Hypocrites SUCK and a JOKE sentance

If this happened to a NRA member they would bury you under the jail.

GUN STUN: Gun control activist swears he forgot he was carrying gun while visiting school


7:34 AM 02/10/2014 by ERIC OWENS

A Buffalo, N.Y. community activist who is well known locally for pushing for a highly restrictive 2013 gun control law has been arrested for — wait for it — carrying a gun illegally at a public elementary school.

The arrested gun-control advocate, Dwayne Ferguson, caused quite a scene at Harvey Austin Elementary School, reports local CBS affiliate WIVB.

At about 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, police acted on a pair of anonymous 911 tips. A battalion of cops quickly swarmed the school. The brigade included over a dozen squad cars, the SWAT team and K9 units. The Erie County Sheriff’s Air One helicopter and what appears to be an armored vehicle also turned up.

The school was immediately placed on lockdown. Parts of two streets were closed.

About 60 students who were still on campus participating in after-school activities were funneled to the cafeteria.

Cops searched the school room by room and would not let parents on campus until they were satisfied that no shooting threat existed.

Ferguson, 52, was at Harvey Elementary because he works as a mentor in an after-school program for disadvantaged students.

He said he frequently carries a pistol. He has a license but the license does not matter under the strict state law Ferguson helped pass.

Among much else, the 2013 law, deemed New York’s SAFE Act, made it a felony to carry a gun on school property, according to The Buffalo News.

While it had previously been illegal to carry a gun on school grounds, the new law bumped the crime from a misdemeanor to a felony in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

The community activist has claimed that he forgot he was carrying his gun in a felony gun-free zone he helped create.

Rev. James E. Giles, Ferguson’s friend and the president of Buffalo’s Back to Basics Outreach Ministries, vouched for this claim.

“I’m sure Dwayne went into the school not thinking he had the gun on him,” Giles told The Buffalo News.

Giles said Ferguson even asked police on the scene what was going on.

“Dwayne’s reaction was to get his kids — he had about 50 of them — and make sure they were safe,” Giles explained.

Ferguson was eventually busted when police were patting down the people at the school so they could evacuate. He was wearing the gun in a holster. Throughout the duration of the terrifying lockdown, the community activist never bothered to tell the cops that he was carrying a gun.

“He had opportunities,” local chief of police Kevin Brinkworth told the News.

“I will say he had no ill intent to harm these students,” Brinkworth noted. “I don’t know why he had it on him.”

Ferguson is the head of the Buffalo chapter of MAD DADS, a national group that opposes gang violence and illegal drugs. MAD DADS is an acronym for Men Against Destruction Defending Against Drugs and Social Disorder.

The father of three also belongs to Buffalo Peacemakers, a separate anti-violence group that stands athwart gang-related crime.

Still more, Ferguson is something of a professional vigilante in Buffalo. He can be seen patrolling local malls and city streets in an effort to stop gang violence.

Ferguson now faces two felony charges of criminal gun possession.

He faced his first court hearing on Friday, reports local NBC affiliate WGRZ. Prosecutors had asked Judge Jeanette Ogden to set bail at $10,000. However, Ogden allowed Ferguson to walk out of her courtroom on his own recognizance, citing his community involvement and his squeaky clean criminal record.

Ogden did order Ferguson to submit all of his guns to authorities and to stay away from Harvey Austin Elementary until his criminal case has been resolved.

Wait, It gets better...

GETTING AWAY WITH IT: Gun Control Activist Who Swore He Forgot He Was Packing Heat At School Gets JOKE Sentence


8:35 AM 09/23/2014

Back in February, a Buffalo, N.Y. community activist who pushed for a highly restrictive 2013 gun control law was arrested for — wait for it — carrying a gun illegally at a public elementary school.

The wheels of criminal justice have now slowly, slowly churned to completion. And wouldn’t you know it? The judge in the case has now found it in his heart to give the heat-packing activist, Dwayne Ferguson, a generously light sentence.

On Monday, Judge John L. Michalek sentenced Ferguson to 100 hours of community service and a conditional discharge, according to local CBS affiliate WIVB. Michalek also sternly ordered Ferguson to keep his nose clean.

If Ferguson completes the service requirements and stays out of trouble, he won’t have to answer for the substantially more serious charge initially levied against him: Possessing a firearm on schools grounds. (He initially was looking at two felony charges of criminal gun possession.)

