Even if these actors and actresses brought in a clean test from last week, they could have contracted any number of things in the past week of unprotected sex. It's a scary world out there.

Call me old-fashioned, but I think everyone should insist on a condom every time. This is especially important for high risk groups. I know that when you see a condom in porn that it is distracting. This is simply because we are used to not seeing them. If it were the norm, none of us would even blink an eye.
I tend to watch porn quite a bit the older I get and I see the same 5-10 dudes in every god dam movie, unless these actress are banging a ton of dudes outside the movie set it would appear they see less guys than a traveling Provider in one week, yes there are still risks having unprotected sex with multiple partners...