The state probation department endorsed the lenient sentence in a presentencing report, The Buffalo News notes.

Ferguson caused quite a scene at Harvey Austin Elementary School some eight months ago when he waltzed right inside with a firearm.

At about 4:15 p.m. on a Thursday afternoon, police acted on a pair of anonymous 911 tips. A battalion of cops quickly swarmed the school. The brigade included over a dozen squad cars, the SWAT team and K9 units. The Erie County Sheriff’s Air One helicopter and what appears to be an armored vehicle also turned up. (RELATED: GUN STUN: Gun Control Activist Swears He Forgot He Was Carrying Gun While Visiting School)

The school was immediately placed on lockdown. Parts of two streets were closed.

About 60 students who were still on campus participating in after-school activities were funneled to the cafeteria.

Cops searched the school room by room and would not let parents on campus until they were satisfied that no shooting threat existed.

Ferguson was at Harvey Elementary because he works as a mentor in an after-school program for disadvantaged students.

“Emotions and tensions were running high and everyone was concerned about preventing a mass shooting on school property,” Ferguson’s defense lawyer, Joseph Agro, declared at the sentencing hearing, according to WIVB. “In the midst of it all his main concern was to protect the kids and he didn’t even think that they were there to look for him.”

Ferguson has a license to carry a gun but the license does not matter under a strict state gun control law he himself helped pass.

Among much else, the 2013 law, deemed New York’s SAFE Act, made it a felony to carry a gun on school property, according to The Buffalo News.

While it had previously been illegal to carry a gun on school grounds, the new law bumped the crime from a misdemeanor to a felony in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

The community activist thus claimed that he forgot he was carrying his gun in a felony gun-free zone he helped create.

“Hundreds if not thousands of young men he has assisted in this community over a 20-year period,” Agro pontificated on behalf of his client. “You have a guy here who’s dedicated his life to this community and made a mistake. He completely owns up to it and accepts full responsibility.”

The father of three who belongs to Buffalo Peacemakers carries a gun wherever he goes, the attorney added, according to the CBS affiliate.

“I’m still on the street doing what I’m doing at funerals, football games, making sure these young men and young ladies continue on making sure they have a better life than what I do,” Ferguson said, according to WIVB.

Ferguson faced a maximum of four years in prison on the eventually pared-down charges against him.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If a conviction is on his record, and he completes the 100 hours of community service, I think it is a fair sentence. If he does it again, however, he should get the national award for being the stupidest fucking liberal in his whole state.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
SNICK! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I'm glad you understand how outrageous this is... THANKS for your support... "Hissy Fit the Sodomite Oxygen Thief".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
"Hissy Fit the Sodomite Oxygen Thief". Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What a fine American you are, Slobbrin!

BTW -- what exactly is a JOKE sentance? Don't any of you fucking idiots have Speelcchdck?

You would get smacked down in the elementary schoolyard... Little kids have better bullshit than you!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-23-2014, 10:37 PM
If a conviction is on his record, and he completes the 100 hours of community service, I think it is a fair sentence. If he does it again, however, he should get the national award for being the stupidest fucking liberal in his whole state. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I think your assessment is about right, though I do think the 100 hours should have been more. Reputation and past works--good or bad--should be a factor. We overuse jail/prison too often when there is no assessed risk of violence.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I hope the same applies to a NRA member who is known to support concealed carry but has no record or intent to harm anyone but just made a mistake.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I hope the same applies to a NRA member who is known to support concealed carry but has no record or intent to harm anyone but just made a mistake. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2014, 05:38 AM
I think if you read the posted article it was about much more than the stance on guns. I do hope that an NRA member who ALSO had that kind of involvement in the community would get similar treatment.

Don't try to oversimplify this to a one-issue argument.
It's a shame he didn't get the same treatment as Shaneen Allen. http://www.nationalreview.com/articl...rles-c-w-cooke

Last year, a single mother of two named Shaneen Allen drove from her home state of Pennsylvania into neighboring New Jersey with a concealed handgun in her purse. Unaware that her carry-permit was not automatically accepted in all 50 states, Allen made the mistake of informing a cop who had pulled her over for a minor driving infraction that she had a gun in the back seat, and, having so confessed, she was arrested. Before long, she had been charged with both illegal possession of a firearm and possession of hollow-point ammunition — crimes that, taken together, carry a mandatory minimum sentence of three years in jail, and a legal maximum of eleven. Overnight, Allen’s world collapsed.

Bizarrely, officials in Atlantic County elected to throw the book at her, lead prosecutor James McClain not only declining to downgrade or drop the charges entirely, but also denying Allen entry into a “pre-trial intervention” program that would have kept her out of prison.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, she spent 42 days in jail before she could make bail. She lost her job even though she has not been found guilty of anything. This is the same prosecutor who gave Ray Rice pre-trial intervention for hitting his wife.

This ought to soften the hearts of the libs.

She has raised over $65,000 from those heartless, gun owning conservatives. http://gogetfunding.com/project/shan...l-defense-fund
Yes, she spent 42 days in jail before she could make bail. She lost her job even though she has not been found guilty of anything. This is the same prosecutor who gave Ray Rice pre-trial intervention for hitting his wife.

This ought to soften the hearts of the libs.

She has raised over $65,000 from those heartless, gun owning conservatives. http://gogetfunding.com/project/shan...l-defense-fund Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
While I agree with you that she was treated unfairly and the Prosecutor seems to have a double standard, I wonder how you know who sent the donations. All Dems are not against guns, actually most are not at all they just read the whole second amendment and understand that regulations are a prerequisite of it.
I hate that Ferguson and Allen both made a mistake and wish them both well. Rice on the other hand is the one that should be jailed.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-24-2014, 03:12 PM
It's a shame he didn't get the same treatment as Shaneen Allen. Originally Posted by filbone
No, not at all. It is a shame Allen didn't get the same/similar treatment that Ferguson did.

Yes, she spent 42 days in jail before she could make bail. She lost her job even though she has not been found guilty of anything. This is the same prosecutor who gave Ray Rice pre-trial intervention for hitting his wife.

This ought to soften the hearts of the libs.

She has raised over $65,000 from those heartless, gun owning conservatives. http://gogetfunding.com/project/shan...l-defense-fund Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you REALLY sure the $65K came from conservatives? Did they only accept contributions from card carrying NRA members? I am happy to see that some people came to her aid--too bad you seem to throw in some unfounded political commentary. As some on here like to say, cite your source that this is conservative money.

I do agree with you that the prosecutor is an incompetent egomaniac based upon these two decisions. And I agree that of the three, Rice is the true criminal, while the other two seem to be people who made mistakes.

PS: Thank you for posting the link. I just made a contribution and hope others on here will too. This is someone who seems to have been wronged by the stsyem whether she is a conservative or lib or apolitical.
It's a shame he didn't get the same treatment as Shaneen Allen. http://www.nationalreview.com/articl...rles-c-w-cooke

Last year, a single mother of two named Shaneen Allen drove from her home state of Pennsylvania into neighboring New Jersey with a concealed handgun in her purse. Unaware that her carry-permit was not automatically accepted in all 50 states, Allen made the mistake of informing a cop who had pulled her over for a minor driving infraction that she had a gun in the back seat, and, having so confessed, she was arrested. Before long, she had been charged with both illegal possession of a firearm and possession of hollow-point ammunition — crimes that, taken together, carry a mandatory minimum sentence of three years in jail, and a legal maximum of eleven. Overnight, Allen’s world collapsed.

Bizarrely, officials in Atlantic County elected to throw the book at her, lead prosecutor James McClain not only declining to downgrade or drop the charges entirely, but also denying Allen entry into a “pre-trial intervention” program that would have kept her out of prison. Originally Posted by filbone

Awesome post and link... Thanks!
Hypocrisy has it's rewards...and it's good news for Shaneen. Somebody woke up?

Pre-trial intervention for Shaneen Allen

LAST UPDATED: Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 5:14 PM
POSTED: Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 5:08 PM

Following a review by state Attorney General, the Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office on Wednesday announced that it would allow a Pennsylvania woman - charged last year with illegally bringing a legally registered gun into New Jersey - to enter into a pre-trial intervention program and avoid jail time.

The county prosecutor's previous stance on the case involving Shaneen Allen, 27, of Philadelphia, was to make the case a "deterrent," by either forcing a plea or bringing the case to trial against the mother of two.

But Atlantic County Prosecutor Jim McClain said in a statement that in applying factors set out in the Attorney General's review, he had "determined that the defendant in this case should be offered the opportunity to be admitted into the Atlantic County PTI program" and that within the next few weeks his office would be reviewing similarly pending cases.

Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/ne...iXkZ7CMBQA2.99